Josh spots the difference. Do you have your climate emergency “insurance” paid up yet?
John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics, has decided to sign the World Climate Declaration of Clintel with its central message “there is no climate emergency”. Clauser is the second Nobel Laureate to sign the declaration, Dr. Ivar Giaever was the first. The number of scientists and experts signing the World Climate Declaration is growing rapidly and now approaching 1600 people.
Clauser has publicly distanced himself from climate alarmism and this year he also joined the Board of Directors of the CO2 Coalition. In the announcement by the CO2 Coalition, Clauser was quoted in the following way:
“The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people. Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”
IPCC is spreading dangerous misinformation
In July Clauser gave a talk at the event Quantum Korea 2023. He warned the audience about the growing amount of pseudoscience and misinformation.
“Now I am not alone in observing the dangerous proliferation of pseudoscience. Recently, The Nobel Foundation has formed a new panel to address the issue called the International Panel on Information Environment. They plan to model it after the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC.
I think personally that they are making a big mistake in that effort because in my opinion the IPCC is one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation. What I’m about to recommend is in furtherance of that, of the aims of that panel. […]I have a second elephant in the room that I have recently discovered regarding climate change. I believe that climate change is not a crisis. […]
Beware. If you’re doing good science, it may lead you into politically incorrect areas. If you’re a good scientist, you will follow them. I have several I won’t have time to discuss, but I can confidently say there is no real climate crisis and that climate change does not cause extreme weather events.”
Josh does these cartoons for free. If you like his work, buy him a pint.
The climate alarmists would make a good Monty Python sketch – I picture them as the JPF in Life of Brian, huddled in a corner, plotting and making hysterical proclamations, whilst the watching masses laugh at them
If only the alarmists had a sense of humor…
No humor? My PV system powers our household and electric cars.
Do you still pay for electricity and gasoline?
We are laughing at you.
What has the fact that you have a pv system got to do with alarmist climate “scientists ” beclowning themselves?
There is no such thing as a roof top system that can power an entire house, much less have anything left over to charge a car.
Are you being paid to spread these lies?
Gkam — you’re laughing at people whose subsidizing taxes pay your energy bills for you. Mindless.
Michael Mann is a scientific genius, without the genius part and anti-science actually.
So an anti-science moron would be closer then?
How Dare You!
Not stupid, just evil.
Just wait until Mann comments on Hurricane Hilary. The excitement might be too much for the poor old fellow. Hilary’s new form of Arkancide.
The ‘as broadcast’ version ended with “tell that to the young people these days and they run you over in their sports cars”.
I often offer a riposte “luxury, bloody luxury, in my day…” to anyone reminiscing- and the good ones ‘one up’ me with a suitable raising of the bar.
whats more funny is skeptics cancelling their insurance
Hilarious! What a tool.
watch southern california reel
Like 1858 or 1939? Your BS is showing.
It really is fascinating how things that have happened many times before, become proof that this time CO2 is causing it.
Reel from a lot of rain? It happens every couple of years there.
Oh I don’t know – I’ve cancelled my ‘climate emergency’ insurance already! Along with suggested insurance against being eaten either by lions or polar bears!
The lizards are coming for you though mate.
Mosh has insurance for excrement from flying pigs. !
Also against the Big Bad Wolf…
the only time i worry about flying pigs is when you post
Your posts are those of a 2-year-old.
Off you crawl, back into your pit.
How typical of the alarmists, no data, plenty of insults.
It’s almost as if they never managed to grow up.
What is excruciatingly funny is someone like you thinking that cancelling “insurance” is worse than having “insurance” as if one is somehow better than the other, something I know a very great deal about and to be the position of a wholly ignorant person – I cannot wait for you to debate this as I will shred you into infinitesimally small non entity particles…go ahead and make my day.
Mosh already know himself to be a total non-entity. !
weird how you guys get triggered by a non entity.
Stop drinking and get your meds fixed.
Triggered, or just having fun tormenting a helpless troll?
next i expect you to ask me to step outside, or throw hands.
