– ‘I already have five scientist friends with severe, emergent health challenges’
NASA climate scientist Kimberly Miner of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory & University of Maine: “I am in my mid-thirties, working at NASA as a scientist, and I already have five scientist friends with severe, emergent health challenges. They are all affected by overwork, exhaustion and extreme stress.”
“The best treatment for climate grief, he says, is knowing you’ve made a contribution to reducing emissions or building resilience.”
Miner advocates political activism on climate: “It is now time for action. We must act for future generations of all species and to honor the people who came before.I support a platform of direct action, outreach to political bodies, and elevating repressed voices. Now is the time to listen to the Earth, to truly see and understand its changes.” Here she is talking to children about climate.
By Kimberley R. Miner
Last September, before the rains came, my field team learnt that it was probably too late for half the blue oaks affected by California’s drought in the region in which we were working. Because of years of ongoing drought, many of the trees would not recover from the long-term water loss and would die. The next morning, I sat outside our science team meeting and cried.
A friend sat with me and explained that she had just recovered from an episode of extreme climate grief brought about by studying rapidly changing terrestrial ecosystems. She had started taking weekends off (many of us work seven days a week) and encouraged me to do so, as well. After we talked, I walked around the parking area for a while, listening to the birds and watching the midday light filter through the diverse trees in downtown Santa Barbara. I breathed the ocean air and grounded myself in the present, where the air was cool and the birds were singing.
New article out yesterdayhttps://t.co/3GuwGXJG9h— Dr. Kimberley R. Miner (@DrKimberley) August 18, 2023
Soon after that, I started taking weekends off to kayak near my home in Southern California and hike on the trails above Pasadena, and built a small bird garden on the porch of my apartment. I also started talking frankly to my colleagues about the emotional turmoil that is often sparked by working as a climate scientist today, and many others had similar stories. I am in my mid-thirties, working at NASA as a scientist, and I already have five scientist friends with severe, emergent health challenges. They are all affected by overwork, exhaustion and extreme stress. The only other thing they all have in common is that they study climate change.
Climate scientists have advocated for recognition of the destabilization of Earth’s ecosystems for four decades. Even within my lifetime, the climate system has changed noticeably, with hotter summers, longer dry periods and more frequent and severe storms. Some climate scientists have left the field, some have died and some have retired, but even more are just starting their careers. Early-career climate scientists across a range of fields are faced with comprehensive, esoteric challenges as ecosystems begin to cross tipping points. Knowing how to look at these huge changes and still be able to relax at the end of the day can be an ongoing problem.
Even for the most experienced and well-trained field scientists, changing dynamics can introduce sudden risks to health and safety. Whether in the shape of increased glacier flow rates, rainstorms that become atmospheric rivers, or abrupt permafrost thawing that disrupts sections of highway, these unforeseen risks are emerging increasingly. Scientists with decades of experience in one field location might find themselves confronted with a new atmospheric or hydrologic circulation pattern, an unseasonal storm or freeze, or literally shaky ground. Although we have a responsibility to track how certain sites are changing in a climate that’s getting hotter and more extreme, that can put scientists at considerable risk.
Recently, I spoke to Dave Schimel, one of the scientists who led the work for which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was awarded a Nobel prize in 2007, about how we can address climate grief. After decades of working to convince the public that climate change is real, he said that we need to work on solutions. He thinks that the current generation of climate scientists needs to move on from education and advocacy to providing solutions for mitigation, adaptation and resilience. The best treatment for climate grief, he says, is knowing you’ve made a contribution to reducing emissions or building resilience.
A life-sized statue of @DrKimberley Miner now stands at the @smithsonian, along with more than 120 IF/THEN® #WomenInSTEM Ambassadors. For #WomensHistoryMonth, we spoke with Kimberley about inspiring future #STEM leaders and what she’s working on at NASA: https://t.co/EVcjxtRYVc pic.twitter.com/n2o0n8boq6— Switzer Foundation (@switzernetwork) March 17, 2022
2020 presentation: Impacts of Permafrost Degradation with Dr. Kimberly R. Miner
Being sassy at the @dallasarboretum! Come see our statues until 4pm today! @IfThenSheCan pic.twitter.com/zXeIaYWgdY— Dr. Kimberley R. Miner (@DrKimberley) October 22, 2022
Getting the band back together again!
