By Paul Homewood
h/t MrGrimNasty
Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam has taken to Twitter to share his frustration in an 11-point thread after he was served carrots and a handful of potatoes for dinner as the ‘vegan option’ in hospital.
Mr Hallam posted a photo of an almost empty plate from his bed which had just a portion of carrots on it, writing 391 words on the environmental benefits of going vegan – but did admit he had already eaten the ‘six’ potatoes that were served on the side.
The controversial environmentalist, 56, who also helped form eco mobs Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil, has been in hospital after ‘crushing’ his leg during an accident while riding his bike.
He was last Friday pictured with an external fixator on his right leg which is used to hold broken bones in place with metal pins or screws.
It comes after a week of ‘slow-marching’ protests by Just Stop Oil across central London, with expected action on Saturday at 12pm in Westminster.
I’m not really sure what else a vegan can expect to eat in winter in our glorious fossil fuel free future. There will ne food imports, because they will need fossil fuels to ship them. So there will be little else than potatoes and carrots for months at a time, unless you want something out of a tin.
By the way Roger, I wonder how much fossil fuels were used to manufacture that fixator around your leg, ferry you to the hospital in an ambulance or supply all of the other things needed in the hospital to keep you alive?
From what I’ve seen of British hospitals, like a certain big hospital in Birmingham I visited which appeared to have a lively in-ward ecosystem, they could give him a snare so he could trap his own rats. Of course he’d have to purchase carbon credits to offset the steel snare wire, and he’d have to convince the staff to gather twigs so he could cook his snared rats using carbon neutral biomass.
Being vegan he won’t eat rats
Depends if his objection to meat is the carbon footprint? A week of carrots and potatoes might promote a more flexible outlook.
Dude should have realized the evils of Fossil sourced products (asphalt paving (petrochemicals), synthetic rubber tires (oil), steel bike frames (coal), steel or aluminum wheels) all of which require the use of various FF. Even the fertilizer used to grow HIS VEGGIES comes from FF processes.
If he wants to heal his badly broken leg he needs to eat some protein and calcium. My experience with hospital stays says a dietician will visit him and describe what diet is most beneficial to heal a broken bone, and which diet is least helpful. Guess!
He looks terrible for his age.
Another thing that strikes me is all of the natural gas and petroleum derived plastics shown in that photo.
Obliviousness is a character trait of the woke.
A hallmark characteristic of all wacko leftists is a total lack of self-awareness.
But is this lack of self awareness genetic, educational, inherent or contrived?
Sincerely, I do not know the answer, after years of searching.
Geoff S
“But is this lack of self awareness genetic, educational, inherent or contrived?”
My first thought as well, plus: grapes and orange juice
What about all the food miles
Obvious…Spinach and Kale.
Just ask Popeye
Many rats are vegan.
Rats will eat whatever they can find or catch.
Cattle are vegan, so it must be OK to eat free-range beef. 100% vegetable input, organically grown, organically processed.
No indeed: however, vice versa might be worth considering!
Why are we even giving him any publicity ?
What a tosser who is against our modern civilization and believes that vegan is the way the world should move to .
When faced with reality he posts on the internet .
What a loser who wants to destroy our standard of living but then moans about the food he is given in hospital.
I have forgotten his name already .
In the foto it doesn’t look as if he is against our modern civilization. Hospitals like this are part of that modern civilization.
It are only the little people who should not travel and eat insects because of nasty CO2 pollution.
As a matter of interest, what are the major component of toenail polish?
Acetone and pigments?
Polymer nitrocellulose or acrylate co-polymer. Additives plasticisers, dyes & pigments, adhesives, thickeners, UV blockers.
Almost all dependent on Oil and Gas drilling
Not so sure those toenails are painted. Looks more like thickened yellowish toenails from toenail fungus
🙂 No one thought to check his shoes for a fungi.
My missus does wonderful things with carrots. Food wise I mean. Cooked in orange juice and herbs, lovely. Would make a turnip pallatable.
Turnip is also an alternative for carrots and potatoes.
