The Absurdity of Measuring Breath for Climate Change

It represents a worrying trend in the climate debate, where even the most basic human functions are scrutinized for their environmental impact.

Beyond Parody: Misogyny, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change

There’s nothing I can add to the self-parody that is this paper.

Why Won’t those Troglodytes Trust Us and How, How, How! Can We Finally Get Through to THEM?!!! Number Eleventy Zillion

More rending of garments.

Wrong, Phys.Org, Boreal Forests Are Doing Well Amid Modest Warming

So, amid climate change, tree growth and range expansion across the Earth’s boreal forests exceed tree decline, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Dr. Jim Advises Panic

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I see that my favorite serially failed climate doomcaster, Dr. James Hansen, is at it again. Accompanied by his usual Greek chorus of co-sycophants, he’s…

Mark Lynas ‘99% Consensus’ on Climate Change – Busted in Peer Review.

“The conclusion does not follow from the data”: Israeli study trashes extreme global warming consensus claim.

Modeling Gone Wild

Every once in awhile I read a news release and do a facepalm. I note that “simulations” are not “evidence” and chaos (and uncertainty) works backward in time too. –…

NYT Claims Record September Temperature Indicates Accelerated Climate Change – It Doesn’t

The small difference in average temperature also comes with wide variation, which makes climate change considerably more nuanced than usually reported by the mainstream media.

The Bitter Taste of Climate Alarmism in Your Beer

This latest research, published in Nature Communications, is a classic example of the narrow lens through which many studies view the world of climate aka climate catastrophizing.

Extremely Common Rarities

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach. With all the recent interest in rare or extreme weather events, I got to wondering … what makes a weather event rare or extreme? With…

Friday Funny – JournalGate

Earlier this week you may have read this: How to Publish a High-Profile Climate Change Research Paper.It’s worse than we thought. Josh has a take on it below: Like his…

How to Publish a High-Profile Climate Change Research Paper

Unfortunately, the formula is more about shaping your research in specific ways to support pre-approved narratives than it is about generating useful knowledge for society.

I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published

To put it another way, I sacrificed contributing the most valuable knowledge for society in order for the research to be compatible with the confirmation bias of the editors and…

“10k dead penguin chicks” more animal tragedy porn used to advance global warming agenda

Activist scientists and the media are shamefully using emotional language to describe an almost inconsequential mortality event in order to manipulate public sentiment and force influential conservation organizations to accept…

Monday Mirthiness – Mike Mann’s Hockey Team ‘will keep those papers out somehow’

Another story about ‘scientists’ trying to bury papers and evidence they don’t like. It’s Climategate deja vu.

NASA’s Running a Mental Ward?! Kimberley Miner: ‘I’m a NASA Climate Scientist. Here’s How I’m Handling Climate Grief’

I already have five scientist friends with severe, emergent health challenges’

High-Arctic Spring and Climate Change: A Tale of Shifting Claims

…prior assumptions about the region’s advancing spring season have now been effectively erased.

The Lancet’s Scientific Chicanery on Mortality Exposed by CO2 Coalition

Sleep well; global warming is saving lives.

The Arrogance of Academia: The Naive Push for Dynamic Pricing in Grocery Stores

It’s critical to note that the real-world practice of grocery retailing is far more intricate than a mere academic exercise.

New Greenland Ice Sheet study Shows Why It’s Called “Climate Idiocy”

A new study reports that Northwest Greenland was ice free 400,000 years ago when the atmospheric CO2 level was an estimated 286 ppm.

The Grip of Culture: The Social Psychology of Climate Catastrophism

developing a powerful new model of public attitudes based on the interaction of traditional religion and a new culture – a new faith – of climate catastrophism

Extreme Weather Attribution or Just Sharpshooting in Texas?

Look out, folks! There’s a new rodeo in town – one that goes by the name of ‘Climate Attribution’. It’s got its sights set on every extreme weather event that…

A Narrow View Of Rainfall

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach So I came across a news article with the headline: Philly will have more heat waves, and the Delaware projected to rise more than a…

The Recursive Crisis of Trust in Social Psychology and Beyond

The crisis of trust in scientific research is a harsh wake-up call in the ongoing crisis that is academia.

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