I think its funny that no skeptics dare put their money where there mouth are.
the best you can do is threaten to debate. as if you could.
You are empty as always….
Always typing mindless nothings.
That is a most succinct encapsulation of the insanity washing through the climate discussion. How does Mosher expect me to spend money on something I say does not exist, especially if the little shirt and his jackats friend have already put all my money where THEIR lying friggin’ mouths are…
Why should we buy insurance against your hobgoblins?
As to debating, if you are so convinced that we can’t debate, why do you and your idols always refuse to debate.
BTW, every debate that has occurred, your climate alarmists have lost.
“the best you can do is threaten to debate. as if you could.”
Thesis: the best of you people are mathematically adept dilettantes.
I’m ready to back that up with demonstrations.
Please! Just name a a few times and place for a debate. I would eagerly debate you! Let’s put your reputation where your mouth is!
Mosh also knows he is incapable of debating anything related to science.
All you will get from him are child-like, incoherent, drive-by comments.
Today’s are even worse than usual, pertaining to absolutely nothing.
What KIND of insurance are you talking about.
Did the smart cartoon trigger you today?
No answer came the loud reply from the drive by commenter Mishy Mosh Pit, Fake scientist con man.
Mosher’s in da room folks.
Time for sum fun!
Da Eeengleesh major promoted as chief scientist (or sumfink) of Berkeley earth until someone pointed out to Berkeley that he wasn’t, in fact, a scientist at all, just a glorified salesman, at which point his profile was taken down.
Amongst many others, I’ll take a modest bow for enlightening Berkeley.
Give it up for da Mosh Pit.
BEST needed a mouthpiece capable of conveying their propaganda in decent, coherent English…
… they got Mosh instead.
Only fools ensure against things that can’t happen.
There is no climate crisis and never has been.
CO2 is a net benefit to life on this planet. We need more of it, not less.
Really? Let’s discuss the science instead of your level of understanding. We can start with Ocean Acidification. Then we can look into the slowing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
You have just demonstrated your own level of understanding with the use of the word acidification!
Neither of which is happening.
‘Ocean acidification’ certainly isn’t, it’s a nonsense and the ‘AMOC’ is just a blatant attempt to confuse and rename effects that are real, seperate and have little to do with each other – the Atlantic Multi-decadal Overturning and the North Atlantic Current.
But.. he/she/it heard it on CNN!
a good Monty Python sketch as the JPF in Life of Brian.
Right. Lead snarls: “What have fossil fuels ever done for us!”
Response, “Well, it does heat our homes in Winter.”
Fearless leader: Well, of course, it heats homes. But aside from Winter home heating, what have fossil fuels ever done for us!
Response, ‘There’s transport. We’d never get to work or visit our kids. Or get food from farms.
Second guy: And no steel or aluminum. Or farm machinery at all, thinkin’ on it.
Fearless leader: OK, apart from Winter home heating, transport, visit the kids, food, steel, aluminum, and machinery, what have fossil fuels ever done for us.
Response: How about the wines from France and Italy. And California. And don’t forget beer. And the whisky.
General nodding and muttering agreement on beer, whiskey and whisky.
Fearless leader: Shut up!
John Clauser apparently understands quantum mechanics. That alone is evidence of extraordinary intellect and education. Michael Mann, on the other hand, doesn’t even understand the difference between weather and climate or models and empirical evidence. Whose opinion is more likely to be correct?
Correct Rick – I just wish someone would test that, publicly, in a judicial review into climate science and nut zero policy
here we see more skeptic philosophy of science.
“I wish a judge would decide
a judical review?
ya maybe Judge Ito can Preside, and the dream team can defend your nonsense.
Montana may give you what you wish for.
Yet you are totally unable to defend your nonsense.
Pathetic little drive-by comments from a very low grade Eng-lit failure is about all you have.
if i saw a decent objection i’d respond.
what i see is
name calling
so step 1 quote my words
step 2. demonstrate to my satisfaction that you understand the
MEANING of those words.
step 3 avoid name calling
step 4 avoid threats
step 5 make a goog counter argument.
step 6 avoid trying to referee your own fight.
yawn.. Your comment is meaningless.