Not for me, it’s not.
turnips ARE palatable fresh raw or boiled alongside some nice corned beef yum
A good turnip should be something between an apple and a radish. You can pickle them in chunks nicely too.
The best way I’ve found to peel them is a hand microplane grater and you just scrub that outer skin off.
Don’t you be dissin’ on turnips!
Roasted in the oven with a little salt and garlic- YUM!
Clive Owen also did great (no, not greta) things with a carrot in Shoot’em Up. [Possibly his best movie]
that orange juice would be a no-no unless we’ve warmed enough to grow oranges in Britain.
Grapes are a bit hit and miss in the UK too. Home grown tomatoes are not available yet either.
There’s an awful lot of single use plastic on view.
Lots of single use plastics used in hospitals, both inside and outside patients, to prevent cross infection.
I was thinking more about the packaging for the tomatoes, grapes, fruit juice and what looks like bread not to mention the vegan milk carton and the large polythene bag lurky at the back
Oh dear.
It’s not gonna be easy, but we really do have to feel sorry for this guy.
Even worse, we have to give him Empathy.
This is The Last Thing he wants and thinks he needs so he will be the least co-operative of all/all involved
Reason: He wants Sympathy. He wants attention.
Somebody to fawn over him and make a fuss.
Don’t We All?
Start here:”The 38-year-old said: ‘Ordinary people know this, but our government keeps licensing new fossil fuels. They are writing a death sentence for millions
(quote from the DailyFail, my emphasis)
Jeezus wept or what – That Is Not A Thirty Eight Year Old Man we see in his picture
What the he11 is he doing to make himself into a 70+ year old?
Next: In conjunction with whatever ‘drug’ he is using to age himself, part of the same issue and why he needs empathy and understanding is that he a is a lost, lonely soul leading an empty and purpose-free life.
The Drug he’s on is doing that and THAT is A Big Problem for all of us
We all know what it is, that is why he ate the potatoes and not the catties.
Meanwhile, Hallam has in spite of his actual age, reverted to childhood.
He is unsure of himself, has lost all self-confidence, he is ‘lost’ and lonely and is basically, as children do, seeking attention.
And why is a 38yr old talking about ‘death’ – chronically depressed or what!!!
He’s talking about himself and is looking for An Angel to come save him.
learn to dance Roger, it’s never actually too late.
‘What is he doing making himself into a 70+ year old?’
This is because vegans don’t grow older than others, they only look older.
Dms pretty bad with facts
he looks 58
My 77 year old couch potato, beer drinking, non vegan Dad looks younger than him.
My wife went strict vegetarian plus some seafoods at age 11. Next month brings 80.
She certainly does not look the worse from dietary choice.
Geoff S
Seafoods… definitely NOT vegan.
Without those, you would have our condolences.
I’m 62 & I look at least 10 years younger than this human hating moron.
How did a 38 year old bust up his UPPER leg falling off a pedal-veyance?
The version of the article I am reading says he is 56, but he still looks terrible for that age. He probably broke his leg because he is osteoporotic, due to his limited diet. Just a guess.
Good reasoning there. Almost certainly true! Note, I am not vege, vegan etc. He looks, probably twice my age, and I am 68!
The article says he is 56.
The article says he is 56.
But a quick search gives …
Julian Roger Hallam born 4 May 1966 = 57.
I have an 88yr old friend who looks better than that.
Bicycles are dangerous …
Deaths and Injuries
Nearly 1,000 bicyclists die and over 130,000 are injured in crashes that occur on roads in the United States every year.
The costs of bicycle injuries and deaths from crashes typically exceed $23 billion in the United States each year. These costs include spending on health care and lost work productivity, as well as estimated costs for lost quality of life and lives lost.
So is walking …
More than 7,000 pedestrians were killed on our nation’s roads in crashes involving a motor vehicle in 2020. That’s about one death every 75 minutes.
One in six people who died in crashes in 2020 were pedestrians.
There were also an estimated 104,000 emergency department visits of pedestrians treated for non-fatal crash-related injuries in 2020.
And remember … all those pedestrians and cyclists were exhaling CO2.
