Essay by Eric Worrall
More Carbon Credit crimes against humanity?
Kenya’s Ogiek people being evicted for carbon credits – lawyers
By Claire Marshall
BBC Environment & Rural Affairs Correspondent
Kenya’s government is illegally evicting hunter-gatherers from their ancestral lands to profit from carbon offsetting schemes, human rights lawyers say.
Hundreds of members of the Ogiek community are being evicted from the Mau Forest, say their representatives.
Ogiek leader Daniel Kobei said armed forest rangers were “pulling down the houses with axes and hammers”.
Kenya’s government says such operations are to protect the environment.
Dr Justin Kenrick from the Forest People’s Programme said that carbon credits and offsetting were “key” to what was happening.
The developing global carbon credit market allows a polluter to emit carbon dioxide or other climate-heating gas and pay a forest owner to capture those emissions through the carbon-absorption power of their trees.
Dr Kenrick argues that by evicting the Ogiek, Kenya’s government is trying to cement its full territorial – and financial – control over an increasingly lucrative asset.
“Those in control of Africa’s forests stand to earn a lot of money,” he said.
“The Mau is Kenya’s biggest forest and in our view it’s clear that the interest shown by offsetting companies is prompting the Kenyan Government to assert its control.
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It is time to boycott any company which publicly declares an investment in carbon credits, just as decent people boycott Chinese goods made by slave labor.
Carbon credit atrocities against vulnerable native people have been happening for years, yet nobody seems to care – Western companies just keep pouring money into these vile schemes. Western corporate desperation for a little virtue signalling just seems more important to them than the fact some of their carbon credit money is being used to fund committing violence against African villagers.
I can understand companies turning a blind eye to rampant carbon credit fraud. Nobody cares if the carbon credits are fraudulent, except when that fraud is exposed. But what kind of monster can turn a blind eye to people being forcibly evicted from their homes, just so carbon credit purveyors can claim their subsidy farm forest is pristine?
It’s time to pull the plug on these blood soaked carbon credits once and for all, and to stop associating with businesses which promote or boast about their use.
I will argue that a lack of land titles affects resources in most of the world. As the locals have no direct rights to their land, especially oil or other minerals, the government will tend to act as it sees fit.
Titles aren’t always that much protection. I faced a situation a while ago where it was made clear to me via back channels that if I didn’t sell, and admittedly for a good price, I would face eminent domain – and this was in a Western Anglo-Saxon nation which is normally considered to have strong rule of law.
If this happens in the West, what is the situation like in Africa? With the kind of money on the table for carbon credits, I doubt the Ogiek would stand a chance, even if their paperwork was in order.
There are multiple levels of “bad”. State ownership of all mineral rights or similar things is one of the lower levels.
Once the state owns all the resources, every other right will soon be gone.
Who’s going to stand up for free speech, when the government can legally make you homeless with a stroke of the pen?
The United States government own way too much land in the western states. Why do they have it, and for what reason.
A lot of people have been asking that question for a lot of years.
You will ask that question the other way round, once the Holy Investor makes his Great Reset, at which point all that land will be used to pay off part of* the unpayable debt your government made, borrowing your currency from banksters, and making war on everyone in the world who don’t want to impoverish their population the same way.
…* Part of, the rest shall be paid by the enforced labour of those citizens who signed over habeas corpus via any of the many schemes the so-called Independent Judiciary runs on behalf of Good Governance.
One day, you may even wish you had a Big Government, to stand between you and the Holy Investor, and his invading hordes.
In the modern Anglo-Saxon Anglosphere Countries, the rule of law: rules are for thee, not for me; one rule for thee, another rule for me,
Common Law – our protection – has been undermined and buried under a vast tonnage of legislation to benefit the political filth and its acolytes and cronies.
While governments dictate to companies that they will face penalties for their own, their suppliers’ and their customers’ carbon (dioxide) output they are forced to engage with offset schemes.