Try not to be a victim. !
You have presented nothing… as always.
Channelling Willis, always a good start.
Sentiments I completely agree with.
Now, let’s “quote my words” to present a potential problem.
Hmmmmmm …
Steps 2 and 6 of your … “methodology” (?), as written, are contradictory.
Please either rephrase, or completely delete, at least one of them.
Funny thing is, none of Mosh’s posts meet the qualifications he demands of others.
There are dozens of posts so far on this article alone, that meet Mosh’s criteria, yet he hasn’t responded to any of them.
Does this mean that even Mosh knows that he is outclassed here, so he limits himself to trite comments and lame insults?
Or is it true, that trite comments and lame insults, are all he has ever been capable of?
Montana can ignore the lawsuit decision for a reason you haven’t discovered yet.
next up youll say the 2020 election was stolen
You indicate that you don’t understand the post.
WTH are you gibbering about !
I think an English Major should be able to express some sort of coherent thought pattern.
Utter failure so far.
Like most alarmists, Mosh isn’t capable of handling complexity.
The fact that one person makes one argument, while another person makes a different argument is proof to him that none of us know what we are talking about.
In his “mind”, to be smart we must all read from the same playbook. The way he and the rest of the alarmists do.
Lawfare is the preserve of fake, leftist ‘scientists’ like you. It’s all you have Steven.
Poor, poor Mosh. He still doesn’t know the difference between science and politics. Not that many alarmists can, or even want to.
Judicial review?
skeptics record in court is horrible
The only conclusion in that case was that a law making it illegal to have any consideration to the effluent or exhaust of any commercial or industrial process when deciding where the facility could be located was illegal. It had nothing to do with whether the facilities produced anything to do with climate, weather, child cancer or psycopathy.
here we see the skeptics credentialism. they believe in degrees and titles, not evidence.
John Clauser apparently understands quantum mechanics.
no he doesnt.
* It is safe to say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman.
“I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics.” Richard Feynman, who understood what he understood about quantum mechanics, as does John Clauser.
Stop being an arse Mosher.
see more name calling
i never claimed Clauser understood it
you jokers claim to understand science and then rely on CREDENTIALS
rather than evidence
“John Clauser apparently understands quantum mechanics
no he doesn’t”
“i never claimed Clauser understood it”
I’m sorry Mosher but if that’s the standard of your argument then saying that you were an arse is not name calling but merely putting a descriptive label on your inappropriate behaviour.
Waiting for you to produce evidence to counter any of the statements of the ClinTel petition.
But you won’t… you will just continue to wail and moan.
In one breath Mosh will cite the so called and never existent “consensus” as proof that his alarmism is justified.
In the next breath he will insult those who point to this new petition as just relying on credentialism.
It doesn’t matter how many posts these people have made in the past in which they cite actual data and present actual arguments.
Mosh whines about name calling, in a post in which he insults everyone who doesn’t agree with him.
Is it possible for the Mosh to get any more pathetic.
BTW, you mis-used the term straw man argument earlier.
If you want to know what the term actually means, try reading your own post.
There are dozens of posts on this article alone that present facts and logical arguments. Yet you cite one posts that quotes a leading expert as proof that all of us only use credentialism.
BTW, I doubt you even knew what that term meant until it was brought up on another WUWT post a few days ago.
“rather than evidence”
What evidence?
Yet you have no evidence at all.
It is safe to say Mosher does not understand science at all.
I understan that your name calling is not science
I understand that your personal attacks are not evidence.
I understand that a Petition signed by 1600 or 40000 unqualified people is not evidence.
I understand that appealing to degrees (
he knows quantum mechanics- ) is not evidence.
I know what Feynman said.