Remember, 100% of bicycle injuries involve bicycles.
In London we have ‘the floating bus stop. Town planners score yet again.
Running the cyclist gauntlet…
Just like ‘smart motorways’.
That is waiting for accidents to happen. Only mentally immature people would create something like this. To save the cyclist, you endanger pedestrians. Like to save the Earth it is ok to slaughter the Eagles.
Well, gee. It looked good on paper.
and the whales!
Many US states, it’s illegal to ride on the sidewalk. Put them out in the street where cars can get a crack at them.
Half of all traffic deaths in the Phoenix area are pedestrians most are not in crosswalks even though crosswalks are often less than a hundred feet away. I watch a woman using a walker cross a hundred feet from a cross walk, the stupidity of her doing it she had to go to corner with the crosswalk anyway, she was just on the others side of the street when she got there.
I think we still have the law here where you aren’t liable when you run them over.
Bicyclists here in Tucson are even more idiotic – many millions of dollars put into dedicated bike paths – and they’re out on the street, with one only ten feet away. Frequently right in the middle of the lane.
“lost work productivity”
Tofu eating enviro whack jobs are unlikely to be the most productive at a workplace. That figure needs to be lower.
Does Mr. Hallam know that carrots as illustrated require extensive soil preparation to grow straight and fat? Natural carrots are spindly knotty things more like Queen Anne’s Lace roots – their origin.
I am sure Mr Hallam doesn’t have a clue where his next meal comes from and how important fertiliser made from natural gas is for its production.
They come shrink-wrapped at Sainsbury’s.
No, his carrots come from the grocery store. None of that nasty dirt involved.
If a family member is in hospital we take food in
It’s a no-brainer
if I got to hospital for more than a day stay I take my own food in, and coffee;-))
Only if you know you are going there. But for those who wake up in hospital and have no idea how they got there it is a different story.
I don’t visit in hospitals, the last thing I want is to contract any hospital bourne fatal illness. 😉
I dont suppose he has any friends or family.
Surprisingly the food in French hospitals isn’t that great. Even when it’s not escargot or Cuisses de grenouilles.
DM ran it yesterday and i commented the same
all his assistance was due to fossil fuels and i hoped hed refused that nasty anaesthetic because of climate damage too
He’s a very bitter and twisted individual who blames everyone but himself for his failure as an organic farmer..
People like him (and most everyone else) would totally blanch if they were to pick up a surgical nursing book from the early 20th century. I did just that and it was utterly disgusting (from a modern point of view, back then people dealt with what was available) to see the sorts of things in a hospital that were sterilized (hopefully!) and then re-used. Needles, tubing, drapes, towels, etc. Yuck!
Be oh so thankful that all of that stuff is disposable these days.
There is so many other vegan food in winter as only carots
Nice try, all now doubled or tripled in price thanks to “climate change”?
Interesting how all those price tag stakes are all blank
When in season. What do you eat the rest of the year? Unless you have a well constructed root cellar – not that your greens, tomatoes, etc. will keep there.
In any northerly climate, before the modern age, you stored roots in the cellar. Canned and pickled just as much other vegetables and fruits as you could (when we moved my grandparents out of their Kansas home, we ended up with nearly 100 Mason jars). Sane people also make sausage and smoke just as much meat as they possibly can in the fall.
Even if the knowledge to do what is needed to survive a winter is miraculously restored to the population – 90% (at least) of them will need to die. Of course, genocide is a favorite pursuit of the Left.
He looks like a poster-boy of an aging eco-socialist hippy. I bet that he even reeks of patchouli.
Looks like they steamed them so they’d not have any butter on them too!
I’d mail him a bottle of Soylent but I’m sure UK would trash it at the border.
hold on a sec..
Holy GIF Batman
Because no one ever complains about hospital food. 😉
Aren’t we all supposed to be eating insects now?
I tried once but it really bugged me
Look on thr brightside Roger the carrots will help you see in the dark.
Sorry, buddy. You can’t eat the potatoes. That would be cultural appropriation from the Inca and other tribes that developed them.