This fall, #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit is back in Dallas You can find my @IfThenSheCan statue at the @dallasarboretum this Sept 9th – Dec 31st! https://t.co/Laqv8W1JzB pic.twitter.com/m2iVGydfNH— Dr. Kimberley R. Miner (@DrKimberley) September 6, 2022
The @ifthenshecan Ambassadors are going to San Diego Comic-Con!
Join me @beatascienceart @clairemeaders @thesteamcollab and @PolycrystalhD for our panel STEAM Superstars at 5pm pacific on Saturday, November 27th! We’ll be talking about our #science and #fandom! Join us! pic.twitter.com/jrG5xPELKG— Dr. Kimberley R. Miner (@DrKimberley) November 16, 2021
Two great surprises came in the mail today!@NatGeo sent me a copy of the Guinness World Records book that our team is in (!) and @IfThenSheCan sent my statue.
So incredible to be part of an international STEM community Thanks for the support as we tackle the #climatecrisis pic.twitter.com/nVDGsfzbMG— Dr. Kimberley R. Miner (@DrKimberley) November 3, 2021
One flew over the climate modeling nest
Maybe RP MacMurphy could be invited to NASA to administer his pillow treatment?
Wrong comment replied to 🙁
(I’m having one of those days).
Not to worry, there are plenty of tampons in the men’s restroom.
As we say in the UK…..she is a picnic short of a sandwich…🤪
Maybe RP MacMurphy could be invited to NASA to administer his pillow treatment?
wrong comment replied to.
sorry 🙁
Very good
Climate alarmism meets medicalising trivial issues as a train crash – yes im catastrophising it
Or she should just grow up.
If that is the caliber of ‘scientists’ at NASA, then no wonder NASA needed SpaceX to get people to its ISS. And no wonder they are also relying on SpaceX to get back to the moon.
The more people like Kimberly publicly despair, the more you know skeptics are (albeit slowly) winning. Ridicule richly deserved.
I know some really smart people in the military, but, for the most part, the smartest people generally don’t work for the government.
I know a couple really smart people at JPL. There are what, a few thousand working there? A nutter like this doesn’t represent the norm. I’m pretty sure the vast majority are pretty balanced.
The same argument is used for all government agencies– “The rank and file at the (FBI, IRS, military, public schools, etc. etc.) are great people …” It’s just that the inmates seem to be running the asylums.
And, hopefully, the majority are actually working on something related to space exploration (After all, the name is Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and not climatology.
I would take the opposite side of that bet.
Normal people are likely no longer accepted at places like JPL and NASA.
If science is in the hands of the Kimberley’s of the world, we’re doomed
Only in ‘climate science’ world. So we are only ‘doomed’ in their world, not ours.
For ‘climate science’ real world fun:
No wonder poor Kimberley is reduced to middle aged climate crying fits. Losing badly over decades can do that to weak woke people.
That picture of her depicted by a statue makes her look at least mid-50s rather than mid-30s. She is showing great wear on her tires.
Those are called ‘tires’ now?
If only she would keep her head up. It does not make her look winsome, just annoying.
“…If science is in the hands of the Kimberley’s of the world, we’re doomed…”
Yeah, but the caves will have really great curtains.
You may mock but the latest NASA climate research shows clearly that early cave dwellers were in tune with the realities of nature and hung drapes made of mammoth hair entwined with woven M’duuji roots around their personal space.
I do hope they’ll be a well apportioned meditation room in the cave as well – somewhere where I could be as one with my crystals. I’ve found that simply holding crystals in my hand while meditating is a simple way to make the connection with the environment and is a natural choice that invites the sharing of energies and raising vibrations. My personal vortex is beautifully enhanced.
I am very content to have played a very insignificant part in flushing out this monumental gibberish, with the greatest of respect to her/she/it/they..
What a way to waste a life. Wrapped up so tight in the big con that she does not realise it is a con.
