Help! I Care More About Climate Change Than My Partner

Essay by Eric Worrall

How do Alarmists cope when their partner inconsiderately brings home a loaf of bread wrapped in plastic, despite a freezer is full of home made bread?

Help! I Care More About Climate Change Than My Partner

When it comes to disagreeing about climate change, can there be a middle ground?

By Brianna Sharpe
Updated September 13, 2023

One afternoon, I was cleaning up after lunch with my toddler balanced on my hip when I saw it: a Ziploc bag in the garbage. “Eric!” I shouted in frustration at my husband, who wasn’t even home. My daughter looked expectantly at me. “Dada home?” I shook my head, glad that he wasn’t. The words I was thinking of were not playground-approved.

Eric thinks climate change is real and concerning. But my anxiety about the planet’s future is foreign to him. Recently, when we chatted about our kids’ lives 20 years from now, he described a future with things like careers, homes and families. All I could picture was a world they wouldn’t want to bring their own children into. How can we share so much, but diverge so drastically on this?

Caroline Hickman, a psychotherapist with the University of Bath and the Climate Psychology Alliance, says this kind of tension is increasingly common; she’s even seen couples break up over the strain of differing environmental views. “You’re not talking about whose turn it is to take the rubbish out; you’re talking about extinction and survival,” she says. While successful relationships are built on communication and compromise, “people are not willing to compromise on this.”

This tension even led to a stalemate on whether to have children. MC worried about their child’s future and the ethics of bringing another person onto the planet. Her husband still wanted kids. After years—and lots of support and space for MC—they found a way forward, and she’s due any day. But when it comes to the big picture, their conversations still turn into a battle.

Although he’s supported her since then, he’ll also bring home plastic-wrapped bread right after she’s stocked the freezer with homemade loaves. “It’s a lot of work to make bread, soap, canned vegetables and everything else,” Heather says, frustrated by her husband’s consumerism. She lovingly calls their relationship one of “comedic tension”; she likes to wag her finger at him in jest, “and he gives me all kinds of excuses to do that.”

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Don’t forget folks, their vote counts as much as yours does. And no, Brianna is married to a different Eric.

Regarding home made bread, she could ask her partner how her home made could be improved. Maybe she is doing it wrong – getting bread right is a surprisingly subtle art, even small changes make a big difference.

In any case, I doubt home baking is the climate conscious choice Brianna thinks it is.

I love making home made bread, but the fact is heating up the oven just for a single loaf of bread, or a small number of loaves, likely takes lot more energy than mass producing thousands of loaves of bread in a production line oven. Surface area to volume ratio helps ensure the heat insulation on really big ovens is a lot more effective than small household ovens. And producing that biodegradable plastic wrap for shop bought bread is a lot less energy intensive than running a freezer to preserve a batch of home made loaves.

As for washing out the ziplock bags – Brianna, where do you think the detergent you use for washing ziplock bags comes from? Hint Brianna – they don’t make detergent out of thin air.

But I guess we’ve all come to expect this level of fundamental ignorance from our most zealous climate alarmists.

By the way, please keep using the detergent, or switch to using new ziplock bags every time. I know dish washing detergent is a petroleum product, just like the ziplock bags you re-use, but you need to think about the health of your young child. E. Coli infection from improper food handling can wreak havoc on the health of the very young. Perhaps you could switch to a brand of detergent which makes a big deal of their fake carbon credits.

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September 14, 2023 2:08 pm

Well, both of these idiots are wrong. They’ve been brainwashed by the myths from the lying Greenies!

Reply to  mikelowe2013
September 14, 2023 2:18 pm

Too bad they reproduced.

Paul Hurley
Reply to  Scissor
September 14, 2023 4:03 pm

Perhaps the child will be rebellious against the parents.

Reply to  Scissor
September 14, 2023 9:56 pm

Reproduction isn’t just good, its a biological imperative.

Glad they haven’t lost sight of that.

Bob B.
Reply to  mikelowe2013
September 15, 2023 4:50 am

I suspect Eric doesn’t really believe ’climate change is real and concerning’. Just going along to get along.

