Beyond Parody: Misogyny, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change

There’s nothing I can add to the self-parody that is this paper. I will get the obligatory citations out of the way and then just paste extensive quotes from the open access paper. Let the hilarity ensue. For masochists who wish to read the paper in its entirety use this link.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE | Open Access cc 40 image

Misogyny, authoritarianism, and climate change

Nitasha KaulTom Buchanan

First published: 18 May 2023 |


Globally, democratic politics are under attack from Electorally Legitimated Misogynist Authoritarian (ELMA) leaders who successfully use misogyny as a political strategy and present environmental concern in feminine and inferior terms. The ascendancy of such projects raise questions involving socioeconomic structures, political communication, and the psychological underpinnings of people’s attitudes. We offer misogyny, conceptualized in a specific way – not simply as hatred or disgust for women, but as a way of accessing a gendered hierarchy whereby that which is labeled “feminine” is perceived as inferior, devalued, and amenable to be attacked – as a relevant transmission mechanism in how ELMAs like Trump may connect with public opinion by systematically investigating the interplay between misogyny, authoritarianism, and climate change in the context of the United States. Using a survey methodology (N = 314) and up-to-date questionnaires, we provide a concrete empirical underpinning for recent analytical and theoretical work on the complexity of misogyny. We analyze how misogynist and authoritarian attitudes correlate with climate change, adding to the literature on opposition to climate change policy. An additional exploratory aspect of our study concerning US voter preferences clearly indicates that Trump supporters are more misogynist, more authoritarian, and less concerned with the environment.

And so, it is 100% clear that there is this toxic package or bundle of right-wing ideology, nationalism, exceptionalism, racism, sexism, anti-immigrantism, and anti-climate-change that goes with it. That is what drives many of them.

[Katharine Hayhoe, interviewed by Bjork-James & Barla, 2021, p. 389]

Gender is a game-changer, like the Archimedean fulcrum, with the potential to shift economic logics from profit-exploiting systems of injustice to functional praxes of life-affirming care for ecosystems, human others, and planetary co-habitants.

[Glazebrook, 2015, p. 126]

Sustainability is considered to be a ‘feminine’ project.

[in Cavaliere & Ingram, 2021, p. 13]

Climate change is a man-made problem and must have a feminist solution.

[Mary Robinson, in Allen et al., 2019]


Many contemporary democracies are under severe strain from right-wing majoritarian political projects, and these are headed by electorally legitimated misogynist authoritarians (henceforth, ELMAs) who continue to command significant public support in spite of their many contradictions and policy failures. As Kaul (2021) argued, ELMAs come to power claiming a monopoly on nationalism denouncing their critics as anti-national, and claim to challenge neoliberalism, while benefitting from crony capitalism. Their exclusivist majoritarian nationalisms are both neoliberal and nationalist, and result in perverse outcomes for human security. Even so, these projects continue to draw upon support from the public in multiple democracies; the ELMA project examples are many and range the gamut from Bolsonarismo in Brazil, Modification in India, Dutertismo in Philippines, Erdoganism in Turkey, and Trumpism in the United States. Especially, Trump exemplifies such leadership and hence here we focus on the United States, but we expect that the main arguments that we lay out here may also be salient in several other countries that are the focus of our continuing work.

For social scientists, the ascendancy of such projects raises confounding questions involving socioeconomic structures, political communication, and the psychological underpinnings of people’s attitudes. The purpose of this article is to offer misogyny, conceptualized in a specific way, as a relevant transmission mechanism in how ELMAs like Trump may connect with public opinion by systematically investigating the interplay between misogyny, authoritarianism, and climate change. As a prelude to presenting our own survey findings, we bring together the conceptual and empirical research on the subject so far, bridging literatures across disciplines, particularly psychology and politics. The extant psychology research informs us of the extent and existence of beliefs, the conceptual political work offers clues as to why such beliefs might be held. Bridging these subsets of work that have generally proceeded in parallel with little interconnect is important for developing a more comprehensive account of the contemporary political transformations in democracies, and their implications for policy. The particular policy area that we target relates to climate change, an urgent domain of collective human security.

