In a leap of research audacity that would leave even Jules Verne agog, esteemed “researchers” have now extended their climate change theories beyond the confines of our blue planet, reaching out into the unknown, the unexplored – the realm of exoplanets. It seems that even hypothetical alien territories are not spared from the fretful narrative of carbon footprints.
A study conducted by Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The University of Maryland, College Park, and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ventured into the potential effects of greenhouse gas supplements on both Earth and, rather startlingly, “temperate terrestrial exoplanets.” The research points to a parallel relationship between CO2 supplement and intensified warming in non-irradiated regions, impacting global circulation patterns.
By employing ExoCAM and CMIP6 model simulations, these intrepid researchers found that the addition of CO2 to an atmosphere leads to increased warming in areas that are conveniently shielded from direct sunlight. These localized temperature changes could apparently bring about significant alterations in global circulation, even on an exoplanet located light years away.
Quite a fascinating leap, one must admit, applying terrestrial conclusions on climate dynamics to an extraterrestrial body based on hypothetical models. Makes one wonder about the broad brushstrokes being used here in the intricate artwork of climate science.
The study also reveals that introducing a greater supplement of CO2 into the atmosphere enhances temporal stability near the surface but decreases stability at low pressures. Surprisingly, this observation holds true for both Earth and TRAPPIST-1e, despite their distinct climate states. Dr. Assaf Hochman, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, emphasized the importance of comprehending the intricate connections between greenhouse gases and climate dynamics on both Earth and potentially habitable exoplanets.
Yeah, they got the atmospheric dynamics of TRAPPIST-1e down to a tee. No uncertainty there.
These findings shed light on the complex interactions between greenhouse gases and climate dynamics, offering crucial insights into the habitability of exoplanets and the potential impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on Earth’s climate,” said Dr. Assaf Hochman.
The quest for knowledge is, of course, commendable. The expansion of our understanding of exoplanetary science remains an exciting and pivotal frontier, even if the potential for habitable worlds beyond our solar system remains elusive.
But, as the narrative around greenhouse gases and climate dynamics continues to spin an ever-widening web, it seems to now encompass interstellar proportions. It might not be long before we see the Milky Way’s first interplanetary carbon tax, adding a new layer of complexity to the already tangled threads of interstellar law.
Not to be confused with Bird Law
Comments are open for those who wish to dive into the intergalactic climate change discussion. However, while typing away on your keyboards, do be mindful of your carbon footprint. One wouldn’t want to unintentionally upset any distant cosmic neighbors.
JOURNAL REFERENCE: Hochman, A., Komacek, T.D. & De Luca, P. Greenhouse gas supplement increases warming and alters circulation patterns on Earth and Earth-like exoplanets. Nature (2023). DOI 10.1038/s41598-023-38026-8
I expect this post to be fact-checked by that sad little regime enforcer Zack Fishman from NewsGuard
No where in Hochman, A., Komacek, T.D. & De Luca, P. is there any mention of SUVs or their existence on TRAPPIST-1e.
The image accompanying the article also appears doctored.
The clip about Bird Law is not from any trusted legal authority.
We rate this post to be misleading disinformation.
The shark has been jumped years ago with AGW yet we keep finding more sharks. It’s like Wack-A-Mole.
We are down to sharks jumping sharks.
Love those ending comments
“We rate this post to be misleading disinformation”
The only disclaimer missing is…
No Environmentalists were harmed in the writing of this article
It seems Zack doesn’t have a sense of humor.
That appears to be a common trait of radical leftists.
If it doesn’t make Zack laugh, then it must be disinformation and misleading.
I hope you realize I made up Zack’s quote for him.
Such a tax could be quite lucrative. By mass, C is the fourth most common element in the universe, after H, He and O.
Imagine the number of trees you’d need to plant just to fly here from Alpha Centauri.
All they need now is a wormhole for fast, direct payments to the UN and affiliate government entities. What’s in your wormhole wallet?
A black hole!