John the Econ
September 14, 2023 2:11 pm

Please let your husband know of your condition so that he can act accordingly. And when I say “act accordingly”, I mean either finding suitable mental health help for you or getting divorce and custody attorneys.

Onthe Move
September 14, 2023 2:13 pm

If anyone is feeling the grief of global boiling (18C where I am right now, mid afternoon), there are easy solutions that can be taken to remove oneself from the carbon emitting business, progeny included.

Government of Canada has a MAiD program. It’s very DIE.

Elliot W
Reply to  Onthe Move
September 14, 2023 8:11 pm

Handy explanation for non-Canadians:

18 c = 64 f

MAiD = Medical Assistance in Dying (a Canadian govt sponsored euthanasia/suicide program)

DIE = Diversity Inclusion and Exclusion (/sarc. But barely.)

September 14, 2023 2:35 pm

She is naïve, and her naïveté is destroying her marriage. What a shame. She trusts people and organizations she knows lie to her.

September 14, 2023 2:40 pm

I wonder how these snowflakes were able to bear the pain of concept let alone childbirth.. Hope the brats got more balls than the parents

Reply to  alastairgray29yahoocom
September 15, 2023 9:43 am

pain of concept let alone childbirth.

concept? conception?
Conception is a pain? Not if you do it right.

michael hart
September 14, 2023 2:48 pm

“My daughter looked expectantly at me. “Dada home?” I shook my head, glad that he wasn’t.”

The young daughter may be onto something. There is hope for the next generation. Not every daughter is going to be as stupid as her mother. Stupid people can have smarter kids (as well as the reverse.)

Joe Gordon
September 14, 2023 2:49 pm

In college, I was in a long-term relationship with a woman. We were very compatible, it seemed likely to head to marriage, family, lifetime together. But we both knew that wasn’t possible. Her family was fundamentalist and I come from a long line of atheists. There was no way it was going to work.

After college, we remained friends, and she met someone, married quickly. They’re still together more than 30 years later. I married much later, but just as happy, I think.

This Climageddon phenomenon is the same exact thing. Christianity is no longer dominant among younger people in America. It’s the Climate Religion, and their earth gods will punish them if they don’t do weird things like sometimes sacrifice using fossil fuels when it’s convenient. But two people – one in the religion and one not – simply don’t have the same outlook on life. They really believe the Earth is coming to an end, and it’s because of sinners like Trump and the oil companies.

I’m sad because their religion, and its prevalence among government officials, means that for the first time in generations, we cannot promise our children a better life than the one we have had.

J Boles
Reply to  Joe Gordon
September 14, 2023 4:22 pm

I avoid leftist women any more, I can not stand their BOLD hypocrisy and they can not stand to have it pointed out to them.

Reply to  J Boles
September 15, 2023 12:51 am

I try to avoid all people who want to lower my standard of living. Their politics need not have a particular direction to qualify. But I have found that the people who want to lower my standard of living usually are very proud and vocal about the political clubs that they have joined and harshly dismissive of the ones they haven’t.

Rud Istvan
September 14, 2023 2:54 pm

Well done, Eric. Ridicule is the best response to such silliness. One wonders whether it was just made up for emotional effect?

Speaking from experience, that marriage (if real) I might no last. In my case, Ioved hunting and fishing and sailing. She knew all that years before we married. She didn’t care for fish, was upset that I only went to ‘her’ Chicago Symphony black tie charity gala once because it was the night before the opening of Wisconsin gun deer season on my farm, and she was generally afraid of water even tho could swim well (could not dive in head first, and always worried my big sailboat would sink into Lake Michigan). Only thing we truly shared was skiing, learned while spending almost 6 years in Munich (one other thing we share is fluent German and German friends). So we lasted just until the kids went to college. She kept the Chicagoland mansion, I kept the farm and sailboat. We split ownership of the ski condo in Beaver Creek on the plaza. See how that predictably worked out?