I actually have a degree in philosophy, graduated with honors in Philosophy
first in my class, Phi beta Kappa
from #15 in the nation
but degrees dont matter.
why not? because thousands of engineers here, did NOT object to
citing a petition as evidence.
read that again.
this post cites a petition as evidence
Then cites relies on some random guys credentials as evidence
appeal to authority?
Beuller Beuller
Then when I point this out.
the name calling and personal attacks and threats. coming pouring out of the chinks in your armour
some skeptics. some scientists?
see why your degrees are useless. if you dont attack the bad arguments before I do
you lose.
go ahead tell me im wrong, explain why a petition signed by unqualified people is EVIDENCE
explain why you accept an argument that is as stupid as the 97% argument
Oh dear they wouldn’t let you sign it, would they Mosher. Rejected yet again?
OMG what are you taking. !!
Your meds need a major overhaul. !
Your comment is the sort of gibberish one expects from a 5-year-old.
The 97% argument is indeed “stupid” – and your Philosophy Major has not helped you one iota to grasp that. Keep growing the weed.
Wow, the defensiveness of Mosher’s posts is getting worse all the time.
It’s almost as if he knows how badly he is losing, but what little is left of his pride won’t let him slink back into obscurity.
Everyone of his posts are rank with insults, yet he continues to whine because someone accuses him of not knowing science. (BTW, such a statement is not an insult. Especially given the vast number of posts you have made that prove the charge.)
A man who routinely cites the so called consensus has no room to complain when others cite a petition of actual scientists.
You whines that since these men don’t have degrees in climate science therefore they don’t have a right to an opinion rings hollow, given that fact that few of the leading lights in the alarmist meeting are even scientists and that none of them have degrees in relative fields.
The only thing a degree in philosophy gets you is the ability to lie more cleverly.
Nobody here has cited this petition as proof that climate alarmism isn’t real. We cite it as proof that the so called consensus that you are always citing doesn’t exist.
We’ve spent years citing data and science to prove that there is no reason to believe CO2 is a problem, much less a crisis. You have yet to address any of these posts. Instead all you are capable of doing is spout insults and whine when those insults are returned.
The name calling is triggered by your rank hypocrisy.
You self promoted yourself as a Scientist on Berkeley earth’s web page until people like me pointed out to your superiors you were a scientific fake.
Don’t give us your crap.
Honestly (sorry that was a bit of a joke at Moshers expense) I don’t think there is much that isn’t fake about Mosher. No record of him having a degree (with honours!) In Philosophy but he does appear to have a degree (without honours!) in English – shame he didn’t use his real degree (and derived language skills) when writing his posts isn’t it?
Given the incoherence of most of his posts, I have my doubts regarding that English degree.
Perhaps you should read up on what Clauser did to merit the Nobel prize in physics. It was essentially devising experiments and making very precise measurements to test quantum theory. That’s called ’empirical evidence’ and I don’t think it can be done without actually understanding the theory you are testing. By the way, Feynman was being a bit modest as he was the one of the pioneers in QM theory. Clause got the prize for work done 20 years ago and said he has turned his attention to climate and weather since then. I personally don’t care about anyone’s credentials if they can make a persuasive argument and back it up with solid evidence. Willis E. is very good at this even though he’s not a PhD (although he can out think and out research most of them).
Mosh goes on and on about credentialism, yet he claims that none of the people on that petition have a right to an opinion, because none of them have the proper degrees.
I don’t know if this shows Mosher’s rank hypocrisy, that Mosher really doesn’t understand the meaning of the words he uses, or both.
Mann things anything you put on paper is a model even if it doesn’t meet the definition.
A scientist knows that the Dictionary is so you know what stupid people mean.
There’s actually 1609 signatories to date, add that to the nearly 40,000 Oregon Petition signatories – that’s a wealth of educated, competent people saying the climate is just doing what it’s always done, no need to panic or impose silly taxes on the masses in some green tomfoolery con to control it
Counting signatories, the “democratization” of science, was one of the first arguments that the climate alarmists made. It’s foolish to use their fallacious tactics. So far, publicizing the findings of genuine climate scientists, and economists, seems to be having an effect. Highlighting the fraud of carbon sequestration and renewable energy will turn the tide when the facts are commonly known.