The Dynamic Atmosphere Energy Transport Model created by myself and Philip Mulholland works perfectly well for widely disparate atmospheric compositions without having to take the proportion of greenhouse gases into account at all.
So far we have compared Earth, Venus, Mars and Titan.
We have no doubt that it works for exoplanets too.
Trappist – as in monk.
Since the last CoP the alarm is sounded at least three times a day- and it gets more ludicrous by the day…
“”World’s oceans changing colour due to climate breakdown””
More modelled rubbish.
Sanity seems light years away.
Phytoplankton LOVES CO2..
It has colour… nothing unusual about that at all !
Yes, and CO2 fertilization of the oceans doesn’t get much mention, but must be significant. If the land is greening because of CO2, then the oceans are greening, too.
As a practical matter, we have evolved to employ ‘heuristics’ to more efficiently sift through the near infinite amount of sensory data, much of it useless, that continuously bombards our senses. I find it particularly useful to ignore any article or reference to ‘eureka alert’.
Climatologists focussing on exoplanets seems harmless to me.
In fact I think it should be encouraged.
Anything is better than scaring people in the real world with their science fiction.
The saddest part is that this nonsense was published in Nature.
What you said!
Yes, our science institutions, and their leaders, have been totally corrupted by the CO2 virus.
The science isn’t nearly settle enough to give them an excuse to sign off on human-caused global warming/climate change. And they are smart enough, and in a position, to know this.
So the next question is: What is their motivation? It’s not in promoting good science because they are doing just the opposite.
From the above article:
“Comments are open for those who wish to dive into the intergalactic climate change discussion.”
OK. 42.
But remind me, what was the question?
So I guess this means that when we set up an earth colony on the moon or Mars, gas stoves and SUVs are out.
I wondered what happened to that Tesla Musk sent to Mars but missed!
Last that I heard is that it is still outgassing CO2 into the universe.
Your carbon offsets will now include tree planting on Mars and the Moon. Well, they didn’t specify living trees. It’s the greenwashing and tax credits that count anyway.
This is obviously a crypto currency scam.
In discussing climate change on planet Trappist-1e, I see a problem. Climate here on Earth is defined as the normal weather over a 30 year period. So do we define climate on 1e as over 30 Earth years or over 30 Trappist-1e years? 1e years run 146 hours, not counting leap years.
To be fair, the researchers are not claiming CO2 emissions on earth are affecting other planets. I think.
No, but… it’s all about MODEL SIMULATIONS of other planets.
I think sometimes that scientists just come up with weird stuff for the fun of it, and are surprised when it gets talked about. “I wasn’t serious, just throwing crap at the wall!”
“These findings shed light on the complex interactions between greenhouse gases and climate dynamics, offering crucial insights into the habitability of exoplanets and the potential impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on Earth’s climate,” said Dr. Assaf Hochman.”
Dynamics? Sure. For Earth, just watch from space on the CO2 longwave IR band to see how the motion overwhelms the minor static warming effect at the surface expected from incremental increases in CO2 or any other non-condensing GHG. The radiance at 30C on the “brightness temperature” scale (yellow) is 10 times the radiance at -90C (white.)
It doesn’t look like the output of a passive “trap” – it’s a huge array of highly variable emitter elements. The influence of the formation and dissipation of clouds, along with the obvious prevalence of overturning circulations, helps us grasp that heat energy cannot be expected to accumulate on land and in the oceans from what non-condensing GHGs do in the atmosphere.
There is no large-grid, discrete-layer, step-iterated, parameter-tuned computer model that can realistically represent the response of the real atmosphere of Earth to incremental GHGs. But we can watch the longwave emitter output in near-real-time and relatively high resolution to get over any reason to worry about harmful warming. The characteristic we readily observe is dynamic self-regulation in response to absorbed and stored energy.
That pretty much coincides with my viewpoint on cloud formation and the summation of local cloud cover controlling the planetary temperature by local SW reflection back to outer space. A bit different viewpoint, but reinforcing…
Yes, agreed.