He looks emaciated. Getting enough complete amino acids and protein as a vegan is hard work. 100 grams of chicken = 400 grams of beans. There are zero vegan champion body builders.
No doubt he demanded that the lights, heat and AC supplied to his room be shut off, just to be consistent with his beliefs.
That needs a slight edit
No he didn’t demand that the lights, heat and AC supplied to his room be shut off, just to be consistent with his beliefs.
All I can really say is –
Neither does our Kev..
he was served carrots and a handful of potatoes for dinner as the ‘vegan option’ in hospital.
Raw until net zero I trust?
What did the UK’s electricity generation mix look like in 2022? – edie
Looks like the hospital staff has both a sense of humor and justice.
Too bad his ambulance wasn’t blocked by his followers.
While discussing control freaks and consequences, what about speed humps? Three of my immediate family get significant to severe pain from every speed bump they cross in a car. One has severe pain from post-herpetic neuralgia after shingles 10 years ago. Another has inoperable chronic pancreatitis. The third has long term general body and joint pain, undiagnosed by batteries of testing.
There are cries of pain during crossing some of the more vicious speed hump designs.
Anyone else thinking we should campaign against these anti-social, unwanted control measures?
Geoff S
I totally get that….my mom has had a couple of spinal and neck fusions and she groans whenever I drive over a speed bump, no matter how slowly I go. So yes, they are torture devices for some people with certain medical issues.
People tend to accelerate immediately after crossing a speed hump/bump, so I’m not sure how effective they are at reducing speeding.
He might want to claim credit for this one also….
story tip
Cuba cancels May Day parade because of fuel shortages – BBC News
Net Zero in action.
I thought walking was a large part of having a parade. Can’t have a parade without ICE’s?
What was his complaint? His potatoes provided carbs and protein, the carrots vitamins. He’s got tomatoes, grapes and orange juice available beside him. What exactly did he want provided for him? —a gourmet chef cooking his meal to order? If so, maybe he should have emailed Soros to provide it.
And, yes, he looks haggard and aged. I guess a life of bitterness, failure, and anger catches up with a person.
I see a lot of plastic, Styrofoam, mined-milled-processed metals there, and a con man too.
What was he doing riding a bicycle?
A modern bicycle is not exactly lo-tech. A substantial amount of energy is used to produce the steel/aluminum/carbon fiber frame.
And of course the helmet and other protective gear is also often from hi-tech materials.
Just wondering(?)
I would suggest he go without any protective gear, and ride as fast as possible, ignoring any and all traffic lights.
You must have visited Sydney and seen our bicycle riders.
Unfortunately that’s everywhere.
Big deal, we found another patient who is disappointed in hospital food. He needs to shut the hell up.
I’m guessing that the hospital took its normal evening meal, pulled the meat, then doubled up on the sides before serving it up.
Well in Fairness to him, what the hell else is he going to do all day?
I’m wondering how Mr. Hallam got a plate that looks fresh from the packaging. Outside of the carrots, I don’t see any evidence of food…no juices, butter, bits of skin….plate looks pristine. And how did he eat the supposed potatoes…all his silverware is still in the plastic wrapper, along with his napkin. And by the way….everything in the photo was manufactured from, or by, petroleum…as well as the medical devices, drugs, bed, and hospital building his skinny, sanctimonious, alive-due-to-modern-technology frame is parked in!
In the world this fool longs for his leg would probably get amputated with a civil war era bone saw & no anesthetics…
Don’t forget cabbage, beets, turnips, rutabaga, and parsnips are also winter crops. I guess Roger doesn’t really know what vegan foods are readily available in the winter.
Some fascists claim to be humanitarians
like cannibals on a health kick
eating only vegetarians
Roger McGough
Belief that eating vegan or vegetarian does not count as serving practical complete nutrition healthy meals.
The hospital should serve him their regular meals.
If Hallam decides not to eat everything on his plate, that is his choice. If his blood tests indicate deficiencies, they can inject it or supply the necessary vitamins/amino acids/minerals via a drip feed.
Figures the attention seeking twit expects some sort of special treatment for his extremism.