Daily Mail: COP28 will be an Oil and Gas Contract Bazaar

Essay by Eric Worrall

Can you imagine a more hilariously ignoble end to the great push to green the global economy, than for the centrepiece of the green movement to transform into a giant oil and gas market?

Dubai’s climate shambles exposed: UAE energy tsar Sultan Al Jaber secretly used COP28 talks to push his own oil and gas projects, in latest shock revelations about warming meet


PUBLISHED: 04:15 AEDT, 28 November 2023 | UPDATED: 04:15 AEDT, 28 November 2023

UAE officials have used the UN climate change talks they will host this week to push for lucrative new oil and gas deals, say the latest damaging leaks about the summit in Dubai.

Sultan Al Jaber, the Emirati president of the UN’s COP28 meeting, planned to raise commercial oil and gas interests with foreign officials ahead of talks in the UAE’s business hub, leaked internal reports show.

They are the latest claims to cast doubt on whether the talks will boost efforts to cut emissions of planet-heating gases — or are more akin to a public relations exercise for the Gulf petro-monarchy.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796143/Dubai-climate-shambles-UAE-energy-Sultan-Al-Jaber-secret-COP28-oil-gas.html

Maybe I should write to Sultan Al Jabber, suggest he pay WUWT a commission for advertising his COP28 oil industry bazaar?

Obviously it is unfair the UAE’s oil and gas industry is getting all the attention, so to maintain parity and fairness, I vote the next big green environmental COP conference be hosted by Saudi Arabia.

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November 28, 2023 8:11 pm

The left have been marching through all our institutions for decades about time we marched right back. Highjacking their precious COP meetings is too funny.

John Hultquist
November 28, 2023 8:19 pm

The UN has become the biggest mistake humans have made.
Other suggestions welcomed.

Reply to  John Hultquist
November 28, 2023 11:23 pm

Maurice Strong’s mum and dad

Rod Evans
Reply to  Redge
November 28, 2023 11:57 pm

On the same thought path….Mrs Trudeau’s dalliance with Fidel Castro 🙂

Reply to  John Hultquist
November 29, 2023 1:25 am


71+ major conflicts around the world since 1945.

The UN has utterly failed in its principle objective so, to justify its existence, it now cowers behind climate change.

Rich Davis
Reply to  John Hultquist
November 29, 2023 3:55 am

I suggest we transfer the United Nations complex from New York to Russia’s Vostok research station in East Antarctica. It’s the ideal venue to observe the rapid melting!

They should hold all future COPs there.

Since the invisible climate catastrophe-disaster-emergency-apocalypse is so urgent, all preparations should be made to hold COP 29 early. It can’t wait until the Antarctic late-spring conditions of November/December. I’d say July or August 2024 would be best–when all threat of heat waves has passed, up there on the ice dome.

It may be difficult to house the 70,000 partiers and their prostitutes on such short notice, so they may need to make do in tents for the first year.

Reply to  Rich Davis
November 29, 2023 5:46 am

Churchill, so that they go on a long walk to see all the polar bears.

Reply to  Rich Davis
November 29, 2023 7:11 am


November 28, 2023 8:22 pm

UAE to host climate conference! Just Stop Oil protesters jet into the UAE to protest at COP28!

Richard Page
Reply to  SteveG
November 29, 2023 6:24 am

And what was wrong with the overland route? It may take slightly longer, especially by climate-friendly bicycle or golf cart, but you get the picturesque scenery of eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, parts of either Afghanistan or Kazakhstan and through lovely Iran, gateway to the friendly Middle East. sarc (but you knew this already, what with me obviously playing around with the geography a bit).

Reply to  SteveG
November 30, 2023 2:14 am

Of course they will fly. They are lefties and therefore highly skilled in the art of hypocrisy.