You are correct, of course, that voting doesn’t matter in questions of science or generally speaking engineering. Yet it is important to show that the Clintel declaration is not the product of one idiosyncratic individual or small group — i.e. a larger group of people with something better than a layman’s understanding of the issue agree with Guus Berkhout. It may get people who are impressed by numbers to actually investigate for themselves.
Even though one person can be entirely correct in some scientific matter or engineering issue when others are wrong, that person can also be quite wrong. We have multiple engineers give a go-no go vote to a design just to help avoid such an occurrence. Same is true of replication of scientific results.
Yet it is important to show that the Clintel declaration is not the product of one idiosyncratic individual or small group .
that is
A. impossible to show.
B. an arbitrary epistemic standard.
you guys keep changing the rules of evidence to suit your conclusions.
WOW, Mosh is really on the wacky turps today.
What other little fantasy can he come up with.
You guys keep changing the DATA to suit your conclusions
wth is Mosh blethering about !
He has no epistemic standard whatsoever.
WTF would you know about evidence you utter fake?
You have no understanding of either evidence nor fact, both of which are uniquely distinct.
You’re qualified in English Literature are you not? A
FartistArtist, not a scientist, or purveyor of evidential substance.When you can begin to fathom Macbeth, get back to this native of Scotland.
“…keep changing the rules of evidence to suit your conclusions.”
At least we guys do not mess with the “rules of evidence” to suit our delusions.
Like most alarmists, Mosh is an expert and charging others with what he has been doing.
He is also incapable of understanding that those of us on the skeptic side are not required to agree with each other.
In what’s left of his mind, he actually believes that if one person uses one standard of evidence, and someone else uses a different one, that this proves that none of us have a consistent standard of evidence.
A. The fact that so many people signed it does show it. Even if you are paid to not accept it.
B. No less arbitrary than your frequent references to the never existent “consensus”.
Some amount of fighting fire with fire seems appropriate.
genuine climate scientists?? the credentialism is pretty thick here.
who decides what is genuine?
Well, we know for sure you are not genuine.
A disingenuous twerp, at best.
master name calling
is this the best you guys can Bring?
skeptic: heres a petition signed by 16000 people.
mosh: thats not evidence
skeptics: step outside Ill destroy you.
skeptics: you twerp, thats our science.
skeptics: mosh dont know petitions are like science
skeptics: we are stealing your 97% argument because we cant think of anything stupid on our own.
skeptics: wait he’s an arts major, why are we all triggered?
skeptics: hey arts major petitions are like votes and science is democratic
Wow, that looks like incoherent gibberish from a failed Eng-Lit student.
In victim mode, too.
Hilarious. 🙂
“arts major petitions are like” ???
Bird cage liners?
Used toilet paper?
And once again, Mosh demands of others, things that he is incapable of doing himself.
In his attempts to sound pompous all Mosh manages to do is further be-clown himself.
go to oregon petition
choose a letter between A and Z
its august 18 i choose 18th letter
Kristine J. Raab, DVM
genuine climate scientist?
by what standard
look here dummy.
even an arts major knows to check sources.
its august 8th month
8th letter
Daniel G. Hadacek, DVM
another genuine climate scientist
nope another Vet.
none of you know the history of the scam, history of the verification process ( mail in ballots!!!)
none of you checked to see the list has Vets and dentists, and MDs and no verifiable records
You really are off your meds today.
Stop typing in GIBBERISH !!
You post was mendaciously generated since you didn’t post this from the SAME website that utterly destroys your argument:
Qualifications of Signers
Signatories are approved for inclusion in the Petition Project list if they have obtained formal educational degrees at the level of Bachelor of Science or higher in appropriate scientific fields. The petition has been circulated only in the United States.
The current list of petition signers includes 9,029 PhD; 7,157 MS; 2,586 MD and DVM; and 12,715 BS or equivalent academic degrees. Most of the MD and DVM signers also have underlying degrees in basic science.
