UPDATE: Josh catches the essence, see below. It appears the mendacious Joe Romm has been given new marching orders by Center for American Progress Big Brother Blog: “Think Progress”. From…
Category: Climate ugliness
Google fails the "Don't be evil" maxim when it comes to climate censorship?
First the background on “Don’t be evil” as reported by Wikipedia: In their 2004 founders’ letter prior to their initial public offering, Lawrence E. Page and Sergey Brin explained that…
Wegman paper retraction by Journal
Post updated below – see my own experience with plagiarism by NOAA and how it was solved easily – Anthony I get word that USA Today reports that the caterwaulings…
Smear job by "The Carbon Brief"
The website “populartechnology.net” decided to ask the questions the smear publishers didn’t. I’ve been authorized to reproduce this in full here, and reposting at other blogs is encouraged. AGW proponents…
Nisbett's war
This row isn’t something I’ve covered yet on WUWT, and I’ve generally stayed out of the fight going on between Nisbett and Mann’s best friend, but I thought Nisbett’s rebuttal…
Facebook Treating Skeptic Blog Articles as "Abusive"
It came to our attention yesterday when we were sharing WUWT articles, that Facebook now treats WUWT articles as “abusive”. Apparently this is a new tactic of the warmists to…
Help asked for Dr. Tim Ball in legal battle with Dr. Mann
Dr. Ball at left, Dr. Mann at right This is a scheduled auto-post done from my hotel WiFi last night. This below sent to me by John O. Sullivan on…
Listen up, "deniers"! Your Internet use is destroying the planet
Personally, I’ve always thought that the key to an advanced and open society was freedom of information. Apparently too much freedom for certain labeled groups of people is going to…
ABC news asks: Is the phrase "climate change denier" offensive?
If you were to ask Joe Romm, Jim Hansen, Bill McKibben, Al Gore, and some of the other hard core angry people who use this word daily, they’d probably…
Climate ugliness gets personal
From World Net Daily(not the tabloid site World News Daily), with h/t to Green Hell Blog, something that if proven is quite disturbing. Yet given the kind of treatment I’ve…
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