We live in an age of unparalleled wealth and comfort, where bogeyman must be created because they don’t actually exist.
Missy’s Twitch doesn’t even touch the surface of this insanity.
In a recent article by CNN, a dramatic narrative is woven, linking the mental health of young people to the omnipresent specter of climate change. The article, titled “Climate change can have ‘lifelong impacts’ on young people’s mental health, report says”, presents a tapestry of assertions, suggesting that the “existential threat” of climate change is a significant contributor to a spectrum of mental health issues among the youth.
The Opening Act: Setting the Stage with Broad Strokes
“Climate change can play a major role in affecting young people’s mental health,”
the article begins, setting the stage for a narrative that intertwines the psychological well-being of the youth with the environmental challenges of our times. The authors lean heavily on a report from the American Psychological Association, which acts as the cornerstone of their argument, providing the structural framework upon which the story unfolds, just another of the myriad examples of ideological capture of Western institutions.
The Plot: A Cascade of Consequences
The article unfolds a cascade of consequences, suggesting that environmental events linked to climate change, such as “weather disasters, extreme heat and poor air quality,” act as triggers, exacerbating mental health issues in children and teenagers. The narrative is embroidered with details, suggesting that these environmental adversities can lead to “post-traumatic stress disorder,” and a host of other psychological challenges, including
“anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, aggression, cognitive impairment and more.”
The Characters: Vulnerable Protagonists
Young people are portrayed as particularly vulnerable protagonists in this narrative. The article suggests that the youth, due to their developmental stage, lack the coping strategies that adults might possess, making them more susceptible to the mental health impacts of climate adversities. The narrative is punctuated with quotes that emphasize the vulnerability of the youth, such as,
“Experiencing trauma at an early age can have lifelong impacts on emotional health and well-being.”
The Antagonist: Climate Change and its Many Faces
Climate change is cast in a multifaceted role, an antagonist with many faces, ranging from extreme weather events to subtle influencers such as maternal anxiety. The article insanely suggests that the impacts of climate change begin to cast their shadows even before birth, influencing the mental health trajectory of individuals from a very early stage.
Those mental health consequences begin even before a child is born, the report says. Prenatal exposure to weather disasters, high temperatures, air pollution and maternal anxiety can raise a child’s risk of a variety of behavioral and developmental issues, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, developmental delays, low self-control and psychiatric disorders.
The Climax: Adolescence and the Turmoil of Uncertainty
A significant portion of the article is dedicated to the exploration of the impacts of climate change on adolescents and young adults. It suggests a landscape where the youth are navigating a terrain marked by uncertainty, anxiety, and a lack of clarity about the future. Quotes such as,
“How do you plan for the future when you don’t know what the future will look like?”
encapsulate the essence of the challenges faced by the youth in this narrative.
Conclusion: A Call for Collective Action
The article concludes with a call for collective action, suggesting roles for various sectors, including education and healthcare, in mitigating the impacts of climate change on youth mental health. It emphasizes the universal nature of the challenge, suggesting that it is not merely a concern for healthcare professionals but a broader societal issue that requires concerted effort and action.
In conclusion, the CNN article presents a vivid narrative that seeks to establish a strong link between climate change and youth mental health, despite no trends in temperature or weather that a human could detect without advanced instruments and esoteric statistical handsprings.
While it is rich in details and quotes that emphasize the vulnerability of the youth in the face of climate adversities, it is nothing but delusional fantasy, casting climate change as a pervasive and omnipotent influencer of mental health trajectories.
Feel free to visit the original article here.
Induced fear is perhaps the oldest form of propaganda there is. I was just outside viewing the solar eclipse. Fortunately, the sun came back.
How many sacrifices were required to make it return?
For me in Utah, I had to split about a half a cord of wood.
When I was done, it was done.
You all are welcome.
I can’t really say it was a pleasure, but it was good exercise.
If that doggone global warming would only hurry up you wouldn’t need to chop all that wood. Then you risk dying early for lack of exercise. I guess everything is a trade off.
MDPI Motto : We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance.” John A. Wheeler, American physicist (1911-2008)
story tip :
Climate magazine Special Issue “Natural Drivers of Climate Change: Emerging Research” Guest Editor Dr. Ned Nikolov
Epoch Times, ZH report consternation by the usual suspects :
Era Of ‘Unquestioned And Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Getty Images)
Re illustration: Greta never looked better….