November 28, 2023 9:38 pm

The UAE can easily claim that their efforts to ramp up production of liquid natural gas will have great benefits to the environment, to the fanatical Climate Witnesses attending the COP. Their customers can forego going back to burning coal, like Germany was forced to do, and it avoids needlessly flaring the gas. The UAE has just finished unboxing a beautiful set of Korean Nuclear’s finest and it can even lay claim to vast seas of solar panels running desalination plants.

November 28, 2023 11:22 pm

Shame on the oil industry.

It’s not as though the wind and solar industry have been doing deals and lobbying for special favours since COP1 is it?

November 29, 2023 1:24 am

After 27 of these UNhinged gatherings….

They’ve been networking

Ed Zuiderwijk
November 29, 2023 2:12 am

Small wonder the Pope stays away. His advisors got it right this time.

Ed Zuiderwijk
November 29, 2023 2:16 am

The next COP, if there is one, ought to be in a place that produces nothing but hot air. I suggest Windhoek, Timbuktu or San Pedro de Atacama.

Rod Evans
Reply to  Ed Zuiderwijk
November 29, 2023 3:14 am

Now if it is hot air that becomes the prime location decider, how about the UN itself?

November 29, 2023 4:48 am

Some adjacent news.

LONDON (Reuters) -Four major banks, including Standard Chartered Plc and HSBC Plc, have quit a United Nations-backed initiative to scrutinise climate targets set by corporations, according to people familiar with the matter.


To justify their departures, which happened separately and over the past year, some of the banks cited their membership of another United Nations-backed grouping, the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), which is less prescriptive and allows lenders to continue to finance fossil fuels as long as they make progress on their emissions. Many lenders say they should finance fossil fuels as long as economies depend on them.

Two UN backed climate target groups? Sounds like a job creation scheme for crazed alarmists. Anyway, the cracks are indeed beginning to show.

Richard Page
November 29, 2023 6:15 am

The Green Blob have been trying to undermine and discredit COP28 ever since they found out that Sultan Al Jaber would be chair. Given their usual underhand tactics, I would imagine they will try almost anything to get someone else in as chair and/or host. Even the article is so foaming-at-the-mouth hysterical and twisted up about it; “UAE officials have used (past tense) the UN climate change talks they will host (future tense) this week…”
It’s an absolute farce – only the people they approve of can be included, only the topics they approve of may be discussed, only they can be the arbiters of climate change, only they can be the saviours of mankind. And, despite the Green Blobs hysterical shrieking, ‘they’ do not include the activists, ‘they’ are the rich financial and political elite, arguably (if one believes the green hysteria) the ones that should be held to account for climate change. It’s nutjobbery all the way down.

Reply to  Richard Page
November 29, 2023 7:14 am

Lord Monckton, Anthony Watts and Willis E for co-hosts.

Andy Pattullo
November 29, 2023 9:44 am

No matter what motives people imagine, the UAE is providing exactly what the world needs, especially those developing nations where most of the comforts of modern life we enjoy are scarce. Sultan Al Jaber stands out as acting on reality rather than the false climate crisis scare. The more fossil fuel producers focus on the real goal of energy security, the safer the most vulnerable will be from price crises that can destroy their lives in short order. Western national governments such as in Canada, Australia and the US are committing a crime against the poorest nations by conspiring to inhibit their own fossil fuel production at the expense of those who desperately need more on the market.

The only thing worse they could do is to destroy food production through government interference leaving those living in the most marginal economies to wither and die from hunger. And those same western nations seem intent on doing just that as they strangle modern agriculture with idiotic and insincere environmental regulation.

November 29, 2023 12:06 pm

Makes perfect sense right? How to make fast money leveraging the climate crazy in the west.

It would be wonderful if dream energy tech emerged and cheap energy restored by dramatically increasing efficiencies so we can hammer these cartels. Unfortunately, they have it all wrapped up in crappy windmill blades and solar panels in crappy energy systems.

Meanwhile the power mongers what us to eat bugs and the holy green masses are using AI to write better vegan and bug cook books.

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