Missy’s Twitch, a new comedy CliFi novel goes on sale today.
It is commonly acknowledged that we’ve reached the age where parody and real life are often indistinguishable.
Missy’s Twitch is an amusing and enjoyable read that’s very funny in places. Extremely topical, with a story that represents things as they are happening today without straying too much from reality.
It brings to life the mental stresses of young people bombarded daily with doomsday messages about the climate. It’s no wonder so many of them are seeking therapy.
This book provides a service to people who don’t follow the scientific debate by helping them understand the distortions, history, and motives behind climate alarmism, and doing so in an entertaining fashion. The author’s use of ridicule to skewer such pompous hypocrites as King Charles is worth a laugh.
Fictional contrarian views of climate change are rare, the most notable example being Michael Crichton’s “State of Fear” in 2004. Missy’s Twitch takes a more humorous approach on the issue, but still manages to make an effective case that’s definitely worth reading. You can buy it here.
“”parody and real life are often indistinguishable.””
Indeed they are
“”How climate crisis will force 40 million girls into child marriage by 2050””
The P3d®s are taking over society.
““It’s being forced to marry before they reach 18””
No, it’s being primitive. 7th century, to be precise.
It’s the world the leftists want to force most of society to return to.
As to early marriage, when life expectancy was 30, and women could expect most of their babies to die before they were old enough to have children of their own, society simply could not afford for women to waste too many of their reproductive years.
It is a wonder how so many “Boomers” grew up relatively sane and anxiety free from their useless “Duck and Cover” drills of the 1950’s. I cannot imagine what that would do to the delicate psyches of these Millennial/Z’s and their helicopter parents, here in the 21st century. We didn’t really act out until Uncle Sam said he was going to put an M16 in our hands and send us off to kill a faceless enemy in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Now that would send our Millennial/Z’s into duck and cover drills.
The enemy has a face, and he is us…
“We have met the enemy and he is us.” Pogo by Walt Kelly.
I remember those “duck and cover” drills, pretty much knew even way back then that there was nothing much you could do if it ever happened. My first job in the Army was as a 12E: Atomic Demolition Munitions specialist. Yeah, the so called suitcase nukes! Now that would really trigger the later generations. Forgotten past history.
I remember crawling under the desk at school. Woe to the child with body parts sticking outside their desk, the nuns were intolerant of excess kid showing.
All while my parents tried to build a bomb shelter in the back yard.
Which didn’t work because Levittown was built on a swamp and after they dug more than three feet down, the hole started filling with water. There is a very good reason why so few Levitt built houses have cellars.
At first, it was amusing because the guy running the pit digging machine decided to contest the matter. Later, when they pulled back and watched for a bit, they decided to pull the valuable machine back to the street, then told us it was unsafe and they left for the night.
We sat inside the house and watched the dirt walls collapse right under the picture window. Two days later the crew returned to fill our water filled hole to make a giant hole filled with mud, it was weeks before we could stand on that dirt.
Then there were the days when our mother ushered us inside and wouldn’t let us out until after the radio announced that the radioactive clouds had passed over us. Meanwhile, we all drank milk every day from cows that stayed outside.
What we need ….is a Tonkin Gulf Incident…a Weapons of Mass Destruction Cache….in order to launch the all out War Against Man made Climate Change…..it’s coming….just 0.000001 C more will do it.
‘Missy’s Twitch’, a novel by Jon Pepper’?
Obviously written by a privileged member of our oppressive patriarchy, and as such should be ignored by all progressives.
Interesting that the protagonist is a woman. Somehow it wouldn’t have worked well with a male. A large majority of protesters in climate (and other perceived issues) are women.
It seems the nurture/caring gene in women, which was a powerful force in human survival, has been corrupted and weaponized by the Dark Side for ulterior purpose.
she has a twitch? sounds naughty
This is actually the fourth book in Jon Pepper’s satirical series – “A Turn in Fortune”, “Heirs on Fire”, “Green Goddess’ and “Missy’s twitch.” A common theme seems to be a lack of checks and balances on bad behaviour by those in positions of power.
Crichtons “State of Fear” set the standard I think …
So unless China changes its behavior immediately, the world will become uninhabitable. How likely is that?
Possible, but not because of climate.
The video is awesome. It should be put on YouTube.
Leftists whip up hysteria to influence the public. Remember the 1984 vote of Brown University’s students to require stockpiling of pills for suicide in the advent of nuclear war? A third of students voting said ‘yes.’
Another generation, same tactics. Sadly, some weak-minded people have their lives blighted by these Leftist operations. Collateral damage to advance the Revolution!