Excellent illustration- the guy is on some south Pacific beach under the palm trees, like many of us would love to do- it should be a time to relax and enjoy life- yet the person is panicking.
They have really lost the plot. How ridiculous.
Who can guess when it will happen, but the current Clima-Change™ anxiety fad is absolutely unsustainable. The time will come when all the psycho-analysis will center around the extent of the outrage of all these youths when they finally comprehend how deeply they were misled in the climate issue by their parents and teachers.
Some very twisted adults know they can bombard the young all day long in school. E voila
“”Climate change can play a major role in affecting young people’s mental health””
And it obviously does- because it’s supposed to.
My newsfeeds are filled with climate change doom stories every day. It’s not surprising that young people are having problems. The brainwashing has been turned up to 11.
This is what you get when leftwing billionaires pay “journalists” to write climate change doom stories. You get a lot of climate change doom stories.
Terrified of Climate Change? You Might Have Eco-Anxiety
Time Magazine
What to know about eco-anxietyWritten by Jennifer Huizen on December 19, 2019 Medical news
Eco-anxiety refers to a fear of environmental damage or ecological disaster. This sense of anxiety is largely based on the current and predicted future state of the environment and human-induced climate change.
According to a 2018 national survey, almost 70% of people in the United States are worried about climate change, and around 51% feel “helpless.”
Anxiety around environmental issues may stem from the awareness of a rising risk of extreme weather events, losses of livelihood or housing, fears for future generations, and feelings of helplessness.
This article discusses eco-anxiety, including what it is, the common symptoms, and how to spot and manage it.
The Environmental Burden of Generation ZWashington Post
“Kids are terrified, anxious and depressed about climate change. Whose fault is that?”
Children suffering eco-anxiety over climate change, say psychologistsRueters
Psychologists Warn Parents, Climate Change Alarmists Against Causing ‘Eco-Anxiety’ in Children
9/17/19 Newsweek
Children With “Eco-Anxiety” Are Being Seen By Specialists. Should You Be Concerned?IFL Science
Parents told not to terrify children over climate change as rising numbers treated for ‘eco-anxiety’
Devine: Irresponsible adults have caused the climate fear plaguing Greta Thunberg
NY Post
How 16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s rise could backfire on environmentalistsCNBC
“There are plenty of politicians and regular voters claiming to be inspired by her words and passion.
There are also lots of observers expressing general alarm at what they see as an indoctrinated child being coerced by adults to make their political arguments with her youth as a shield from any criticism.”
The Lancet on Climate Change: The need for context
The Left – they gin up lots of climate fear and THEN complain about the fear it has all caused.
This CNN article is so stupid I’m surprised that any sane person pays it any attention. Any rational person realizes of course that it’s not climate change that’s causing the problem but the false alarmist propaganda churned out by organizations like CNN.
“Give me four years to teach your children and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted.”
Vladimir Lenin
Yes, and we are reaping what has been sown in our educational institutions now: A Socialist/Marxist Steal-Our-Freedoms, way of thinking.
Our educational institutions have turned into leftwing ideology propagada organs, including in the lower grades.
We need to change this if we are to survive. People can’t vote properly if they are walking around in a leftwing delusion.
Our education system has been pushing a slanted indoctrination since I was
in grade school over 50yrs ago. I know a couple of kids that got their teacher
certs and quit after a few years and now homeschool their kids, who socialize
with other kids in the same situation. There is hope, but it’s a tough road.
The news reports of impending climate doom as if it’s proven scientific fact are dangerous to the mental health of children.
It is not just the AGW (CO2) issue young people must deal with but, also, they are all despicable racists, biological sex has no meaning, they can claim to be non-human or even fantasy creatures, and their abilities and work ethic are worthless attributes.
The American Psychological Association website aggressively promotes ‘climate change’: “Addressing climate change is an essential and urgent task if we are to have a chance of restoring a safe climate for humans and other species”.
The APA is engaging in a form of disease mongering: “the practice of widening the diagnostic boundaries of illnesses and aggressively promoting their public awareness in order to expand the markets for treatment” (Wiki).