They have models based on the fundamental (unquestionable, unchallenged) assumption that increased atmospheric CO2 will cause warmer temperatures on Earth. And when they run the models, the output shows that increased atmospheric CO2 will cause warmer temperatures on Earth. What a surprise!!
So they envision an Earth-like exoplanet and they run the models on it and – you’ll never guess!! – the output shows that increased atmospheric CO2 on the hypothetical exoplanet will cause temperature to rise there too, just like at home on Earth. Well, blow me down!!
This must mean that the models are robust!!
The taxpayers of the EU and Israel who funded this pathetic travesty of a scientific study must be proud that their hard-earned pay has helped to push back the frontiers of human knowledge even unto the ends of the galaxy..
“These localized temperature changes could apparently bring about significant alterations in global circulation, even on an exoplanet located light years away.”
No problemo- obviously quantum physics at work! You see, 2 planets might be twins and they become “entangled” like 2 particles might- so if you change one or even just look at it- you’ve altered the other! I think Einstein talked about this. 🙂
Luckily, John Kerry does not own a spacecraft.
However, his wife does.
There are at least two obvious severe problems with the Trappist1e conclusions.
First, On Earth, a significant portion of CO2 warming is not from CO2, but rather its enhancement of the positive water vapor feedback. This is because Earth’s surface is 71% ocean. Nobody knows if Trappist1e even has an ocean. So modeling it using CMIP6 stuff is a waste of time—Cannot be parameterized.
OTOH, it is trivially obvious that CO2 is a GHG; Tyndal proved that experimentally in 1859. So that part of their conclusion concerning the exoplanet needed no climate model at all.
Second, nobody knows if the exoplanet has any sequestered fossil fuels to burn to raise CO2. In fact, we don’t even know if its atmosphere contains sufficient O2 for combustion of anything. On Earth, O2 was produced by photosynthetic life, and for the first couple of billion years it was all consumed turning iron into the rust that we now call iron ore. Only in the last billion did atmospheric O2 increase, and it wasn’t until the Ediacarian that there was enough dissolved in the oceans to support non-photosynthetic life.
Again, shame on Nature for publishing this obvious drivel.
Look, SUVs are only the last stage of delivering Galactic people to Earth. Read Iain M. Banks’ “The State of the Art.”
Well we do have a GHG effect from CO2 here on Earth. It’s just that it’s now mostly saturated in the 8-15 LWIR absorption band of interest, even in ultra dry deserts where little water vapor can play also in the game. The first 50 ppm CO2 are the most consequential for LWIR absorption. After that each doubling, to 100ppm then 200 ppm, and now 400ppm, anything further is meaningless for climate because we are a deep water planet and the oceans and water phase physics limits temperature excursions via convective heat transport in the atmosphere, bypassing the radiative energy transport channel to moderate temps.
And even if we can burn all available fossil fuels in the next 77 years, there is no chance to get to 800pm. We might make 570 ppm by 2070-2075, but that’s long way still from 800 ppm and the time line involved means it is irrelevant for energy policy actions today.
Our GHG situation here on Earth is entirely moderated by the water part of our world. Any attempt to compare to an exo-planet would also have to assume a commensurate water world on gravitationally locked planet circling a M-class red dwarf.
story tip
Austrian Biochemical Engineer: “No Energy Production Method Is More Damaging Than Wind Turbines” (
Aw, now I want a Starship Utility Vehicle. 😉
Adaption from Dylan Thomas – 1914-1953
From the article: “Quite a fascinating leap, one must admit, applying terrestrial conclusions on climate dynamics to an extraterrestrial body”
Applying terrestrial conclusions which are erroneous to begin with, makes it even more of a fascinating leap.
“The research points to a parallel relationship between CO2 supplement and intensified warming in non-irradiated regions,”
That’s why it is stays warmer at night in areas of high humidity.
These people get paid to do this?