You have to wonder if these fools have any recourse against the education system and NASA that has failed them so badly. A life wasted.
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.
Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them – George Orwell
Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach. She is definitely in the teaching category.
Those who can’t teach go into politics.
Having been in the education industry (and I choose those words purposely), I would say that those who can’t teach get head hunted by Ofsted (not me by the way).
The complete saying is – “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach. Those without a clue legislate & regulate”
If I may, that saying is in desperate need of being brought into the 21st century, perhaps to read: “Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach. Those without a clue legislate, confabulate & regulate”
Once upon a time, I had a BAL Assembly teacher who told the class stories about his multiple failures in industry.
Stories that he told because he was totally incompetent as a teacher.
His student evaluations made him a one semester wonder.
He was replaced by another industry expert, only a successful industry expert.
She did not tell us one story all year.
Her first BAL Assembly test saw a significant portion of students transfer elsewhere.
Her second week saw a significant student increase as word of her excellence spread.
I never heard about the first teacher’s next work opportunity. In my mind, I thought him flipping burgers and fouling that work.
advancesdisintegrates onefuneraljob opening at a time.“Substituting emotion in place of science will not end well.
The “97%”. Is she one of them?
“Adults keep saying, ‘We owe it to the young people to give them hope.’ But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear that I fear every day. And then I want you to act. I want you to act as if you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house was on fire because it is.” —Greta Thunberg, panel presentation at the World Economic Forum, Jan. 25, 2019
Sounds like she took Greta’s message to heart. So now she also has mental issues.
(Wasn’t Greta awarded some honorary degree? Is she one of the “97%”?)
She was awarded an honorary doctorate from the theology school of a Scandinavian University. Fittingly appropriate for her climate theology.
I will always wonder if that was a sick joke.
Greta is just one more of those nefarious presences called “influencers”.
(what ever t.f. that means)
It’s a term dreamt up by the brainwashed Wokerati as a way of explaining how they came to be so and who is responsible.
These people make a living off the climate hype. Therefore, innit somewhat logical they have climate anxiety?
It’s probably part of their annual review —
How do you rate so-and-so’s climate anxiety? Does so-and-so exhibit a neurotic obsession with impending climate catastrophe? If insufficient, include an action-plan.
It’s akin to being forced to believe a woman can have a penis, or 2+2=5, or the earth is flat, or Elvis works in a chip shop
Not all of that is true.
Elvis now works at Starbucks.
Some people are happy to loan theirs out now and then.
I remember when NASA just did great things in space – unfortunately, it’s been over run by wokies more aligned to earthly Marxism, than solar system and beyondism
Meanwhile India lands a space craft on the moon and is developing its fossil fuel energy to power its development
Thats about the top & bottom of East v West
Not quite – India cons the gullible West to maintain aide to a nuclear weapon and space programmed state, and a country that still maintains a medieval caste system
Good Grief!
5a4fae9e683b6.jpeg (1242×1547) (memedroid.com)
That’s funny.
When I saw the bit about the ‘life sized statue’ I thought WUWT was parodying Smithsonian over-reaction … I had no idea.
As to the Blue Oak … I happen to live in a Northern California, Upper-Sonoran Oak Woodland. Let me assure you—excepting for the over-zealous PG&E arborist contractors—the Blue Oaks are doing fine. There is this problem with Oak Bark Beetles, and the ever present California Oak Moth—with the very fun scientific name—Phryganidia californica, aptly named by it’s nasty habit of dropping down out of the oak trees during delightful Easter parties and landing smack in your drink … it also drops quite a bit of frass, but you only notice this as additional sediment to the beer.
Haven’t heard the word “frass” used in a long time.
A polite term for bug shit.
Thanks, Rud. I didn’t know. I assume it’s American.
From the article: “Climate scientists have advocated for recognition of the destabilization of Earth’s ecosystems for four decades. Even within my lifetime, the climate system has changed noticeably, with hotter summers, longer dry periods and more frequent and severe storms.”
This is completely false. The climate has NOT noticeably changed. It’s ALL in her imagination.
