Agency Headed By ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ Advocate Delayed Water Supplies That Would Have Fought Hawaii Fires, Letter Says

Water requires “true conversations about equity”

Great Reset U-Turn: British Mainstream Political Parties are Road Testing Anti-Green Policies

In the wake of the shock Uxbridge by-election result, mainstream British political parties are questioning whether an unequivocal commitment to green policies is a guaranteed vote winner.

Europe’s Self-Imposed Energy Crisis: Paying Homage to Gaia

The Not-So-Strange Death of Europe: Cultural Sacrifice at The Altar of Gaia

Biden-backed electric vehicle company files for bankruptcy

Bay Area-based electric bus and battery maker Proterra filed for Chapter 11, with CEO Gareth Joyce citing “various market and macroeconomic headwinds that have impacted our ability to efficiently scale.”

Green Tasmania, the “Battery of Australia”, Runs Out of Electricity

“… this is putting a handbrake on our economy.”

New York State Advanced Clean Cars

The ultimate fall back is to simply keep the existing cars running as long a possible.

Boston’s Fossil Fuel Fiasco: A Case Study in Absurdity

a bold step towards “racial and economic justice,”

CPSC/EPA are Coming for Your Portable Generators

create a shortage of essential portable generators during regional and national emergencies because it will prevent the sale of portable generators that are currently available on the market

Biden Admin Targets Water Heaters With New Rule Proposal

It seems that almost everything that plugs in or fires up around the house is either subject to a pending regulation or soon will be

Joe Biden Wants to Ban ALL Your Home Appliances

New rules from the Biden administration’s Department of Energy will make most of the ordinary appliances in your home contraband

Solar Radiation Modification: Fear-Based Science

…the narrative of imminent catastrophe that is prompting discussions of radical solutions like solar radiation modification needs a reevaluation.

NOAA Goes Full Orwell with Climate Propaganda Seminar

it is far more important to ensure the tactics used are not rooted in propaganda

Aussie, Canada and NZ Climate Ministers: Send Money

“… We need a global financial architecture that helps address the existential threat of climate change …”

Broken Promises: “A profound slowdown” in Renewable Investment in Australia

Power prices are rising, despite recent political promises they wouldn’t, and renewable investment has stalled, despite frantic government efforts to attract new capital.

UK Government’s New Net Zero Plan Might be Its Most Idiotic Yet

There is a fine line between optimism and Panglossian foolishness, and Grant Shapps, I fear, is on the wrong side of it.    

German Green Party Headquarters’ Heat Pump Debacle: 5 Million Euros Cost, Still No Heat!

The Greens have become the country’s number one laughing stock. Little wonder they’ve lost almost half of their supporters over the recent months.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie: Power Grid is Facing ‘Dire Consequences’ Due to Coal & Gas Retirements

The problem is the subtraction of coal and gas and other dispatchable resources which are the ones we need during this transition to keep the lights on.

Gas Stove Ban and The Nitrogen Dioxide−Childhood Asthma Causal Claim, Part II

“People need to know that academia is not an innocuous place” … “[Academia] is the epicenter for just about everything bad that you’re seeing going on right now.”

The Potential Pitfalls of an Overly Ambitious Energy Transition: Lessons from Britain’s Green Energy Endeavors

A balanced and pragmatic approach that embraces a mix of energy sources may prove to be a more reliable and cost-effective solution in the pursuit of a sustainable future.

Column: Looming European Energy Crisis: A Lesson in Averages that Won’t Soon be Forgotten

A whole world of trouble will come your way if your plans are built on averages but you cannot live with the extremes.

The Nanny State Strikes Again: 30C Heat Health Alert?

Let’s not let a bit of warm weather – or alarmist media – disrupt our enjoyment of a beautiful summer weekend.

Shakedown! Climate Governance Initiative (UK)

Rather than debate climate alarm and forced energy transformation, CGI wants to assume it and race down Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, the Utopia being Climate Stability (or some such thing).

The Federal War Against Your Lifestyle

You need to prove that you are a big shot. You need to do something big. Maybe you could impose a lockdown. Failing that, banning some appliances that are cheap…

Only one sausage per month for everyone!’ German Nutrition Society recommends over 90% reduction in daily meat eating– to combat global warming

Will the nutrition authority continue to issue certifications to canteens that offer meat beyond the recommended quota?

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