The hydroelectric dams in question are not just sources of renewable energy; they are also vital contributors to grid inertia.
Category: The Grid
Correct, Hot Air, Premature Coal Closures Pose a Serious Threat to Grid Stability
…shutting down functioning, reliable, megawatt fossil fuel plants ≠ enough power when you need it.
West-Wide Energy Corridor (WWEC): Revisions
Figure 1. Electrical grid substation Kevin Kilty In remarks made at the Bipartisan Policy Center in May, 2023, John Podesta, a senior advisor in the Biden/Harris administration, spoke about revising…
PJM fiddles while grid sickens
The States and Utilities are creating this growing threat of catastrophic blackouts, so only they can solve it. PJM’s efforts are commendable, but they are really just fiddling with a…
Your Tax Dollars at Leisure
Alas, we await true demonstrations of capability and cost.
Electric Grid Reliability: Texas vs. EPA
In the meantime, just the possibility that EPA will enact such sweeping regulations will slow investment in new power generation that all U.S. power grids need.
The electric grid needs good failure mode analysis
Uncontrolled blackouts may be unpredictable, but they can still be planned for to some degree.
Dismantling the Royal Society Large-Scale Electricity Storage Report
their vision of 2050 does not quite violate the first law of thermodynamics, but it goes on to break all the basic tenets of sound engineering.
A Semi-Competent Report On Energy Storage From Britain’s Royal Society
From the MANHATTAN CONTRARIAN Francis Menton If you want to power our modern economy on intermittent renewables (wind and solar), and also banish the use of power from fossil fuels…
New York Urgently Needs To Confront the Contradiction of Trying To Electrify Everything While Also Eliminating Fossil Fuels
dispatchable emissions-free resource
Giant Utility Rejects Net Zero Power, Big Fight Follows
Dominion is saying they don’t think we can service this enormous new load and comply with the VCEA net zero mandate.
Voters Will Need to Decide If Our Energy System Remains Affordable and Reliable, Or Descends into Chaos
Don’t buy magic beans. And please, please don’t vote for anyone that doesn’t know the difference. No one has any idea how much is at stake.
Issues Integrating Renewables
From Florida to California distribution feeders are being overloaded due to home generation of solar energy
Think Megawatt Hours of Gasoline
… we need to build generation capacity that is almost one and a half times our present generation to make the transition.
Renewables Versus the Grid at PJM
Those promoting the so-called energy transition have ignored the need to rebuild the grid along the way.
Grid asks factories to use less energy next winter under blackout prevention plan
This move is, to all intents and purposes, rationing. And the reason is quite clear – the closure of nearly all of our coal power capacity.
Limits to Wind and Solar on the Grid: A Discussion
“The dream of a solar and wind grid is collapsing very quickly as they are only profitable in a low penetration context.”
Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie: Power Grid is Facing ‘Dire Consequences’ Due to Coal & Gas Retirements
The problem is the subtraction of coal and gas and other dispatchable resources which are the ones we need during this transition to keep the lights on.
Surging New England Energy Prices: No Surprise
New England homeowners, better get yourself a backup electric generator and prepare for further rises in home heating and electricity prices.
Germany’s Federal Network Agency Plans To Ration Electricity As Electric Power Crisis Heightens
The greatest energy folly of all time… Germany restricts electricity supply while ramping up demand!
Fauci, Fear, Balance and the Grid
Focusing too narrowly on public responsibility (CO2 reduction, equity, social justice) without adequate concern for economics and reliability is a recipe for disaster. Bring on the balance.
Silence of the Grid Experts
Utility experts are charged with complying with reliability standards rather than maintaining reliability.
South Africa and The Green Energy Wall
Funny how all that “free” electricity and near-daily blackouts don’t lead to rapidly increasing per capita GDP. Instead, it’s the further impoverishment of already-poor people.
Another Non-reassuring Report On New York’s Energy Future
Hey, these are just “suggestions.” Go ahead and spend twenty years and a few hundred billions of dollars trying to build it out. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t.…