I didn’t have a “Friday Funny”, (though I suppose you could count the Mann UVA protest) so here’s the latest from Josh at cartoonsbyjosh.com
Category: Humor
Hump day hilarity
From the Fail Blog, a reminder that some people think CO2 is lighter than air:
Geography is hard
My local alternate weekly in Chico has a “Green Guide”. This week’s lead story was “Scientists break ice in Greenland”. There’s only one problem.
Tuesday Tipping Point
Josh at cartoons by Josh illustrates how the hockey stick continues to be undead in the eyes of its supporters. It is a simple matter of tipping…
Um, Mr. Pope, work on that proofreading
Responding to the last blunder he made where he assigned WUWT ownership of the “Our Climate” app, Sierra Club Chairman Carl Pope makes a blunder anew, 5 times. Heh. See…
Friday Funny Bonus: Surreal Climate #3
Josh of Cartoons by Josh writes: Another in the Surreal Climate series – in response the WUWT story about the EPA rejecting CO2 petitions I think we all know what…
Friday Funny #1 – 7 of 11 10 must be bad
Josh of cartoons by Josh writes to go along with his newest cartoons: Paragraph Updated: This week we had stories about how climate indicators show that the globe is warming.…
Faster than everyplace else…
Tom Nelson runs a great aggregator blog. he’s got his pulse on climate news all over the globe. He’s also got a keen eye for news detail and offers some…
Friday funny bonus: Gore Graph Jam
Kate at smalldeadanimals.com sends her regards with this graph:
Friday Funny: Fantasy Climate #2
Josh at Cartoons by Josh makes installment number two and writes about the first cartoon: I updated the wording to take on Anthony’s comment about there being some real facts…
Meltdown at Scienceblogs.com – bloggers jumping ship
UPDATE: Luboš Motl finds some interesting tidbits about the state of science at Sb, see below the “Continue reading” line. UPDATE2: PZ Myers ends his “strike” and flames me, see…
Tink Fitzhew vs the USGS
Guest post by WUWT moderator Mike Lorrey Up here in northern New England, we like our tall tales. Stories of the humor, wisdom, and idiosyncratic thought of the yankee farmer…
Dilbert on the Utility of Forecasting
Scott Adams evidently understands AGW adherents completely.
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