Tink Fitzhew vs the USGS

Guest post by WUWT moderator Mike Lorrey Up here in northern New England, we like our tall tales. Stories of the humor, wisdom, and idiosyncratic thought of the yankee farmer…

Stinky environmental politics

From Jo Nova: Tyranny: How to destroy a business with environmental red tape [Note: I visited with the Thompsons at their farm during my visit to Narrogin. While time did…

Bonus QOTW: Why NASA belongs on the FAIL blog

Consider this a bonus Quote of the Week, but since it’s not climate/science/weather related I didn’t give it top billing for QOTW this week. That honor went to a study…

The EPA has gone mad cow disease

EPA classifies milk as oil, forcing costly rules on farmers Monica Scott The Grand Rapids Press Update: State Senate calls for EPA to change rule classifying cow’s milk as oil…

Green Subsidies Wreak Havoc On German Economy

From Canada Free Press Germany’s support for renewable energy is “breaking” the nation’s ability to pay for power and threatens the competitiveness of electricity producers, Handelsblatt cited a former [green] industry…

Firms paid to shut down wind farms when the wind is blowing

Britain’s biggest wind farm companies are to be paid not to produce electricity when the wind is blowing. From The UK Telegraph. By Robert Mendick Published: 9:00PM BST 19 Jun 2010…

CSIRO has counter meeting to address "denialism"

You know you must be having an impact when protesters show up and counter meetings are being scheduled. I use the word “denialism” because the flyer I was shown from…

New Dogs; IPCC tricks

Looks like they took lessons from Briffa. From Fox News The seven experts who advised President Obama on how to deal with offshore drilling safety after the Deepwater Horizon explosion are…

Third Climategate report 'imminent' – expect a shortage of whitewash in stores this weekend

From the Telegraph By Gerald Warner If you were planning to do a spot of DIY over the weekend you may encounter a problem – an acute shortage of whitewash in…

NOAA GOES weather satellite communications at risk due to proposed FCC spectrum auction

The FCC (like many Federal agencies) has gone looking for available frequencies and money as part of this: Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan, Recommendation 5.8, p.86 (FCC, 2010). The…

Study concludes: "major hurricane could devastate the Houston/Galveston region"

A major hurricane could devastate the Houston/Galveston region? Whooda thunk? Thank goodness they consulted the all knowing supercomputer model to figure this fact out: “it could easily have caused $100…

Australia's Victorian government creates seminar to "deal with denialism"

Whoo boy. It must be rough out there when CSIRO has to have seminars on how to deal with us rowdy ruffian “deniers”. I’m surprised though, a 15 million budget,…

So much for robust x2: Tom Karl’s GHCN3 Trends Are Wrong – At Least in Slide 21

Tom Karl’s Trends Are Wrong – At Least in Slide 21 Guest post by Bob Tisdale A number of bloggers on the WattsUpWithThat thread “Tom Karl’s Senate Dog & Pony…

Tom Karl's Senate Dog & Pony Show – it's worse than we thought, again

Well, the Kerry Lieberman cap and trade fiasco has brought Tom Karl to give a Senate briefing last week. Predictably, they couldn’t wait to spring more adjustments du jour on…

A surprising change in the 'eye roller' public slogan of NOAA

I got this regular press release from NOAA this morning announcing an upcoming press conference. Ho Hum…but wait, buried at the bottom of the copy is a little nugget that…

Energy Star-t Your Engines

Massive fraud in the EPA/DOE Energy Star Program. Automated system allows fake products to get approval. WASHINGTON — Does a “gasoline-powered alarm clock” qualify for the EnergyStar label, the government…

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