Conceptualizations of masculinity, nationalism, climate change

Gender is deeply imbricated in any discussions of climate change. As Allen et al. (2019, p. 1) point out, gender roles are socially constructed and shape climate change vulnerabilities and how society responds to climate change. The most upfront manifestation of this is the ways in which outspoken female advocates of addressing climate change in substantive ways are targeted. Gelin (2019) referred to the “gender reactionaries to climate-denialism” with reference to the attack on figures such as Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg. Cavaliere and Ingram (2021) raise wider questions of knowledge infrastructures and policy directions, pointing out how the patriarchy of late modernity and the role of the industrial movement in it requires a human versus nature binary, and attempts by women to challenge this as individual activists or as part of male dominated environmental organizations means confronting entrenched gender biases. They quote research on a gender gap in media reporting on climate change (Guo, 2015) for the United States according to which in 2014 less than15% of the individuals quoted in print or broadcast or cable media were women, the percentage being even worse for low-income areas, and male sources or anonymous sources are preferred over female sources (in Cavaliere & Ingram, 2021, p. 7). While women tend to be seen as more pro-environment, the same emotions are perceived differently for women and men; anger by women is stereotyped as negative and anger against outspoken women including those who speak on climate change is validated (in Cavaliere & Ingram, 2021, p. 8).

The link between far-right nationalism and “industrial breadwinner masculinities” has been under scrutiny in different countries (see Hultman & Pulé, 2018; Pulé & Hultman, 2021). In much empirical work, the focus has been on the production and circulation of digital media or online campaigns. Studies such as Vowles and Hultman (2021) detail how previously silent Swedish digital media attacked Greta Thunberg. The far-right digital ecosystem was constructing hostility toward a female environmental campaigner using historical tropes of “irrational femininity.” Likewise, Pettersson et al. (2022) refer to the ways in which Finnish far-right political campaigns used humorous misogynist messaging in a campaign film that drew upon polarized political communication on climate change – pitting the “rational males” who opposed stronger measures to tackle climate change against “irrational females” who propose such measures. It is important to note the reach of such media; 6%–12% of the online population in Sweden was reached by just four websites in 2020 (in Vowles & Hultman, p. 415). The polarization of online climate change communication and the overlap of climate change denialism with antifeminism and anti-immigrantism has been seen as a kind of “alliance of antagonisms” (Kaiser & Puschmann, 2017).

Climate change denialism has received focus in connexion with masculinity, for example through the probing of climate denial amongst right-wing white males in the United States (see Daggett, 2018; Nelson, 2020), or work on reactionary and eco-modern masculinities, or in relation to anti-immigration in multiple countries (see Agius et al., 2020; Keskinen, 2013; MacGregor & Seymour, 2017; McCright & Dunlap, 2011; Vowles & Hultman, 2021). Hateful reactions to women and to care for the environment that are visible in right-wing views are sometimes simply accepted as beleaguered and victimized reactions of a racialized idea of an impoverished working class in late capitalism. Yet, there is significant theoretical and empirical evidence that identity factors, political rhetoric, and the complex interlinkages between neoliberalism and nationalism are much more relevant than arguments about economic deprivation of the white working class in making sense of why ELMA leaders receive support (see Schaffner et al., 2018). Vengeful masculinity-reclaiming reactions to climate care can actually include deliberately polluting as a form of “petro-masculine rebellion and revenge” (see Daggett, 2018; Nelson, 2020). The act of “coal-rolling” requires alterations to vehicle engines to attract attention so that it can produce blacker smoke more loudly, a form of “pollution porn” (Kulze & Eyges, 2014, in Nelson, 2020, p. 287); “It’s just a testosterone thing. It’s manhood. It’s who can blow the most smoke, whose is blacker” (Weigel, 2014). This aspect of climate change denial and destructiveness is linked to an idea of “petro-vitality” for subsets of white conservative American males where the macho coal-rolling is about testosterone, an idea of masculinity which feeds into how these rugged individualist outdoor men see themselves.