This person is driving herself crazy because she believes in a false CO2 narrative. She needs some skeptical therapy.
Another Michael Mann victim.
Yes, I have to keep explaining to believers that we humans have terrible memories for what weather was like in the past and the only way to know if it has changed is to look at the recorded data. When you do, it’s clear that nothing of significance has changed. The data is readily accessible right here at WUWT.
The problem is, the warmunists keep “homogenizing” and outright changing the recorded data.
Over on FaceBook I got into a conversation with a gentleman from Texas who said he’d lived near Dallas for over 60 years and the summers had been getting hotter and hotter recently. I pulled the TMAX monthly data for July at the GHCRN station in Corsicana, TX, a little SE of Dallas and showed him the trend was actually down a bit since 1963. If you don’t like trend lines, it was at least obvious that there’d been no warming since then.
I didn’t hear back from him, or anyone else in the thread. It’s sad how many people just accept the word and the concept of an “average global anomaly” as if it meant something, especially since the data is readily available from NOAA for anyone to download.
Most science illiterates do not know how to find the data, they just drink the koolaid deeply.
I copied the same sentence to quote for the same reasons. She really does not sound like a scientist.
She is a True Believer. That causes her to drive herself crazy.
It doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to be a scientist to realize that human-caused climate change alarmists don’t really have any evidence to back up their claims.
All you have to do is be able to distinguish between what is evidence/facts and what is speculation, assumptions and unsubstantiated assertions. If you can do that, and you look in detail at the climate alarmist claims, you will see that everything concerning human-caused climate change, beyond the fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, is speculation, assumptions and unsubstantiated assertions. Everything. There hasn’t been one connection established between CO2 and the Earth’s weather/climate. Not one.
This NASA scientist could save herself a lot of trouble if she would do a little investigation for herself. Assuming the science is settled is her downfall.
Assuming the science is settled makes not a true scientist. She may be science trained but that doesn’t make her a scientist.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a condition.
Emotion over fact.
The A Team was gone from NASA by the mid-70s, followed by the B-Squad, then the JV Team. It has been Powder-Puff, flag football since – and getting worse.
At some point in time they changed from having the ‘Right Stuff’ to having the ‘Wrong Stuff’.
Muslim outreach.
Yeah, I think that was the first stumble.
“Left Stuff”?
NASA has done well in planetary science missions recently. They still do some things very, very well.
Yes, their robotic missions have been very impressive.
[ Mars rovers, Casini, James Web etc.- all pointed away from Earth]
Too bad their Earth science division has become politicized.
Way over budget and way late.
“Initial designs for the telescope, then named the Next Generation Space Telescope, began in 1996. Two concept studies were commissioned in 1999, for a potential launch in 2007 and a US$1 billion budget. The program was plagued with enormous cost overruns and delays; a major redesign in 2005 led to the current approach, with construction completed in 2016 at a total cost of US$10 billion.”
Why does the National Aeronautics and Space Administration even need an Earth Sciences division?
Example of a recent, well done planetary science mission?
I used to think that I had a hard life. After doing CPR for 41 minutes until the life flight EMTs took over, I now know I was lucky to not understand what trauma is until I in my 70s.
Later that casual friends at the campground drove me to the closest town to make arrangements for my wife. It was suggested that I find a group to discuss my loss. A few months later I joined group that discussed grief.
No one in the group was there to discuss climate grief.
How silly is that woman writing about how terrible her life is? Has she never lost a child to suicide, illness. A spouse, parent or sibling?
I love work place motivation slogans. One was ‘get over it, get on with it’.
Some things you do not get over but finding a way forward is a choice.
Maybe it is Califonia thing because life is easy. A story was shared of being raped and left for dead. A few months later a woman I have know all my life, repeated the story as her own to the same group including the person it happened to.
Yes bad things happen, but climate change is not one of them.
The company that I work for set up a white board and every day someone would right some kind of saccharine, meaningless motivational statement.
One day they had a message about being committed. So I added an addendum;
It’s a short distance from being committed to ought to be committed.
The next day the white board was gone.
Well that was probably HR responding to staff complaints.