Here in South Florida, I used to frugally wash, air dry, and reuse Ziplock bags. Then we had an ‘event’. Taught me what was floating around in humid South Florida air! Nope. Never again. As an experiment, leave a small piece of white mozzarella out on a South Florida kitchen counter top overnight. You will have green cheese in the morning. (We learned this the hard way disguising dog pills in small cheese balls the night before, rather than making them fresh in the morning,)

Reply to  Eric Worrall
September 14, 2023 5:20 pm

Sincerity is not forgivable when facts are available to inform otherwise.

My single question when in discussion with alarmist’s is “Show me the credible, empirical, scientific body of evidence, which reliably demonstrates atmospheric CO2 causes earth’s climate to warm”.

They never have it to hand of course, so I hand them my smartphone and ask them to search for it. After all, if it’s settled science, the body of inconclusive studies should be everywhere.

I mean, the future of humanity hangs on that one question alone doesn’t it?

Or do I have this wrong, and someone here can show me that body of evidence and ensure I don’t make a fool of myself asking the next alarmist that question?

Tom Abbott
Reply to  HotScot
September 15, 2023 5:54 am

Yes, that’s the best thing to do with climate change alamists: Ask them for the evidence that convinced them that human-caused climate change is real.

They might provide what they think is evidence, and then it can be pointed out that what they consider evidence isn’t really evidence at all, but is just speculation, assumptions, and assertions. None of which would hold up in court as evidence.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
September 15, 2023 8:30 am

Ask them for the evidence

Other things I ask is “what is the right temperature”, “how much rain is the right amount”, “how many storms is the right number”

It seem to me that if you can’t answer those questions, then you can’t say that the current state is wrong.

I’ve been asking that for over 10 years here and have yet to receive an answer, or even a response.

Reply to  Eric Worrall
September 15, 2023 8:16 am

Just none of it is based on knowledge

It’s not just climate zealotry. So much of today’s activism is based purely on emotion. No appeals to reason will change that.

Reply to  Tony_G
September 15, 2023 12:46 pm

But will The Great Watermelon [apologies to Snoopy!] allow reason to be spoken?
Most of this is ultimately political – and – I think – Great Powers Political.
Now, the Great Watermelon seems to have bought several political parties, around the world. I’m basing that on what they actually do – not what they call themselves, nor what they say.

Auto [in the UK, for avoidance of doubt].

Reply to  Rud Istvan
September 14, 2023 5:09 pm

I used to make bread every day for my family. It cost a fraction of shop bought bread, except for the bread making machine I had to buy. They last for years but they do expire.

That was in the time when electricity in the UK was cheap, by our standards, still silly by US standards. It seemed to make sense though, as well as the bread tasting great. It’s also somehow therapeutic and satisfying, so the cost was inconsequential

I guess we were paying £20 or £30 a month for electricity. Three years ago before Covid we were paying around £80 per month for electricity and gas bills combined.

It’s now £240.

Our government is now calling for energy thrift, to economise, and go cold.

My personal history is of earning more than I could reasonably be expected to spend. Not easy, but entirely possible.

NetZero is eroding that concept for our young generation. Thrift is all they have. The possibilities of earning more than is necessary day to day in order to save for the future is diminishing.

Our government’s want their savings. It’s just too tempting to resist.

To most of us on here, the climate nonsense is inconsequential. We’ll all be dead before NetZero impoverishes us all. Which it’s why I find it strange that many of our youngsters go along with the NetZero nonsense.

It’s they who will be hungry and cold, not us. Even were the climate to be the problem predicted, they’ll have no money to make the necessary changes to deal with it.

Do I care, really? Nah, not really. I paid for the mistakes my parents generation made. WW2 was a financial burden I bore for most of my working life. Did I see a change in my tax code when that debt to America was paid off? Nope.

Did I care about that? Nah, not really. I just earned more than I could spend, which included the debt to my parents generation, who fought and died for a war against authoritarianism. And I did it willingly, knowingly and gratefully.

The price I paid couldn’t make up for one life lost in that war.

If climate is the problem, and your predecessors caused it, suck it up kids, we did.