Sexist, authoritarian, and climate change beliefs and correlations

In relation to the present topic, the well-established research on prejudice in psychology has typically sought to uncover the cross-sectional correlations, usually between a pair from among the following – social dominance orientation, right-wing authoritarianism, climate change denial, and hostile or benevolent sexism.

The explanation for various kinds of prejudice in individuals is often found either in social dominance orientation (SDO), or in right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) (see, for instance, Altemeyer, 1998; McFarland, 2010). SDO connects with the need to maintain dominance over subordinate others, such as preserving socioeconomic privilege, and RWA connects with the need to protect oneself from those who might pose threats to order (Altemeyer, 1981, 1998; Pratto et al., 1994; Stanley & Wilson, 2019). Making sense of human domination of the environment and of non-humans in terms of SDO was the focus of some studies (Dhont et al., 2014; Milfont et al., 2013), and a sub-literature grew to look at the links between SDO and climate change denial specifically. In earlier work, the link between SDO and climate change denial was found to be strong in cross-sectional studies (Häkkinen & Akrami, 2014), but later longitudinal studies find a stronger link between RWA and climate change denial (Stanley et al., 2019; Stanley et al., 2017).

Centers (1963) found a correlation between authoritarianism and misogynistic attitudes, and argued that this reflected authoritarians’ desire to maintain a status quo in which women were restricted to traditionally “feminine” roles. This hypothesized anti-feminist agenda was also reflected in the finding of Sarup (1976) that more authoritarian people had more anti-feminist attitudes. Duncan et al. (1997) also reported that authoritarianism was associated with anti-feminist attitudes, and a belief that both men and women should adhere to “traditional” gender roles. While right-wing populism and climate change denial tend to be linked (Lockwood, 2018), the investigation of this has often focused on anti-establishment attitudes. However, studies such as by Jylhä and Hellmer (2020) reported that RWA is indirectly predictive of climate change denial and the endorsement of traditional values explained some unique part of climate change denial. They find the strongest link between exclusionism and anti-egalitarianism on the one hand and climate change denial on the other.

We focus on the RWA since it is strongly correlated with anti-feminist dispositions and because RWA predicts an increase in climate change denial in longitudinal work, and was found to be a stronger predictor when directly compared to SDO (Stanley et al., 2017). Clarke et al. (2019) find that the aspect of RWA concerned with adherence to tradition and social norms is most important (conventionalism, RWA-C) in predicting all forms of climate denial. In meta-surveys that do not consider established scales, Hornsey et al. (2016) found the link of political affiliation and political ideology to be the strongest with environment beliefs. In a meta-analytic overview of 25 polls and 171 academic studies across 56 nations, examining 27 variables (table on p. 625), they found that the largest demographic correlate of climate change belief is political affiliation with an effect roughly double the size of any other demographic variable (p. 622). They found that the traditional societal faultlines of gender, age, sex, race, and income, while intuitively appealing, were far less relevant to climate change beliefs than values, ideologies, and political affiliation. Thus, “findings showed the benefit of moving beyond the question of ‘who’ disbelieves that climate change is real… to the psychological factors that explain ‘why’ people hold their views about climate change… climate change beliefs are influenced by distal psychological and political beliefs that shape people’s assimilation of ‘the facts’” (p. 624–625).

Research aims and hypotheses

Here, we investigate whether the associations seen in analyses of political rhetoric are reflected in the attitudes of the wider population, focusing on links between misogyny, authoritarianism, and climate change denial. There is evidence that these three attitudes are closely interlinked. Yet, little research has considered the three simultaneously, in order to understand the overlap between them. In particular, we will examine the relative contributions of misogyny and authoritarianism to climate change denial and to more general concern for protecting the natural environment.

We will also ask participants a number of additional questions about their political, gender, and environmental attitudes, and combinations thereof (for example, do these US participants support Donald Trump, indicating support for an ELMA leader; do they see care for the environment as a gendered issue; do they perceive environmental concern as related to other social justice issues). We advance no hypotheses about answers to these questions. They are exploratory in nature, and are intended to help interpret or contextualize the findings of our main analyses.