It was after all a white board.
In a privileged position no doubt?
When I grew up, all we had were black boards and if you sniffed the chalk, nothing happened. Then green boards appeared and finally now they are almost all white boards.
Do they still use blackboards in schools?
Black boards matter.
Not real blackboards. Real blackboards were pieces of slate. This from personal experience.
“being committed.”
I think I would have just added… “to Arkham”
“Last September, before the rains came, my field team learnt that it was probably too late for half the blue oaks affected by California’s drought “.
BEFORE THE RAINS CAME – says it all.
Climate scientists are exhausted from overwork?! These flakes have no idea what actual hard work is.
It’s a long flight to Bali or Doha or where ever the next meeting might be.
They are exhausted trying to convince the climate change skeptics.
It’s not possible to convince skeptics unless you have some evidence, so you can see the problem the climate alarmists have. They have an impossible task in front of them.
I could see it requiring a lot of effort to convince people we’re all doomed because the temperature might go up a degree, like it does most days between 9am and 11am
My life is easy and seems expensive for what it is. I see people who work more than one job and wonder “how do they do it?”
Diseases in the ice are waking up ! :-0 (last pic)
I wonder how they got there?
Same way trees grow under glaciers, I guess.
I’d be far more worried about the diseases created by leftist-loonies like Fauci !
Yeah it makes no sense. About 95% of the ice already melted about 10,000 years ago.
A lot of glaciers etc did not exist for large parts of the last 10,000 years.
They only formed during the Neoglaciation and LIA.
The same with Permafrost (which used to be as low as 45 degrees north) no massive CH4 emissions or diseases spring fourth to kill the animals off.
What I saw is that the smart people do not work at the govt but at the private contractors and subcontractors. The people at the govt THINK they are smart but are not, because they always have to go to the contractors to get the designs to work and such.
I remember a friend of mine who was incidentally, the first man to isolate DNA in the laboratory (1952 at UCLA) meeting a woman friend of mine and asking her what she did for a living. She replied, I work at the VA. He replied, I don’t know anyone who works at the VA but I know people who are employed by the VA.
I used to work at the VA (Veterans Administration).
I learned how government bureaucracies operate there.
Prior to that, I spent some time learning now private company bureaucracies operate.
I saw the serious flaws in this kind of organization. It’s not a surprise to me that our government is very inefficient. I’ve seen where it comes from.
Well, the damn software won’t allow me to edit my comment, saying I’m “posting too quickly”.
“Software tip”
““posting too quickly”.”
I got that too, when I tried to edit a post.
I think several others have had the problem, too.
The website had a software update a few days ago, and this glitch has appeared.
I think it might translate to “get your own web page if you want an audience”. Nobody would read my web page.
Friedrich Miescher was the first to isolate DNA in 1869 so your friend was exaggerating, also Rosalind Franklin was already taking X-ray diffraction images of DNA in 1952.
The scientist should watch this video https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/08/22/hot-or-not-steven-koonin-questions-conventional-climate-science-and-methodology-uncommon-knowledge/. Then have a warm glass of milk.
The Scientist should watch this https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/08/22/hot-or-not-steven-koonin-questions-conventional-climate-science-and-methodology-uncommon-knowledge/
Then have a warm glass of milk and go to bed.
This type of behavior is not uncommon for some people. It doesn’t matter how educated you are. When you dwell on something obsessively, pretty soon it is the only thing you think about and you see it everywhere. If you are studying a disease and you are afraid of it sometimes you image you are having the symptoms even if you aren’t. If you believe our country is racist, you will see racism everywhere you look. (Michelle Obama once said she went to a grocery store to get something and a woman asked her if she would get something off the top shelf for her. Michelle said this was racism because she was black the woman must have thought she was working there. Maybe she was just taller than the other woman.) These scientists see global warming everywhere they look when what they are looking at is weather. What they need is a good base of study in the history of weather and they will see that they are just seeing what has happened in the past instead of picking and choosing everything that supports their global warming theory. In my opinion there is no evidence of catastrophic changes that we can’t adapt to only people that have become zealots and want to destroy the advanced life we have based on their paranoia.
