Enhanced mixing of air layers at high altitudes is apparently reducing maximum air temperatures in some parts of the Himalayas.
Category: Climate Science
Causality and Climate
On the chicken-and-egg problem of CO2 and temperature.
Shocking Failures of Climate and Covid Science Highlighted by Critical New Report
The authors are particularly dismissive of the role of computer models in the recent Covid pandemic and the promotion of climate change alarm.
The Great Climate Change Science Bottleneck
It’s essential to understand the underlying power dynamics that shape the narrative.
Hot or Not: Steven Koonin Questions Conventional Climate Science and Methodology| Uncommon Knowledge
Koonin gives a more refined look at the science behind the climate issue than the media typically offers
“There Is No Climate Crisis”…1600 Scientists Worldwide, Nobel Prize Laureate Sign Declaration
The message is clear: there is no climate crisis. The number of critical scientists who no longer submit to the dogma of the alleged man-made climate catastrophe is growing.
Of Turkeys and Terrestrial Temperatures: A Tale of Climate Science Oddities
… the timing of successful nests would shift by less than three hours.
2022 Nobel Prize Winner: “Climate Science has Metastasised into … Pseudoscience”
Physicist Dr John Clauser, joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, has slammed the climate crisis as “pseudoscience”.
Claim: The Covid Pandemic Caused Global Warming
Apparently the drop in particulate emissions during the Covid lockdown triggered a surge of global warming.
DANIEL MCCARTHY: Climate Science Makes A Bad Religion
The fact that the politics of climate science so closely mirrors religious apocalypticism ought to prompt some reflection.
The Models Are OK, the Predictions Are Wrong | Dr. Judith Curry | EP 329
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Dr. Judith Curry discuss climate change, the major error in current models and future predictions, academic fraud, and the need for dissenting opinions.
Increased Atmospheric Dust Is Masking Greenhouse Gases’ Warming Effect
whether the amounts of desert particulates will increase, decrease or remain relatively flat is unknown.
Climate conundrum: Study finds ants aren’t altering behavior in rising temperatures
“It’s interesting that the worker ants we observed were willing to put themselves in uncomfortable situations while foraging,”
Climate Embarrassment: Anthropogenic Climate Change is a Hoax but Global Warming is Real
Humanity needs to improve intellectually or we will never achieve the best of our imagination.
What Does the Science Say? | Dr. Richard Lindzen | Jordan Peterson Podcast
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Dr. Richard Lindzen dive into the facts of climate change, the models used to predict it, the dismal state of academia, and the politicized world…
Science of Solar Ponds Challenges the Climate Crisis
The science of solar ponds shows useful inexpensive natural heating, without the need for exotic materials. Furthermore, an understanding of the science of solar pond heating will profoundly change how…
Climate Physics w/ Professor William Happer on Saifedean Ammous’s THE BITCOIN STANDARD Podcast.
How does politicization affect science, and why does Professor Happer think that the more policy-driven a field is, the less trustworthy its conclusions are?
Claim: Climate Science can Change Minds, but Skeptics Undo Progress
According to Associate Professor Thomas Wood, the impact of climate education is so fragile, exposure to climate skeptic voices rapidly undoes progress in changing minds.