This goes on and on and eventually presents “data” from “surveys” reaching this conclusion section.


Connecting the political rhetoric of ELMA leaders with the opinions of the general public, this article joins the theoretical and analytical literature with an empirical methodology to provide support for a preliminary understanding of the specific ways in which public understanding on social issues (such as views on climate change, in relation to the environment) is the key to the transmission between misogyny in action and authoritarians in power in contemporary democracies.

Misogyny allows a coherent thread of support on policy issues across demographics for right-wing authoritarian leaders in democracies. The gender hierarchy of values allows a mapping of other concerns on it. The links between misogyny, authoritarianism, and climate change denial are not straightforward and are generally only partially illuminated, but need to be seen as salient and more comprehensively understood. Our investigation is the first to bring misogyny, authoritarianism, and climate beliefs together. We draw upon existing arguments that misogyny is not just about a hatred of women, but about the functioning of gender as power. This is crucial because it allows for the understanding that women can also support misogyny and play important roles in the political projects of ELMA strongmen even as these projects negatively impact women (for example through effects such as prolonged recession or environmental disasters, which disproportionately disadvantage women). The environmental policies of leaders like Trump, including on climate change, create present and intergenerational insecurity including for their supporters, and yet they manufacture consent for such policies from these very people, women and men both. Misogyny in the sense of feminization as devaluation is part of the dynamic through which they obtain and sustain support for anti-environmental (and other militarized masculinist anti-indigenous and anti-human rights) policies.

In our conclusion, we would like to briefly highlight specific implications of this work, as they relate to security and policy. First, there are growing concerns about the future of democracy in the United States, and the threats to it from violent right-wing extremists who support Trump and abide by his political rhetoric. These people are not just partisan political actors in a functioning democracy but prepared to mount direct insurrections against democratic institutions. Quite importantly, these men and women subscribe to a coherent set of beliefs on a range of issues that map well onto support for authoritarianism and anti-feminism; they support electoral legitimation for misogynist authoritarians like Trump, and a conceptualization of misogyny as political strategy that includes feminization as devaluation works for them. We expect that other concerns that are linked to care, and therefore available to be feminized in the same way as concern for the environment, will elicit similar responses from them. This adds up to a systematic effect at the very macro level whereby democratic principles are threatened and a range of security concerns are synergistically aggravated; the increasing insecurities relates to direct violence but also increased insecurity in human terms through support for policies leading to removal of protections for women, marginalized and minority Americans, and environmental protections.

Tackling climate change is thus part of a portfolio that includes seriously attending to the working of misogyny and gender hierarchies on the one hand and the authoritarian challenge to democracy on the other. We might emphasize this with a simple question – Why should misogynists not care for the environment? The environment, for instance through the impact of climate change, affects everyone and yet we can see that climate change denialists are also misogynists. Misogyny is not merely about a hatred for women; it functions usefully for authoritarians through feminization as devaluation to undermine opposition. Environmental messaging and climate change thus also requires subverting of structures of misogyny. It is paradoxical how the ELMA leaders promise security yet make for ever greater multidimensional insecurity. Urgent political and planetary concerns are at stake in how we confront the threats to democracy and to the environment. Our research reveals that there are interlocking insecurity generating mechanisms that are embedded in the analytical links between misogyny and authoritarianism that deserve greater recognition and action.

Source article.

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December 12, 2023 10:11 am


Reply to  Denis
December 12, 2023 10:19 am

Thanks, Denis. That made me laugh!!!


Tom Johnson
Reply to  Bob Tisdale
December 14, 2023 6:03 am

This certainly is quite a thoughtful commentary. It even holds a record for the largest repetitions of the letter group ‘arian’ – 43, with the possible exception of “Mein Kampf”, though it is capitalized there.

Reply to  Denis
December 14, 2023 1:11 am

This wasn’t published on April 1st, by any chance, was it?