“Maybe she was just taller than the other woman.”
Is that called apart-height ?
Good one.
Women ask me to retrieve things off the top shelf in the grocery store. And, I’m not Black. Maybe it is because I’m tall.
Wow…and we suckers – er, taxpayers – are forced to pay the salaries of these poor privileged unfortunate “climate scientists” who are so fragile they may just expire from grief caused by a non-existent problem…
My pity is reserved for us taxpayers who are subjected to the forceful extraction of our monies to pay for this crap.
“And then the rains came.” Thanks, Rudyard Kipling.
“Even for the most experienced and well-trained field scientists, changing dynamics can introduce sudden risks to health and safety. Whether in the shape of increased glacier flow rates, rainstorms that become atmospheric rivers, or abrupt permafrost thawing that disrupts sections of highway, these unforeseen risks are emerging increasingly.”
I’m a layman, but even I know that “changing dynamics” is redundant; that “increased glacier flow” still leaves well-trained field scientists lots of time to get out of the way; that atmospheric rivers are aloft and tracked in every respect with satellite, IR, and water vapor imagery, at a minimum, so her Volvo is safe; that thawing a little and wrecking roads is what permafrost does in the summer; and that every one of those alleged risks is foreseeable and perfectly usual on a planet that does nothing but change. And last I checked SoCal is a desert. Why are her knickers in a knot over drought in the desert southwest?
In the end she’s just worshiping at the altar of victimhood: dressing up her own laziness, incuriosity, and psychological fragility with buzzwords that both sound pathetic and mean nothing.
Ok, but don’t mix wine with whiskey.
Dr. Kimberley Miner is an alumna of the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy Program…
I think this says it all. Learn the accepted environmental science policy first, then go look for the science that supports the official policy.
She’s got a meaningless PhD and gets to go on vacations on public funds. Nice job if you can get it.
Environmental science is more like political science than say chemistry.
About 30 years I finished my course work for a masters in environmental engineering. Scientist tell engineers there is a problem and we fix it.
I happen to be an expert in producing what we need while minimizing ghg. For example nuclear is much better than wind and solar. The ‘scientist’ say what about this and what about that for nuclear.
Wind and solar are poor choices but there is no what about this and that.
One must conclude these scientist do not really want to solve the problem.
NASA is not only running a mental ward, but Ms.Miner seems to want to attest to it by her writings. Along with the rest of the nutjobs who seem to inhabit government everywhere. What a waste of taxpayer funds.
Cry me a river.
A veritable flood… 🙂
See, “climate change” DOES affect stream flows. 😉
Maybe she should retire on medical disability or something. She really is not suited to her job.
It’s more likely that her job really does not need to be done.
I’m guessing: If Musk was running her outfit she likely would be in the 80% of Twits he fired.
Please! No encouragement to claim disability, especially for a self-induced condition.
The second paragraph below the article’s lead-in photo of Kimberley R. Miner currently reads:
“The best treatment for climate grief, he says, is knowing you’ve made a contribution to reducing emissions or building resilience.”
Boy, I’m confused . . . but I guess climate grief can can have unexpected consequences . . . you know, raging hormones and all that.
The Smithsonian may want to do a double check on that life-sized statue of Kimberley Miner, although fair warning was given by the name of the donor organization: IfThenSheCan
Emissions haven’t been reduced. Imagine working a 40 year career where your belief system is based entirely on lies. Go listen to Johnny Cash sing “Hurt”, his final masterpiece. It WILL give you better a insight on grief.
Definitely a female thing, Valium was called “Mothers Little Helper” back in
the 60’s & 70’s for a reason. #1 prescribed drug in the country. Those users
would mix it with some alcohol and end up in a rehab facility with major issues.
Primary care Docs would pass it out just to get those gals out of the office
instead of dealing with the real issues…
Australian Crawl had a slightly different definition in “The Boys Light Up”
Just proves that you can be intelligent/educated but have zero common sense – to believe that a minuscule amount of CO2 somehow magically controls the climate and will destroy the planet is the height of absurdity
“Educated beyond their intellectual means”.