All of the listed signers have formal educations in fields of specialization that suitably qualify them to evaluate the research data related to the petition statement. Many of the signers currently work in climatological, meteorological, atmospheric, environmental, geophysical, astronomical, and biological fields directly involved in the climate change controversy.
The Petition Project classifies petition signers on the basis of their formal academic training, as summarized below. Scientists often pursue specialized fields of endeavor that are different from their formal education, but their underlying training can be applied to any scientific field in which they become interested.
Outlined below are the numbers of Petition Project signatories, subdivided by educational specialties. These have been combined, as indicated, into seven categories.
1. Atmospheric, environmental, and Earth sciences includes 3,805 scientists trained in specialties directly related to the physical environment of the Earth and the past and current phenomena that affect that environment.
2. Computer and mathematical sciences includes 935 scientists trained in computer and mathematical methods. Since the human-caused global warming hypothesis rests entirely upon mathematical computer projections and not upon experimental observations, these sciences are especially important in evaluating this hypothesis.
3. Physics and aerospace sciences include 5,812 scientists trained in the fundamental physical and molecular properties of gases, liquids, and solids, which are essential to understanding the physical properties of the atmosphere and Earth.
4. Chemistry includes 4,822 scientists trained in the molecular interactions and behaviors of the substances of which the atmosphere and Earth are composed.
5. Biology and agriculture includes 2,965 scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of living things on the Earth.
6. Medicine includes 3,046 scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of human beings on the Earth.
7. Engineering and general science includes 10,102 scientists trained primarily in the many engineering specialties required to maintain modern civilization and the prosperity required for all human actions, including environmental programs.
The following outline gives a more detailed analysis of the signers’ educations.
More in the LINK
Poor Moosh,
He/she knows that the statements made in the latest petition are correct and truthful.
He/she knows he/she cannot put a valid scientific argument against any of them.
So he/she tries the smearing tactics, and then expects not to get some in return.
What I find hilarious, is the guy who has been going on and on accusing others of engaging in credentialism, is now going on and on about how none of these signers have the right credentials.
Just a few moments ago, Mosh was whining about how others deciding who was a climate scientist.
As usual, he doesn’t present any evidence that none of these people could have actually studied the issue and formed a valid opinion. Of course not, they don’t have the right degree therefore they must be ignored.
What is your problem Stephen are you jealous that you can’t sign it or is envy that your great contribution of 12 years ago will be forgotten because of lists like this one you illogically complain over.
I have your book and though you did well with it.
Good grief. An admission from Mosher that credentials in climate science are worthless?
Assuming he means his climate worthiness is equal to that of ‘credentialed’ scientist’s, then my public service and business background are at least worthy of his English Literature credentials.
Serve up some more of your crap Steven, it’s fun.
“who decides what is genuine”
This coming from the guy who claims that since none of the people who signed this petition are qualified to have an opinion?
I can’t tell if your issue is rank hypocrisy, or if you really aren’t capable of remembering the arguments you used just a few hours ago?
It may be true that a large number of scientists does not prove or disprove a particular thing, except for one particular thing: “The consensus of scientists say the science is settled”. The very phrase “settled science” was stupid to begin with, but having 1609 sign a petition saying it isn’t settled is….shall we say….unsettling?
While the “voting” is in fact meaningless, as you say, what IS important is to demolish the cynically and artificially created, and patently false, “97% of scientists agree” meme, which is what far too many deluded, but otherwise intelligent people’s “belief” in the climate pseudo-science is built on.
The more intelligent and honest scientists step forward to rip down this iron curtain of deception, the better.
It’s a valid argument against the oft repeated claim that there is a consensus regarding the alarmism that most of the activists push.
oregon petition is a scam my dog could sign it
Like your BS 97% claims.
The “97% of scientists agree” meme is the scam.
AGW is a scam.. your dog would lap it up…
… with you next to it at the same trough.
How – with his dick? Get back under your bridge.
Don’t know why this comment was downvoted haha.