Bryan A
December 12, 2023 10:18 am

Simply seething with Toxic Misandry

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Bryan A
December 12, 2023 11:53 am

never heard in my 74 years the word misandry- but I’m always happy to expand my vocabulary!

Bryan A
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 2:03 pm

Miss Andry was my second grade teacher, she HATED all the little boys

Reply to  Bryan A
December 12, 2023 8:09 pm

When they’re big they have to be 6/6/6 nowadays 😉
In the end, you’re not interested, and neither is she. (
So they’re easy prey for the top 10 percenters and the online hookup culture while the rest of the average blokes rationally check out with these demanding toxic princesses and get on with their lives while being advised to become passport bros for traditional wives.
They told the patriarchal mysogynists to eff off so they have in numbers leaving them to the Fboys until they hit the wall in their 30s and where is all the husband material? Welcome to all the lonely cat lady feminists moaning on TikTok as the Fboys finally settle down with the young and fertile. It’s quite a social phenomenon nowadays teaching young women they can ignore biology and be like men.

Rod Evans
Reply to  Bryan A
December 13, 2023 12:21 am

We had Miss Ogyny teaching us, an all boys Welsh Prep school, she said she wanted to be a missionary, at least I think that is what she said, it was definitely something to do with missionary……

Krishna Gans
December 12, 2023 10:18 am

A doctoral research study about authors Idiocy.

Richard Page
Reply to  Krishna Gans
December 12, 2023 2:49 pm

Over-educated yet still dumber than a bag of rocks.

Mike McMillan
Reply to  Krishna Gans
December 12, 2023 3:26 pm

I don’t think they need to worry about being plagiarised .

December 12, 2023 10:21 am

I find it fascinating how people who are demanding total control over everything, actually can accuse those who oppose them of being authoritarians.

Krishna Gans
Reply to  MarkW
December 12, 2023 10:29 am

Former Federal German Minister Under Merkel Warns: Germany Heading To A Climate Tyranny

“Basic rights in crisis mode” in Germany. The real threat to democracy. How we live, heat, get around, travel and what we eat could soon no longer be an individual decision, but increasingly be dictated by the state,” a former German federal minister warns.

Reply to  Krishna Gans
December 12, 2023 1:03 pm

Oh a “climate tyranny” now?

Another one I read in The Guardian today was “climate COLLAPSE”

(the good thing about all these “c”-word associations with “climate” is that “CULT” fits right in)

Reply to  Mr.
December 13, 2023 5:52 am

I am so disappointed that my two submissions for the Leftist Climate Scare Phrase Contest for 2024 were not chosen:

Climate Change Will Kill Your Dog


Big Oil Despoils and Oceans Boil

Krishna Gans
Reply to  Krishna Gans
December 12, 2023 2:33 pm

Link correction
sorry !

Dennis Gerald Sandberg
Reply to  Krishna Gans
December 12, 2023 3:53 pm

At the risk of sounding non-pc is it safe to suggest the possibility that Germany is more into “the people” vs the “person”, Not unlike our US democrats, but on steroids?

Jim Masterson
Reply to  Dennis Gerald Sandberg
December 13, 2023 1:10 am

We went to Nuremberg and saw the famous parade grounds used by the Nazis. Recently, someone discovered some Nazi symbols in the grandstand, and they were removed. Apparently, Germans are embarrassed by their Nazi past (as they should be). I think we should retain these symbols of past atrocities–as a reminder of the evil.

Reply to  MarkW
December 13, 2023 5:30 am

It fascinating how leftists cam disguise character attacks as scientific “studies”. There must be an annual contest to determine which leftist insulted conservatives in the most novel way.

Rather than being called a climate denier and having to defend my “CAGW is a hoax” views, I have decided to fight back by becoming an actual climate denier.



Sometimes good weather
Sometimes bad weather

People in the old days just accepted whatever weather they got and didn’t worry about the “climate”

If it was too hot, they moved away from the equator

if it was too cold, they moved toward the equator

They didn’t live in an average temperature

They didn’t care about the average temperature

Humans were all climate deniers in the old days.

It was wise for CR to include this article.
It reminds me of why I can’t stand leftists.

