Essay by Eric Worrall
Promises to double down on useless renewables.
The hints have been coming for a while, but now it’s official: Australia isn’t on track to meet its climate targets
By David Speers
The first official concession came three weeks ago. Treasurer Jim Chalmers confirmed what everyone in the industry already knew — Australia is not on track to meet its climate targets.
“We will need to do even more to secure sufficient renewable energy generation, transmission and storage to meet our ambitions,” Chalmers told a Melbourne audience.
It was hardly an explosive revelation. The hints had been coming for a while.
The climate targets were legislated in one of the first acts of the newly elected Albanese government last year. It was a moment hailed as symbolising the sea-change election result.
Read more:
Australia is also not on track to meet its federal budget, or deliver those energy bill cost savings the current government promised during the election – the Aussie government recently cancelled a bunch of infrastructure projects because they are running out of money. But what else would you expect, from an incompetent administration of politicians who clearly believe saving the planet with renewables is more important than road upgrades, better schools and improved healthcare.
Turn their frown upside down.
More good news. I have news for Australia, you are never going to meet your climate commitment, but you will make yourselves poorer and suffer until you wake up. It doesn’t have to be like this. Wake up.
Hopefully they Wake Up and not Woke Up or has Wokism already taken hold down under?
Any concerns over pronouns?
“…taken hold down under…” sounds pretty disgraceful to be honest!
The Net Zero nut cases would need to go to rehab, but then they would have to admit the errors of their destructive ways, which would be so embarrassing, they decided to double down, with Pelosi’s approval, another destructive octogenarian way past her useful service life
The govmint’s response is so weak it looks as if it is just a place-saver for the next big scare, which some of us think will be a renewed Covid calamity. Calling one of the variants “Kraken” is tempting providence. Likely to be a fizzer, especially up here in the north. Covids don’t seem to like tropical Australia.
Be glad you don’t have “Mint and Spend” Biden running things. Just think, the Aussie Government could be printing more money to throw away on costly Unreliables instead of cancelling projects
No what happened is Federal Labor pulled their funding from the States for a heap of agreed joint infrastructure projects as Oz is suffering high inflation and skills shortages particularly in building and construction. Now we know why Federal Labor needed to piss off their predominant Labor State Govt mates in doing that. They need to fling money ramping up their pet renewables as grid Greenouts are threatening and their net-zero promise is looking sick and way behind schedule (reality biting). The Feds collect the bulk of taxes so naturally they have the whip hand here and they’re using it to try and save their necks.
The punch line on the Einstein quote was “and I am unsure about the universe”.
He’s also sometimes credited with –
“the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome”
Which perfectly describes the now 4-decades madness of attempts to replace base load dispatchable power generation with “cheaper” wind & solar substitutes.
That’s also the definition of learning an instrument 🙂
“…politicians who…”, there you have it: Elections Have Consequences. Argentina just went the other way with a Libertarian (far right) elected President, let’s see what the results are.
Ron, I was thinking of you the other day as I read an article examining whether Milei dollarizing the economy was likely to work or not. The author concluded that Argentina’s problems are 1) political, 2) fiscal, and then 3) monetary and they are unlikely to ever be fixed in any other order. We in the U.S. are on a similar path. At any rate there has to be some buy-in in Argentina for certain people, i.e. the privileged who have COLAs to keep ahead of inflation have to accept a haircut of a sizeable amount. We’ll see.
But, he can’t just do that by himself, can he?
Here’s the first big test for President Milei. He assumes the Presidency December 10. Argentina is scheduled to join BRICS January 1, 2024. So, President Melei has 20 days to stop that.
Does membership of BRICS require any commitments to sending $$$s to the UN?
If not, what’s the problem with hanging out with the BRICS crew for a bit to see what they can offer?
“what’s the problem with hanging out with the BRICS crew for a bit to see what they can offer?”
It gives the Bad Guys (Chicoms and Putin) propaganda talking points.
We shouldn’t be giving Bad Guys talking points.
Not “Far right”, just sane. “El Loco” is Spanish for “the sane one”.
Yep.. being labelled “Far-Right” by the MSM (who are nearly all rabid leftists) is a mark that you are more rational and sane…
…. and more caring of your own country and people, than any of the socialist/marxist politicians.
Take it as a tribute of honour and integrity. !
And don’t leave out that the right has been labeled anti-science for not buying into the post normal Clime Syndicate fabrication. Being right instead of wrong will be a further tribute.
Anything to the right of Marx is portrayed as “Far Right” by the Radical Leftists, in an attempt to smear the Right as extremists.
The real extremists are the Radical Leftists. The “Far Left”, if you will.
Have you look at who won the most seats in the Dutch election ! 🙂 🙂
The problem is that there are loads of parties in the Dutch system with a couple of seats each that requires some form of coalition to be created.
It is not working because we are not doing enough of it, so peasants, get ready for more taxes!
This is spiraling out of control, time for a French Revolution!
Yes, the French will find the peasants revolting!
They declared war on climate change. Of course, they can not alert the enemy how much money is in the war chest. It is a military secret. They’ll continue spending until the climate change surrenders unconditionally.
This is of course the Very Real Danger we are in here – the science is such utter kindergarten junk that that money is being spent doing all the wrong things.
That money is making the observed effects worse.
Well done, Australia.
And I heard today that Luxon has appointed one of his gang as “climate change minister”! Just proves that, even when running a technical organisation like Air New Zealand, the CEO needs to know NOTHING about technical matters! Similar to the UK PM and US President!
A part of the 5-year plan (or X year plan) is construction of a tunnel, reference Snowy River II.
Unfortunately, TBM Florence seems reluctant to do her part.
I wonder how much money is being wasted on this endeavor.
Tunneling is not a new technology.
“”Tunneling is not a new technology.
The enquiring mind ponders how humans first ever made it as far as Australia: it is ‘down under‘ after all.
And that Florence got stuck in a swamp is the most perfect ironing evah – 3 million square miles of desert to go at and they dive straight into a swamp!!!!
I wonder how much money is being wasted on this endeavor.
Let’s put it this way. It was costed at $2bill when some had cost/benefit qualms about it and now it’s $12bill and growing. Gulp!
The combined populations of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada total less than the single, heavily industrialized, Chinese province of Guangdong. There are more than a billion people elsewhere in China, and those provinces are industrializing also. China emits more CO2 than Anglo-America and the E.U. put together. So even if C02 were the climate control knob — which it is NOT — Oz, NZ and Canada emit a drop in the bucket by comparison.
There’s nothing Australia can do, or not do that would register on a pie chart.
Many Chinese products — steel, copper, aluminum, cement, autos, windmills, large lithium batteries — are made there, because the former industrial leaders are too guilt-stricken and over-regulated to continue making them in sufficient quantities.
In short, Oz, NZ, and Canada are free to commit economic suicide as a moral gesture if that makes them feel good, but it won’t provide anything for the long run but tragic future history books.
“The climate targets were legislated in one of the first acts of the newly elected Albanese government last year. ”
Albanese or Albanian? They’re all Tiranical.
Gedditt ??
As far as I know, only China has made their climate commitment by saying they will do nothing until 2030 and then decide what to do.
“Our current strategy isn’t working, so we need to do more of it faster.”
Welcome to the club because Canada’s climate commissioner just reported that his country is failing also just as it’s failed to meet any of its climate plans during the past 35 years. What’s the point of succeeding when global emissions have continued to rise even after 27 COP conferences? In other words, no one’s trying to do that much about the alleged problem in the first place.