Smart dog. Does he do capitalization and punctuation?
For someone who claims to have a degree in English, those do seem to be problematic for the Mosh.
He can’t figure out how to enable that feature on his “smart” phone.
I doubt that, but he could join The Union of Concerned Scientist!
Didn’t Anthony’s dog join the Union of Concerned nutters or similar organisation?
Really how many dogs signed it and tell us the names based on your exhaustive 25 year investigation and the breed of the dogs too.
Bitter recriminations because your weren’t invited to sign it.
Pathetic. You didn’t make the grade so whine about it.
Oregon Petition
Seems there were too many signings too fast, and the process was overwhelmed.
There were a few fake signatures, and the effort was criticized.
Normally, in scientific disputes, issues are worked out without politicians and cults getting involved.
This time, the science will get discovered, but the damage to society has happened. How far up this bean pole we go is unknown.
The saddest part is that there needs to be a declaration of no climate emergency in the first place.
Yep: brings back memories of the GBD!
hurricane hits Sandiego,
nothing new totally ordinary.
Beijing floods after hurricane.
totally ordinary.
Canada Burns.
nothing new totally ordinary.
of course all this has happened before simultaneously.
we know it ordinary because insurance companies have accounted for it and
because FEMA is prepared.
folks are not prepared for the flash floods coming to soCal.
first burn down the vegetaton preventing erosion
next drop a years worth of water in two days over this land.
and ya cover a bunch of that land in impermeable concrete.
models predict Hilary will make landfall as a cat 1.
models? ignore them plan your picnic
What, Clinton thinks she is a cat??? I always thought she was a female dog.
Hurricane Kathlene was still tropical storm in Southern California, September 7-12, 1974. Maximum USA rain was 14.76 inches, San Gorgonio, California. We have seen this before. A full fledged hurricane hit Los Angeles in 1858. Long Beach got drenched by a tropical storm in 1939:
Don’t bother Mosher with facts when he is on a roll.
He’s certainly on something. !!
Does he roll his own?
Weather. Not climate.
Stupidest bunch of blather ever Mosh.
Heavy rains after fires in Cali, ALL THE TIME
Two days of rain Big Fing Deal. They had to swear in the governor in Sacramento, with a boat ride to the ceremony in the 1800 you moron.
And that Hillary hasn’t landed yet, so eggs and counting comes to mind.
Canada burning, yep, how much arson involved??
Especially like that this article is titled partially “causing all the fires” then says “most” fires started by lightning. But they never define “most”. And why ask if eco-terrorists are starting “ALL” the fires? But the never discuss how many they KNOW are started by intentional arson. And 51% is most. That is a Mosher type headline and use of “most”.
Did you fail primary school English ???
Or are you just high on a mix of drugs and alcohol ?
“models? ignore them plan your picnic”
WTH are you gibbering about. !
Since when did climate models have anything to do with picnics.?
Now, now – Mosher has already planned his picnic, his teddy bears are looking forward to it – they’ve all told him so!
His picnic will be with the fairies at the bottom of his garden !
He is a fairy.
If Mosh was half as smart as his mom told him he is, he would know that we don’t need models to tell the general direction as cyclonic storm in either the Atlantic or Pacific is going to go in, and the fact that cyclonic storms lose strength as they move away from the equator or starts to move over land is also well known.
1952 Newlyn flood, London Smog, Orkney Hurricane, severe thunderstorms in English Midlands
1953 North Sea Flood
All in a 12 month period in the UK, all remembered still by those old enough.
The surface area of the Earth is approximately 510 million square km or 196,900,000 square miles. There are always severe weather, droughts, floods and fires happening in multiple locations on this celestial ball at any given moment.
As recently as 50 years ago, mankind had no means of observing and measuring them all at once. Today, we can’t have a heavy rain shower or a puff of wind without it being given a name by the Weather (porn) Channel.
If the public is barraged daily with reports of severe weather events somewhere on planet Earth (such as your stupid litany), always blaming it on “climate change,” the ignorant or naive among us might begin to believe the propaganda. That is in fact the current attribution strategy of the alarmists.