“restoring a safe climate”?
As Alex Epstein keeps telling us- the climate has never been safe for humans. It’s much safer with low cost, reliable energy.
I was born in 1948, I had no idea what the future held. as I grew I had some idea of how I wanted it to be and most of that came true with some surprises along the way. But that is life. The current namby-pamby generations have no idea how to cope with life and its challenges, it’s always someone else’s fault, nothing to do with me.
Iain McGilchrist, in a video that I can’t immediately find, cites a longitudinal study that finds that young people are a lot less happy than they were fifty or a hundred years ago.
Doing a web search for social media unhappiness produces a zillion hits. example
Although the developed world’s population’s IQ increased in the 20th century, it now appears to be declining. Reverse Flynn effect
We have a strong correlation which implies that increased screen time, and its attendant lack of exercise and interpersonal reaction, is causing people to be stupider, and more miserable.
If the climate catastrophists actually wanted to decrease the anxiety of teenagers, they would campaign to get people’s noses out of their smart phones. Shutting up the climate catastrophists would also, obviously, also decrease young people’s climate anxiety.
Among the biggest culprits in the youth climate brainwashing agenda are the public and private school systems. They’re forced to follow a one-sided curriculum that promotes alarmism, and when it’s taught by instructors that really don’t know much about the entire issue themselves, the kids become easily conned. It would be a good idea if education departments revise their programs of studies so that a more balanced approach is presented.
It would seem to me we need a new Scopes Monkey trial, this time to allow Climate Deniers the right to teach their Theory, and that “Climate Change” as taught is just a religious belief system totally dependent on FAITH in the Prophets, Gore, Mann, etc.
I’ve been saying for a number of years that the “Trial of the Century” in the 2000s will be another science vs. faith case like the Scopes Monkey Trial.
This time around, the William Jennings Bryan character will be a messianic figure like Albert Gore or Greta Thunberg, brimming with doomsday scenarios bolstered by pseudoscience rather than evidence. The skeptical equivalent of Clarence Darrow will be someone who doubts we need to dismantle industrial civilization to avert apocalypse.
Witnesses are likely to testify that climate panic is limited to a pseudoscientific faction within the West. The other 4/5ths of the world aren’t jumping on the “carbon is poison” bandwagon.
Note that in both centuries, the 20th and 21st, the Trial of the Century is about freedom of thought. Headline-grabbing, deadly love triangles and spy cases are too common and too trivial to merit the moniker, “Trial of the Century.”
Instead of the Monkey Trial, it might be nicknamed, “The Genie Ain’t Going Back in the Jar.”
Exactly, and I used to blame the teachers, until I realized they are just as vulnerable as the children to propagandizing. Go figure …
Good point. One doesn’t have to be young to be gullible, or easily influenced by propagada.
Propaganda, about climate change, or anthing else, affects people of all ages, but naturally, young people, with little or no experience of the world, would be the most vulnerable.
“Climate change” what a vague term! It has turned in to a rallying cry, a galvanizing issue to all lefties who feel it is high time to ORGANIZE the left and soak the rich! Of course it is a hollow non-issue, but the notion fit the bill so they RAN with it. But there are cracks in the block and I think we need to keep hammering.
Of course the real leftie elites think it is a great issue to soak the poor. (those poorer than billionaires)
Soak the rich and middle class, leave the oligarchs alone, they are paying the freight for the politicians.
Gates, and the rest need a wealth tax of about 99%, including all their funded trusts and of course the “endowments” at major universities (to pay for the student loan debacle).
Bloomberg’s green energy team estimates it will cost $200 trillion to stop warming by 2050. All of the cash, savings, and checking accounts only have around $40 trillion.
The wealth of the millionaires and billionaires is estimated to be about $208 trillion a 95% wealth tax would just about cover it.
Global Cooling didn’t work and Global Warming wasn’t enough to worry about so they picked Climate Change that way they could complain either way the temperature went.
These monsters are damn lucky I am not king of the world, I would throw every one of them in a dungeon and keep them there until I feel better.
And with any luck you will feel just the same forever.
Q:”Why does the sign say 3.5?”