Honest Climate Science and Energy Blog

Jim Masterson
Reply to  Richard Greene
December 13, 2023 8:58 pm

“It fascinating how leftists cam disguise character attacks as scientific ‘studies’.”

It’s interesting that when you confront leftists with facts and data, they claim you’re using an Ad Hominem. When you attack their ideas, they take it as a personal attack against them. You’re not allowed to attack their ideas.

I once stated that an alarmist’s statement was screwy. They accused me of attacking the individual. There’s a difference between stating that someone’s position is screwy and stating that the person is screwy for holding that position. The latter statement is indeed an attack on the person–and leftists can’t distinguish between the two methods.

December 12, 2023 10:22 am

I’m really surprised that they didn’t manage to work racism and homophobia in there as well.

JP Kalishek
Reply to  MarkW
December 12, 2023 10:33 am

or trans rights

Richard Page
Reply to  MarkW
December 12, 2023 11:50 am

Or mention Putin or Xi?

Leo Smith
Reply to  Richard Page
December 14, 2023 3:13 am

Or Brexit..

Reply to  MarkW
December 12, 2023 12:50 pm

You read enough of it to know that?

Reply to  MarkW
December 12, 2023 12:57 pm

They probably did…if you can be bothered to read all of it…

I didn’t

Rich Davis
Reply to  MarkW
December 13, 2023 3:02 am

I guess you missed the quote from Katharine Hey hey I’m a ho Western culture’s gotta go Hayhoe, and the one following?

You do have to decode the word ‘gender’ in the second quote to find the ‘homophobia’. You see, gender doesn’t have anything to do with generation of new life any more, you silly man—gender is all about classifying the infinite rainbow of infertile perversions. To achieve the desired 90% population cull without a few nuclear wars, we need most people to be infertile.

And so, it is 100% clear that there is this toxic package or bundle of right-wing ideology, nationalism, exceptionalism, racism, sexism, anti-immigrantism, and anti-climate-change that goes with it. That is what drives many of them.

[Katharine Hayhoe, interviewed by Bjork-James & Barla, 2021, p. 389]

Gender is a game-changer, like the Archimedean fulcrum, with the potential to shift economic logics from profit-exploiting systems of injustice to functional praxes of life-affirming care for ecosystems, human others, and planetary co-habitants.

[Glazebrook, 2015, p. 126]

December 12, 2023 10:25 am

I want women that have to spend a significant portion of every day carrying water, carrying firewood, and handwashing clothes for their husband and several children to have access to an electric washing machine and pumped water.

The linked Ted Talk argues that solution would do more to help women than any other technology.

If that makes me a “global warming denier” and a “misogynist”, then I will gladly wear those pejorative labels as a badge of honor.

P.S. It is a very good Ted Talk.

general custer
Reply to  pillageidiot
December 12, 2023 12:13 pm

Why would you care? No women follow me to work in the morning to make sure that I don’t get dirty or tired, maybe it’s different for you. Men all over the world laugh at their western counterparts who indulge their women to enable them to fritter away their days watching television and putting on pounds rather then producing and raising children. Oswald Spengler pointed it out a long time ago.

paul courtney
Reply to  general custer
December 12, 2023 12:34 pm

General: Are you sure it wasn’t indian squaws what massacreed yous guys?

CD in Wisconsin
December 12, 2023 10:25 am

To paraphrase Tom Nelson one more time….

“This isn’t about the climate, is it?”

JP Kalishek
Reply to  CD in Wisconsin
December 12, 2023 10:35 am

every problem, real or perceived, social, economical, or climatic, all have the exact same solution – “Give us all the power”

Rich Davis
Reply to  JP Kalishek
December 13, 2023 3:08 am

Yes, which is why the past 60 years has seen fake crisis after fake crisis where the solution is always to stop using fossil fuels.

Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 10:42 am

Two thoughts.

One, open access means she paid to get this published. Easy to see why.