George Jonas
Waaa… Waaaahhh!!!! WAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Where is the Tropospheric “Hot Spot” woman!
Where is the Positive Feedback Loop weepy woman……
There was little to no summer ice in the arctic for long periods of time.
The Permafrost was down to around the 45 degrees N in Europe and America, yet no methane bomb or disease bomb events is noted.
You weep because you are a weak-minded people who lack the rational skills to understand what is really going on around you as you succumbed to the stupid propaganda drumbeat.
Personally, I do not see being consumed by what you are doing as a bad thing. Nor do I see being being moved by avoidable bad or tragic events as a bad thing. What I do see as a bad thing for any professional, especially a scientist, is to lose objectivity when generating and evaluating evidence.
Agree to a point, except they are producing the exact content required of them
So I don’t think they are losing focus. They are focused.
Can you imagine her in the control room in charge during Apollo 13?
Never see those astronauts again.
Different job, different organization, different time. But yeah.
If she and Kalmus had a baby would it look like Al Gore?
Just a (semi)pretty face pushed out front to make NASA look sexy. Calls herself a “climate scientist,” but never divulges her actual (or lack of) science education. Her masters degree is in public policy, not science. Her personal webpage is full of selfies, with text that says I, I, I, I, I, I … Her “research” consists of a bunch world adventures on the public’s dime (Everest, Antarctica, etc.). Real research is tedious and not so exciting and glamorous, nor so full of supposedly groundbreaking, original findings.
Climate anxiety? The word that comes to mind is snowflake.
If a bunch of snowflakes are packed together, do you get ice, or just something that is frigid?
>> Climate scientists have advocated for recognition of the destabilization of Earth’s ecosystems for four decades.
We know for sure that CMIP5 models got the clouds wrong and it matter on a global scale as the calculated CO2 sensitivity was 25% wrong, almost say. For local effects these models are never better. And older models are worse than CMIP5. So what she really is saying here (proudly) is that they did not know what they were doing and likely overstated their knowledge. Also, there seems to be some unhealthy peer pressure at that department to look into, someone should ask NASA human resources, what is going on! I don’t think these people are actually allowed to work beyond their contract, it might actually be illegal!
So many words to quote that are not organized the way a scientist would organize them… I feel like I must be being lured into a trap.
Read to the bottom, now came back here. Her words on climate-induced stress were poorly formed, so maybe she’s earned some criticism, but I see plenty “ism” for her to focus on should she bother reading.
She doesn’t just claim to be suffering from stress, she claims she’s in grief. And in her own words, it is extreme grief.
It is commonly recognized that people suffering extreme grief don’t think/reason logically.
(ref: https://www.hcf.com.au/health-agenda/body-mind/mental-health/moving-through-grief )
Case in point.
I know correlation does not mean causation, but it sure looks like the belief in CO2-induced global warming causes depression.
Is anyone here, depressed over climate change?
I can’t stand this, NASA needs to do this woman a favor and fire her. Yes I’m sorry to bring myself into this but with this amount of angst on full display it has to be all about me.
Delusional doesn’t begin to describe her. She’s either stupid or fundamentally evil
You have to wonder what branch of science these so-called climate “scientists” are qualified in. It’s certainly not physics, otherwise they would know it is all a giant scam.
These people are not scientists! If they were they would engage their brains and do some thinking. The US leads a western sphere that makes up just over 12% of the world’s population, no matter what this segment does, it will make no difference to the path of the global climate unless the Asian economies do the same. Given that India and China are run by governments trying to improve the lives of their peoples through economic development and have no intention of circumscribing that effort to pander to fear mongering western scientists, then the whole thing is nonsensical.
Every time I get climate anxiety, I go outside and look around where everything seems to be perfectly normal.
No shit, you describe talking to “your colleagues” . That is not proof of correlation, it’s called selection bias.
Anyway, I’m glad to see that your strategy of spouting BS in order to frighten everyone into following your politics is backfiring and making you all ill. Why don’t you all take a few years off work, give us all a break !
One in five young women in the UK have contacted our national health service with mental health issues. Far more than young men.
