From the “let them eat cake, but we’re saving the planet” department comes a new level of hubris unmatched in modern times. [Superyacht] owner Leonardo DeCaprio has nothing on this,…
Category: Quote of the Week
Quote of the Week: Yang’s off-the-rails climate evacuation alarm
During the primary debates last night, Democratic candidates said some pretty crazy stuff. Andrew Yang won the award for the best crazy talking point, in my opinion. He was talking…
Quote of the Week: Greta Thunberg claims to be able to “see” carbon dioxide in the air
At first, I thought this had to be a joke. Then I thought it must be some sort of misinterpretation. Sadly, no. From the website Afrinik, quoting the book –Scener…
Quote of the week: @EricHolthaus calls for seizure of U.S. energy industry
This is epic. Perhaps Eric wasn’t in a lucid frame of mind when he wrote this, or then again, given his political leanings, maybe he was. His Tweet was in…
Jordan Peterson: “Let’s fix global warming…it’s the kind of low resolution thinking that gets us nowhere”
Josh writes on Twitter: Must see & hugely entertaining video segment on #globalwarming from the very brilliant @jordanbpeterson watch from 20.:30 I did, and wow. Well said, Mr. Peterson.
Quote of the Week: ‘Climate Barbie’ claims sewage leaks will increase due to climate change
From the “McKenna in, sewage out” department comes this just unbelievably stupid claim from Canadian Environment Minister Catherine McKenna via CBC. At issue is old infrastructure, not climate change. h/t…
Quote of the Week: That time when climate science believed UHI was causing most of the twentieth century warming
AMS fellow Joe D’Aleo writes of a time when Thomas Karl, former director of the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) actually believed that UHI and station siting was a problem…
Quote of the week from Curry: global warming hiatus for ~2 more decades?
In response to a study from the University of Washington posted on WUWT (and elsewhere) today about a shift in the AMOC and a very clear statement about it not…
Quote of the Week: While Newspaper claims Florida might see a Cat6 Hurricane, scientist says “not so fast”
From this article in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. The QOTW: “Whether we’re talking about a change in the number of storms or an increase in the most intense storms, the…
Quote of the Week: Hansen, father of ‘global warming’, calls renewables a ‘grotesque idea’
Dr. James Hansen, writing about his 1988 senate testimony 30 years ago in an op-ed in the Boston Globe, said some very strong things when it comes to the pie-in-the-sky…
Quote of the Week: Statistics and peer review
WUWT reader J B Williamson writes: I came across this obituary today which reminds us that its not just the climate universe that has problems. Douglas Altman, statistician – obituary…
Quote of the Week – an amazing and encouraging statement from EPA's Scott Pruitt
In his first year as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has already transformed the agency in many ways. He spoke exclusively to The Daily Signal before addressing…
Quote of the Week – climate predictions edition
First let’s start with the compulsory quote from the late, great Yogi Berra, who famously said: “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” ― Yogi Berra In response to…
Quote of the week: The clouds, the 1%, and the ‘holy grail’ of climate science
People send me stuff. Today my inbox got what some people might describe as an important clue to finding the “holy grail” of climate science. It’s a big step forward,…
Quote of the Week – no more ‘currying favor’ at the EPA
We covered the announcement of EPA administrator Scott Pruitt yanking away the conflict of interest issue that has plagued EPA Science Advisory Boards; members of those boards also received EPA…
Quote of the Week: dissing McIntyre on ‘mental health’ …backfires
From the “upside down Mann” department; something I missed while on holiday this summer. Steve McIntyre writes below about a climate scientist at USC, who goes a bit too far,…
QOTW: 'Climatologist' Hillary Clinton – shot down by reality
Oh, brother. This is so predictable, and stupid. Hillary Clinton said in a recent speech at UC Davis: “It’s been a tough couple of weeks with hurricanes and earthquakes and…
Quote of the week: 'anonymous cowards' please take note
Just before I wrote And, I’m back the other day, I came across this quote that inspired me to press on against the ugliness, the abuse, and the taunting that…
Quote of the Week: The cost of daring to write about climate
Matt Ridley: “I’ve written about many controversial issues during my career,” Ridley said. “Never, have I ever experienced anything like what happens when you write about climate, which is a systematic…
Quotes of the Week: Met Office vs NOAA
The Battle For Truth And Credibility Over Global Warming Pause A story in the Sunday Times confirms that the UK Met Office does not accept Karl et al.’s denial of…
Quote of the Week: McIntyre's comment to Dilbert creator, Scott Adams, on climate "experts"
Dilbert creator, Scott Adams wrote a post on his blog yesterday that is well worth reading in entirety: The Non-Expert Problem and Climate Change Science Adams notes: It seems to me…
Quote of the Week – former warmist James Lovelock tells it like it is
JAMES LOVELOCK: NOBODY REALLY KNOWS THE FUTURE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Date: 26/07/16 Catherine Bolado, The Bournemouth Echo IT’S not every day you get to meet a scientific hero – an earth…
Quote of the Week- Mann parodies science: 'we don't need no stinking data'
With apologies to Alfonso Bedoya in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. once quipped: If Michael Mann did not exist, the skeptics would have to invent…
Quote of the week: Best response to #RICO20 #ExxonKnew Attorney Generals ever
I don’t usually go for this sort of language, but sometimes, you just have to bow to the absurd, dive in, and say things in language that simple minded people…
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