100 years ago, if we heard about a weather disaster in some distant part of the planet at all, it was a small blurb buried someone where in the middle of the newspaper.
Small talk about weather? Oh I’m so smacked down.
Mosher writes “models predict Hilary will make landfall as a cat 1.
models? ignore them plan your picnic”
Even predicting large events a few days out is dubious. But that’s not the real issue with “models”. The real issue is that GCMs can’t project climate a hundred years out because they’re fits that can’t account for change. And yet pseudo climate science relies on them.
Bla bla bla yet the long-term trends don’t show any signs of a developing climate emergency.
When you build cities along the coastline that grows large in population there will be an increase in damage and deaths by default.
There have always been incredible weather events how come we haven’t gotten a repeat of the Columbus day storm in 1962, which by your warmist/alarmist way of thinking should happen more often.
Are you high?
One model says Hillary will be a TS, another says a cat1.
Don’t worry, Mosh assures us that all models are accurate.
As to all those happening simultaneously, do you have evidence that they haven’t?
Regardless, simple statistics says that there is a chance that a bunch of random events can occur close to each other in time. Basic statistics. Then again, it’s not surprising that Steven knows nothing about statistics, after all he lacks a degree in statistics and you need advanced degrees in a topic before you are qualified to talk about it. At least that’s whet Steven keeps telling us to believe.
If people in SoCal aren’t prepared for flash floods, then that is there fault, flash floods in SoCal happen once or twice in a decade, and have for as long as we have records.
Poor little Steven, he’s so ignorant that he is not capable of realizing how ignorant he is.
Roll up, Roll up folks.
Mosher getting a kicking today again.
Don’t be shy, enjoy yourself, the English Major punchbag loves being exposed as a fake scientist.
A failed Engish Major too, by the looks of the incoherent gibberish he is typing.
Friday Funny..
….. and Moosh has done a great job with the clown act.
Well done, mosh !
Quantum mechanics is NOTHING like environmental “mechanics”, which has many more factors than his. He shows us what happens when one gets out of his field.
I’d love to debate him, since this is one of my fields.
THis from the guy who claims that the solar panels on his roof are powering his entire house and an electric car.
Now he claims to be an expert in either environmental mechanics (whatever the heck that is) or quantum mechanics. I can’t tell which because much like Mosh, his english abilities are quite lacking.
I have taught “Environmental Engineering/Mechanics” at times.
It really is a very poor cousin to real science and Engineering.
But you obviously not very bright, and have probably never done any real science or engineering, so you wouldn’t realise that.
Clauser would walk all over you.
Once again because I really can’t stop: Let’s discuss the science instead of your level of understanding. We can start with Ocean Acidification. Then we can look into the slowing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
That is reality, not your understanding of it.
You mean the baseification of the samples of the studies done by sending phials stoppered with water permeable material through the mail allowing evaporation to occur?
You mean the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation or the North Atlantic Current, don’t you? The AMOC is a nonsense bastardisation of terms to obscure and confuse people of little intellect coined by one of little intellect who couldn’t understand the original mechanisms. By coining the AMOC he hoped to distract other climate enthusiasts with his morons guide to the North Atlantic Current and handwave away the AMO which he failed to comprehend. No doubt you were aware that it was Mickey “Hokey Schtick’ Mann who is purported to have coined the term AMOC.
You really should learn how to stop when you are behind.
You are really embarrasing yourself.
Even the professionals gave up on trying to promote ocean acidification, it kept not happening.
As to AMOC, yes it has slowed down over the last year or two, but it was speeding up before that. And slowing down before that. And speeding up before that. Ad infinitum.
Can’t you at least keep up with the latest lies?
Gkam just showed that all he/she reads is far-left newspaper headlines.
Compendium of all ocean surface pH readings since 1920. (up to around 2015)
A slight but insignificant INCREASE in pH.
Come back some time when you have something to back up your claims other than MSM propaganda.
And FFS… go and actually learn something real. !