If you don’t want to, don’t blame us for your impoverishment when the fourth reich is telling you what to do minute by minute of your day. And if you don’t believe me, I’m telling you now, the Germans are pulling on their Jackboots as we speak, under the guise of the EU.

J Boles
September 14, 2023 3:17 pm

Say to the person, “OH! I agree with you 110%, and I think we NEED to do more, but first we need funding!” while holding out your hand with palm up. (They never want to pay for fixing CC)

J Boles
Reply to  J Boles
September 14, 2023 3:23 pm

NOT that I think CC “needs fixing” but they do. Funny the things leftists fixate about, very telling about their twisted minds.

September 14, 2023 3:21 pm

Never mind Climate change Just do Partner change

September 14, 2023 3:22 pm

I think she already messed up the best contribution to fighting “Global Warming”- she’s reproduced.

Reply to  Eric Worrall
September 14, 2023 5:33 pm

If our current bunch of upper middle class ‘elites’ fail to reproduce because of climate change fears, the world will be a better place with men of the soil back to producing children of a practical nature.

We are all scientists from the moment we are born. The lust for discovery is knocked out of many by the conformity of our education systems. To be fair, educators do try, but politicians imagine they know how to educate children.

As with everything political, the loonies are running their asylum, and we are the product.

Humanity has grown thanks to two principles, Ambition and Risk. Both are being legislated out of our children’s grasp.

September 14, 2023 3:35 pm

It is somewhere between amusing and sad to see that these people’s lives are already being destroyed by “climate change”. I think that’s what schadenfreude is about.

The alarmists have all these people’s useless suffering on their souls.

Philip Mulholland
September 14, 2023 4:14 pm

How dare you bring me a present.

J Boles
September 14, 2023 4:18 pm

On paper, use a pencil, make a square, divide it in to 4 squares within, to represent people generally, the two rows are male and female, the columns are R and D. Guess which group has the most mental health challenges? Female Democrats.

September 14, 2023 4:31 pm

“we’ve all come to expect this level of fundamental ignorance from our most zealous climate alarmists.”

I really like that line. ! 🙂

September 14, 2023 4:44 pm

Confusing title, not clarified all that much by the article’s content . . .

Interpretation 1: I care more about climate change than I care about my partner.


Interpretation 2: I care more about climate change than does my partner.

Me? I don’t care all that much about (non-existent) climate change.

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  ToldYouSo
September 15, 2023 3:23 am

It gives me great pleasure listening to and reading ambiguous headlines. It’s a bad day when there aren’t several. Quite often down to the omission of a single word, or the correct words in the wrong order. It helps keep me calm when the inevitable Climate is boiling story comes on.

I initially read the headline as Option 1 above

September 14, 2023 4:58 pm

Please don’t anyone tell them that bread making produces CO2 that then make those little voids in the baked loaves. They may never forgive themselves.

Richard Page
Reply to  mkelly
September 15, 2023 4:26 am

Also that freezing bread without airtight bags will cause the bread to dry out and not be very good to eat.

September 14, 2023 6:00 pm

Mental neurosis can be such a debilitating disease. 😉

September 14, 2023 6:30 pm

I can’t say what I think of her on a refined site like WUWT.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Eric Worrall
September 15, 2023 6:20 am

Brianna, no doubt, is inundated with climate change scare stories in the news every day.

The headlines scare the heck out of people.

September 14, 2023 7:56 pm

Divorce. It’s expensive because it’s worth it.

September 14, 2023 8:04 pm

There is hope if the daughter responds ‘Dada home?’ every time mum has a first world meltdown but perhaps the kid needs her own mobile phone to call him.
Bex (compound analgesic) – Wikipedia

September 14, 2023 9:54 pm

Look there isn’t any way that making homemade bread, then freezing it!!!, is more energy efficient that mass baking thousands of loves and delivering to the local market for distribution.

Believe me I’m sympathetic, I bake my own bread often because its cheaper. But I live off the grid, the closest market is 7 miles, and charges at least double the price of a supermarket. Next 15 and the supermarket is 40 miles away. So my propane oven is cheaper for both time and energy.