Young women are also far more likely to be woke. Young men are increasingly becoming more conservative, more right wing, rejecting wokeness
So just look at her, a sad, mentally ill young woman suffering hysterical delusion.
She needs sedatives, and a long rest from her job in an asylum.
Unfortunately, in the US, the suicide rate of young men is increasing.
‘Health Challenge’. An emergent phenomenon in climate models.
If this is the best NASA can offer then it explains why the Indians have a lander on the Moon’s south pole and NASA has not.
The beginning of the last paragraph of the Nature article :
She, along with her field team and colleagues, needs to learn the difference between (justified) “fears” and (irrational) “phobias”.
She would “probably” also benefit mentally after meditating on the BSG school of theology :
“All this has happened before. All this will happen again.”
No Dave Schimel “The best treatment for climate grief . . . is
knowing you’ve made a contribution to reducing emissions or building resiliencerealizing there is no climate crisis.”Very similar to the blather by some woman in the New Scientist a lot of years ago. That was when I cancelled the subscription.
Kimberly and others of similar sentiment should stop referring to themselves as scientists, or else we will need to come up with a new term to describe those who dedicate their lives to the objective study of nature and the finding of real truths about the laws of the universe, while suppressing their own emotional biases and misperceptions.
Has Miss Miner ever stopped to consider there is another side of this story and maybe she is looking in the wrong places for answers? Won’t it be worthwhile to see what the opposition is saying to see if their analysis makes more sense? Sad that she is losing her health for a lie.
The best treatment for “Climate Grief” is to:
STOP IT!!!!!
Hey, Kimberly, didja notice the correlation between your kooky climate beliefs and your mental health? Try climate reality. It’s refreshing and relaxing. Don’t worry, be happy. That’s your mantra for a healthy mind.
Sounds like they sit around and talk about the things that may, might or could happen and just whip themselves into a frenzy. When was that authorized to be a pet project of NASA? Sounds like wasted tax dollars.
In my eyes anyone who goes into the field of climatology today does so in order to “save the world”. They are already convinced global warming is a problem and caused by man and no amount of evidence to the contrary will ever change their minds because that would mean they’d have to accept that (a) their noble cause was a futile gesture and (b) they’ve wasted their career.
It’s no wonder these people are suffering mentally… they’re batshit crazy.
This is similar to the motivations of young people entering journalism.
After Watergate the objective was to “bring down the Man” (government).
It has now morphed into “Defend the Narrative” – a.k.a. “Save Democracy” (at least OUR version of democracy).
This is what results from listening to your own BS for too long. After a while you start believing it.
In her video for children, his lazy-eyed lunatic starts out with the craziest lie to children that I have ever heard, outside of telling them they can change their sex if they want.
She claims that the victims of the Bubonic Plague were buried in permafrost, and that if we let the permafrost melt, the plague will be released to come back and kill us again.
This is child abuse. If any Plague victims actually were buried in permafrost (in an attempt to preserve the disease?), there is already enough Bubonic Plague bacteria floating around in rodent populations to cause another epidemic, if we are dumb enough to fall back into medieval hygienic practices.
P. S. Not a lazy eye actually. She seems to have some facial paralysis affecting her left eyelid. I’m guessing she is double vaxxed, double boosted, and bivalent boosted, leaving her with either a mild stroke or Epstein-Barr.
Of course many people were coerced into getting vaccinated, or were reluctantly duped into it, but her clear ambition is to be one of the dupers, so I’m guessing her motivation would have been to try to pressure others to take the radically experimental mRNA poison.
Tribal norms must be enforced. “You’re out of uniform soldier!”
I can’t help thinking (speaking as a wife and mother myself) that if Dr. Miner had a husband and children, she’d have more positive things in her life to focus on plus built-in emotional support. I noticed that she didn’t mention family in her weekend activities, so I assume she is single. How many women’s lives have been ruined by modern feminism?
They should probably try to teach them a little math.
These geniuses are the same ones that couldn’t figure out how to make a $20 O-ring seal on a $1.4 billion shuttle launch, so I can understand their “depression”.