Alarming trends are absent from the simple, raw data, presented here Therefore, horrifying trends alleged by others can arise only from manipulating, altering or ignoring the foundational data.
Category: Land Surface Air Temperature Data
NYT Claims Record September Temperature Indicates Accelerated Climate Change – It Doesn’t
The small difference in average temperature also comes with wide variation, which makes climate change considerably more nuanced than usually reported by the mainstream media.
Reply to erroneous claims by on our research into the Sun’s role in climate change
Dr. Schmidt and the RealClimate team apparently do not want you to read our papers. They seem to be afraid that if you did, their claims on climate change would…
UK’s Global Boiling Summer Was as Hot As 1857!
This is the fact that average summer temperatures continue to fail to beat 1976, even if hot summers have tended to become more common.
New Study Suggests Global Warming Could be Mostly an Urban Problem
“For many years, the general public has been assuming that the science on climate change is settled. This new study shows that this is not the case.”
Top Climate Scientists Rubbish Claims July was the Hottest Month ever – Public being ‘Misinformed on a Massive Scale’
Apparently, all those people missed the fact that they were looking at the output of a climate model, not actually measured temperatures.
Japanese Antarctic Showa Station Has Been Cooling Over the Past 40 Years
Recent claims that the ice is melting there are absurd.
Sardinia Temperature Record Set in Middle of Undergrowth, And Yards from Road
At best, it can only be classified as Class 4 (out of total of 5 Classes); this means that temperatures could be artificially inflated by as much as 2C because…
‘Hottest Days’ Manipulation?
But there seems to be a problem with the Climate Reanalyzer.
Milloy in the WSJ, Beware the Heat Hype: The Misleading Madness of ‘Mean Global Temperatures’
This claim, it seems, is as solid as quicksand, built on a shaky foundation of guesswork and political objectives.
Hottest Day Evah!
Do they think we are really so gullible?
Tampering With CET
This all rather puts the Met Office in a bad light.
Exclusive: Three Typhoon Jets Landed Next to Thermometer When Britain’s ‘Record’ Temperature of 40.3°C Was Recorded
For the purpose of taking temperature measurements to build a picture of long-term climate change, there are few places more unsuitable than an airport runway.
Germany Mean Temperature Trend For The Month Of May Sees No Rise Since 1986
The 2023 May was therefore not entirely satisfactory – but in the long term neither May temperatures nor precipitation showed any worrying trends.
Bureau Capitulates: But Overseas Model Unlikely to Solve All Temperature Measurement Issues
It has only taken ten years, that is how long a few of us have been detailing major problems with how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology measures daily temperatures.
Averaging Last Seconds Versus Bureau Peer-Review
…recording just the last second of the minute is not equivalent to the numerical average of even just the five last-one second readings.
Fake Analysis by Greg Ayers and Jane Warne – Because End Justifies Means
From Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog Jennifer Marohasy I estimate the Bureau have about 200,000 parallel temperature records. These are handwritten records of temperatures measured at the same place and the same…
Jokers, Killing Dissent – While calling it Debate
There was real opportunity for an overhaul of how the Bureau not only change recorded temperatures, but also forecasts the weather.
Jokers, and Temperature as Radio Chatter
The real test of this is seeing how the readings from a mercury thermometer compare with readings from these resistance probes at airports – around the world.
The Coronation & The Guardian, Temperatures, Misinformation (Part 2)
A 0.7C difference is enough to generate more record hot days for the same weather, supporting the narrative of the new King – that the planet risks overheating.
The Guardian, Temperatures, Misinformation (Part 1)
There has been no harassment on our part. All the Bureau needs to do is produce the data that John Abbot and I have reasonably requested over the years and…
Introducing the Realitometer
Month by inexorable month, the Realitometer will show just how absurdly exaggerated were and are the official predictions of global warming on which easily-manipulated governments
Bureau Can’t Dodge Differences in Temperature Data
The Bureau is unique in the world in taking instantaneous readings from the probes and using the highest in any 24-hour period as the maximum temperature for that day.
Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part IV: UHI Effects on Tmax and Tmin
The nonlinearity of the relationship is, as other investigators have found, very strong.
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