I also designed and built a solar oven which is great for slow cooked meats, but is lousy for baked goods.

But you really have to be realistic about where you can actually save energy and where you are spending it. If you can walk to the market, or are going out anyway its more energy efficient to buy bread.

For me time, and dealing with people.makes baking worthwhile, but the 6 months of the year I live in suburbia its hardly worth the bother.

September 14, 2023 10:16 pm

It sounds to me as if Brianna isn’t too Sharpe

Her story sounds like fodder for the agony aunt readers

Ben Vorlich
September 14, 2023 11:45 pm

Quoted from the article
“It’s a lot of work to make bread, soap, canned vegetables and everything else”

From which I take that she makes all those things. Nothing wrong with preserving fruit and vegetables in traditional ways. But why stop at homemade soap. Continue down the route of 18th century lifestyle with home grown linen and Hodden or wadmel (unbleached wool).

Reply to  Ben Vorlich
September 15, 2023 2:15 am

And get some cows and make home-grown “patties” for the fire !

Peta of Newark
September 14, 2023 11:51 pm

It’s all so sweet, so laughable and so sad.
The amount of ‘sad’ is off the scale.

Reason being: She, her partner (and ‘most everybody on this Earth) are being torn apart (mentally and physically) by the very thing she/they think will hold them together.
i.e The Bread

It is = The Very Stuff, The Very Measure of how ‘Everything Has Never Been Better
(Burgeoning yields of wheat)
The poison itself that tells you that – just like how alcoholics/drunks think that booze, in ever more amount, will solve all their problems when the booze itself is their problem

Why do we eat bread, why do we love wheat bread so much?
Because the protein in there (Gluten/Gliadin) gives (wheat) bread the chewy texture we associate with eating meat.
It gets beyond crazy in that we never even chewed meat because we wanted the meat/protein – we chewed the meat to get the saturated fat (also blood/cholesterol/vitamins/minerals) out of it.
Then spat it out = hence pet dogs and ‘crumbs from the master’s table’
Just like we do with chewing gum – suck the ‘flavour’ out of it then spit it.

We eat bread because we are starving – and it’s killing us, slowly, tortuously, horribly.
Bread created Climate Science

Rod Evans
September 15, 2023 12:31 am

The time may be arriving when those of us not taken over by the new Climate concern religion start to actively engage in bringing reality back into focus.
A couple of real natural disasters have taken place this past week in north Africa. The Earthquake in Morocco, has devastated communities with few resources to fall back o. A rising death toll of over two thousand is being reported. Other than building better quality, more technically capable structures for people to live in, there is nothing we can do to stop earthquakes and their resulting actual damage to communities.
The other major catastrophe and loss of life is in Libya. There inadequate maintenance of two dames allowed them to fail after heavy rainfall filled them and burst the capacity. The death toll from the resulting dam collapse will be around twenty thousand plus. The city of Dena all but destroyed, with areas uninhabitable for years to come.
The money we (humanity) have spent and wasted on pointless Climate Change activities over the past thirty years would have been better deployed looking at real issues and supporting real infrastructures that will ultimately fail, and cause massive loss of life.
The lady who bemoans her husband’s casual discarding of a plastic bag, then gets it reported is a great indicator of the gap between the nonsense mindset of Climate Alarm advocates and the real world. A world where a man in Dena is searching the rubble for his wife children and and extended family, all lost because the dam was left to rot. It would not be a good time to ask him what he thinks about wasted plastic bags.

Rod Evans
Reply to  Rod Evans
September 15, 2023 12:34 am

Make that two dams, what has happened to the edit function?

Reply to  Rod Evans
September 15, 2023 8:38 am

Two dames was funny though 🙂

Gunga Din
Reply to  Tony_G
September 15, 2023 8:47 am

As they’d say in Italy, “That’s a big-a-mistake!”

Gunga Din
Reply to  Rod Evans
September 15, 2023 9:12 am

Make that two dams, what has happened to the edit function?”