One more example of the lying and cheating wedded to the CAGW scheme. They are monsters and no monster is bigger than the worthless government.
That’s right, Bob. The irony here is that when the CAGW crowd says “Climate Change” is making people homeless, they weren’t kidding. Time to end this nonsense.
The Climate Apocalypse Complex is becoming the modern day equivalent of the African slave trade! Throughout Western Europe and the United States the wealthy and privileged are destroying the lives and livelihoods of poor people in the Third World! Saving the environment from a wholly beneficial and necessary trace gas in our atmosphere has become a modern day version of colonialism!
I did a bit of research before commenting. The story is much more complicated than reported. For example, the Ogiek just won a resettlement reparations case. For example, their Mau Forest traditional tribal boundaries are disputed by surrounding non-Ogiek, who ‘evict’ them from claimed ‘non-Ogiek’ land. A big Kenyan overpopulation mess.
And, the Ogiek are honey gatherers whose diet in addition to honey is mainly forest ‘fruits’ plus hunted forest animals. They don’t damage the forest much at all since they don’t clear land to plant crops.They are hunter-gatherers.
All that said, carbon credits are still mainly a scam not justifying any disruptions.
The forest is still there so they are no doubt taking reasonable care of it. But to the carbon scammers, a forest with people in it is less valuable than a “pristine” forest.
Some decades ago, I recall reading a thoroughly depressing book about the Ik people, just over the border in Uganda. They were evicted from their traditional hunting grounds.
The picture of social disintegration painted was horrific. The quote that stuck in my mind was “A people too poor for morality”.
Well since he whole green NGO AGW Blob is essentially genocidal and misanthropic with an avowed general intention to eliminate 90% of the human species because we are a cancer on the planet then are we surprised that they want to eliminate a few Ogiek.
Coming soon…
Carbon credits for population reduction.
The credit can be calculated by economic model projections, using values projected by general circulation models using RPC8.5, on how much green house gases each individual would have been responsible for over the world average life span if that person had lived and been part of a prosperous society.
REDD+ was the land grab scheme. Clinton foundation, WWF.
Millions of people believing they are contributing to a good cause to save the environment being hoodwinked by glossy brochures.
REDD+ is a great idea. You get carbon credits while the forest is growing, then you withdraw for a year, chop it all down and sell the wood, and then go back to collecting carbon credits while the next forest is growing. All that is required is to create a national park and drive off the current owners.
I am planning a new carbon credit scheme where investors can fight the scourge of cryptocurrencies. We are all well aware now of the huge energy dependency of crypto-mining and how this translates into massive carbon emissions. With the money I receive from investors I will purchase crypto currencies which I then promise (scouts honour) to destroy in the most echo-friendly, green, renewable, biodynamic manner, ensuring the wellbeing of all cute furry creatures everywhere.
Surely this is just as valid a way to control the weather and benefit those among us sorely in need of better living conditions as any of the other carbon credit schemes. I think I hear some EU politicians and WEF wonks knocking at the front door just now. Have to go.
In the 1980s, my Australian mining company employer lost a vast area of prospective mineral land here by a version of eminent domain, with no compensation for losses to date or for the potential for future earnings.
The operation was masked under the United Nations world heritage treaty between our Federal government and the UN. They declared this area, the size of the 10 smallest European countries added together, to be a candidate for world heritage listing and passed federal laws prohibiting any process for the recovery of minerals.
So, I personally know how this hits hard at the heart and mind. This was a big deal, with two world-class mineral deposits identified at the time and many signs of more to come from our exploration successes.
If there was a positive, the event revealed the hands of some of the shadowy players behind the scenes. People who were little-known here suddenly appeared in high-paying government or quasi-government jobs with enormous powers to ride over others. Strange events happened. Out highest Court found it too complicated for them and walked away.
It was as if the hallowed concept of sovereignty no longer mattered much.
Geoff S