A:”It rhymed.’
Doesn’t 1.5 rhyme just as well?
Yes, an irrational fear can cause severe mental health problems. However, cuddling to the irrational fear is not a treatment that works.
The Mental Health Workers have the same irrational fear of CO2 as their patients. They can’t help with this.
Just tell them that the “climate” they are talking about is just 30 Years of weather, that is always changing.
The real climates aren’t changing. The polar climates are still very cold, the tropics are still warm, the temperate climates are still mild, the deserts are still dry, and the rainforests are still wet.
How sad it is that children are terrified of the wrong things (and have no fear of that which they should be very afraid). Essentially they have been groomed, not unlike in the way pedophiles do to their victims. The child is deluded into abiding the molester and at the same time likely terrified of something bad happening either to them or someone they care about.
The child should logically run far, far away from the pedo but he does not because he has been tricked into thinking the pedo is in the right and everyone else isn’t.
But sadly it may happen that it will be too late for many of these children to come to realize that the wolf is already inside the door. It isn’t some silly nebulous notion that humans can have any major effect on the climate, but rather the “cure” for the non-problem will bring about the destruction they fear.
“The article concludes with a call for collective action, suggesting roles for various sectors, including education and healthcare, in mitigating the impacts of climate change on youth mental health.”
That’s rich! What needs mitigating are the impacts of propaganda imposing the dogma that CAGW (a.k.a. ‘climate change’) is threatening all life on earth on youth mental health.
One circular argument after another while the only thing that can actually has any evidence is that the propagandists are terrifying children.
Apologies – ‘the only thing that actually has any evidence’
Chicken Lickenism is bad for your mental health. Hence the parable of the chicken who panicked over a trifle, then started running around as if her head was cut off while her head was still attached.
If the climate gets 3.5° warmer, that’s less than the daily mean difference between Nashville, Tennessee and Columbus, Ohio. 3.5° is less than one eighth the difference between Moscow, Russia and Mumbai, India. None of those four cities are on the verge of being depopulated because of their climates.
City people get too used to living in interior spaces where it’s 72° and 45% humidity all the time. The real world isn’t like that. Natural deviation from the conditions of indoor shopping malls is NOT a catastrophe.
The chickens need to calm down.
There are several versions of that fairy tale, but the one that I remember the frightened chickens wound up on the fox’s dinner table.
In any case, the urban heat island effect produces an illusion of accelerated global warming.
Sounds more like pre-traumatic stress disorder brought on by fear mongers. Unfortunately for all of us- we all have a long list of genuine things to be stressed about. A trivial change in climate is not on my top 100 list.
climate change- the new Satan, to be feared above all else! 🙂
When has anyone ever known what the future will look like?
From the article: “anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, aggression, cognitive impairment and more.”
The problem is not Climate Change, the real problem is Climate Change Propagada whose aim is to instill fear in everyone, including young people.
It works on some people, especially on impressionable young people.
There is no evidence that CO2 is anything other than a benign gas, essential for life on Earth. But that’s not what the young people are being told.
Young people need to develop some critical thinking. Critical thinking can shield them from most of this insanity about CO2 and the Earth’s climate.
The first step in climate change critical thinking is to learn how to distinguish evidence from speculation, assumptions and assertions. If you can tell the difference, then you will not be afraid, because you will see that all these claims of the climate alarmists have no basis in fact. Climate alarmists are operating on speculation and assumptions and nothing more.
There is no evidence that CO2 needs to be reduced or regulated. There is no evidence CO2 is affecting any weather phenomenon in any way.
Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Or people in positions of authority could just tell the truth. There, problem solved.
Climate changes endlessly and there is no objective evidence human activity is having any important impact. Recent gentle warming has only had beneficial net effects on life in the biosphere and on human society. Human quality of life, barring recent regrettable returns to conflict and fixations on mythical CAGW, has been on a continuous positive trajectory for centuries in terms of health, wealth, longevity, freedoms and social cohesion. We live in a world of abundant and amazing resources and potential. There is no limit to what our future could be if we stop fixating on imaginary threats.
Or we can continue to ignore reality and toss all these amazing gifts down the sewer as so many seem to be trying to do these days.
“Nothing to fear but fear itself.”