It’s been edited to provide a bit more unintentional humor” 😎

Reply to  Rod Evans
September 15, 2023 2:17 am

The Earthquake in Morocco“…. climate change…

“after heavy rainfall”… climate change…

“inadequate maintenance of two dames”… now that is FUNNY.. and disastrous. !! 🙂

Reply to  bnice2000
September 15, 2023 2:19 am

ps.. very sad about the loss of life in Libya. 🙁

Rod Evans
Reply to  bnice2000
September 15, 2023 2:33 am

I am still suffering from just one badly maintained dame. and boy don’t they keep you informed about it…..

September 15, 2023 12:37 am

I like bread in plastic wrappers. I spin the wrapper shut and secure it with the little plastic clip that keeps it from unraveling. The bread stays fresher longer and doesnt mold as fast. Best invention since slicing. Since I was raised to waste not and want not at the same time dinner conversation still warned that children were starving in China, I think its a great invention. I doubt seriously that Brianna is using a wooden comb or toothbrush or for that matter, folded cotton sanitary napkins or diapers. I’ll bet Eric never says a word about that.

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  doonman
September 15, 2023 1:38 am

Those cotton napkins/diapers take a lot of sterilising.
We’re encouraged to wash clothes in cold water to save the planet. But that means additives to kill the nasties that boiling and hot washes used to deal with. Where do those products go? Through the sewage works back into the river or sea.
So not that environmentally friendly either

Reply to  doonman
September 15, 2023 2:22 am

 little plastic clip that keeps it from unraveling.”

Down here they are made of cardboard… They last about one slice… useless.

Another little thing destroyed by the green agenda.

Reply to  bnice2000
September 15, 2023 8:59 am

Fortunately, I keep my used little plastic clips in a plastic bag for just such an occasion. Even when not banned, they behave like socks and disappear for some reason.

Ed Zuiderwijk
September 15, 2023 2:52 am

…. problems … problems … problems …

Richard Page
Reply to  Ed Zuiderwijk
September 15, 2023 4:31 am

First world problems at that. “Oh where does one find ethically produced quinoa or avocadoes in Islington?”

D Boss
September 15, 2023 5:15 am

Regarding comments about being hopeful the next generation could be smarter than these naive, brainwashed idiots: Well there is a saying that talent often skips a generation, and in my case that was true. My father was not very creative and worked in a factory all his life. His father was a master furniture builder. My grandfather was not only creative, but extremely talented in the time when being a master cabinet maker took real skill. He designed and fabricated (mostly by hand) all of my parent’s furniture when they got married and bought a house.

Not only elegantly designed with a bit of avant-garde flavor, but extremely solid. You could sit an elephant on the coffee and end tables. Me, I have excelled at both design and fabrication, in wood, metal, plastics, electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics and even laboratory apparatus and fixtures.

So yes, talent and skill does appear to skip a generation. However even if a smarter offspring or second gen offspring occurs, they have to deal with incredible burden of their brainwashing from the so called education system. Even with my own progress, part of the reason I excelled is I rejected the bullschist schooling that was thrusting upon me. Not finishing school, I self taught what interested me. Hence I accomplished things thought impossible, because I was not brainwashed into believing it was impossible……

I guess my point is yes, hopefully new generations could be smarter than the present herd of koolaid drinking numbskulls, but you also need a rebellious streak to be able to buck the party line or else being smart but susceptible to the brainwashing gets you more of the same!

Tom Abbott
September 15, 2023 5:38 am

From the article: “Climate Psychology Alliance,”

That made me laugh. 🙂

Tom Abbott
September 15, 2023 5:42 am

From the article: “Don’t forget folks, their vote counts as much as yours does”

Maybe they will be too busy making bread and soap to go vote. We can only hope! 🙂

Gunga Din
September 15, 2023 9:09 am

Sounds like Brianna is a victim of CC indoctrination.
She’s been told that plastic is bad but never asked or thought about “why?”. Nor did she think it through.
Same thing happens when people are told to buy an EV to “Save the Planet!”.
IF their concerns were valid then they might realize such personal choices were doing more harm than good.

September 15, 2023 10:22 am

How many Gretas are there!?
How dare he buy bread!!!

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