Two, what does she do for a living to produce such nonsense? PhD full professor at U. Westminster, London. Prof of “Critical Interdisciplinary Studies”. Guess she thinks this paper is both. Her bafflegab is not limited to this paper. In her uni bio, she says the common thread in her work is “how Relationivity, Marginalization, and Entrenchment matter.” Clear that her relationivity with reality is weak, her marginalization strong, and her entrenchment in academia deep.

Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 11:40 am

Two thoughts:

One: Authors who actually want their papers to be read naturally want them to be open access, but it does cost more because the journal’s costs have to be covered by the publication fee not by purchase of the paper. Note that some authors aren’t interested in their papers actually being read, they (or their employers) simply count the number of papers published.

Two: Are we sure that she produced this nonsense? It reads like AI.

Reply to  Mike Jonas
December 12, 2023 12:36 pm

Well her Associate Professorship was in Creative Writing, and she puts ‘writer and poet’ ahead of academic skills

Rod Evans
Reply to  Duker
December 13, 2023 12:27 am

I am guessing she is big on ‘Fiction’ then..

CD in Wisconsin
Reply to  Mike Jonas
December 12, 2023 12:39 pm

Two: Are we sure that she produced this nonsense? It reads like AI.

“In 2005, a group of MIT graduate students decided to goof off in a very MIT graduate student way: They created a program called SCIgen that randomly generated fake scientific papers. Thanks to SCIgen, for the last several years, computer-written gobbledygook has been routinely published in scientific journals and conference proceedings.”

Michael in Dublin
Reply to  CD in Wisconsin
December 12, 2023 2:10 pm

So they were the ones who produced the COP28 Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People?

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 11:56 am

Piled Higher and Deeper

Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 6:27 pm

Another thought.

She’s pissed off that since the trans movement started, the best women are men. She doesn’t stand a chance now.

Rod Evans
Reply to  Brad-DXT
December 13, 2023 12:29 am

+4(3)2 🙂

Reply to  Rod Evans
December 13, 2023 7:51 am

Phil R
December 12, 2023 10:45 am

If you look up Nitasha Kaul’s CV, it’s unimpressive. If you look up Tom Buchanan you find that he’s a character in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.”

Reply to  Phil R
December 12, 2023 2:55 pm

The sad part is that this dreck is a recurring theme in Kaul’s writing – she’s completely serious. Fitzgerald’s fictional Buchanan character is a wealthy misogynist and white supremicist.

Jim Gorman
December 12, 2023 10:52 am

The most upfront manifestation of this is the ways in which outspoken female advocates of addressing climate change in substantive ways are targeted.

Funny, I think of Judith Curry, Jenifer Mahrossoy, and Susan Crockford and how badly they have been treated by the media. Where does the misogyny really lay? Maybe the masculine media?

Tom Halla
Reply to  Jim Gorman
December 12, 2023 11:40 am

The normal cartoon character depicting a climate change True Believer is a recognizable image of Michael Mann, not AOC or Greta.

Reply to  Tom Halla
December 13, 2023 10:21 pm

Al Gore
King Charles

All men on the loony climate gravy train.

Can’t think of any women, except for Thatcher who I think is the first major politico to use climate change – but only to break the ultra powerful coal miners union that was choking the UK. In later life she was firmly in the non-alarmist camp.

Greta is highschool truant being used by her parents as a political prop, so again no women as major pushers of climate alarmism.

NZ pm didn’t last long enough for me to remember her name.

Leo Smith
Reply to  PCman999
December 14, 2023 3:24 am

Oh, don’t be so sexist. Plenty of loony wombers too.
Apart from Ms HayHo and Greta we have Ms Cortez, Ms Oreskes…Mrs Boris (‘we made a baby!) Johnson – princess nut-nuts herself…

December 12, 2023 10:53 am

She needs to grow a pair

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Redge
December 12, 2023 11:58 am

she’s probably taking hormones to do so 🙂

Stephen Wilde
December 12, 2023 10:56 am

It is a consequence of too many dim people going into higher education instead of a productive job.
They retreat into fantastical worlds of their own and issue reams of nonsense telling us all about it.
Almost all of science has become corrupted and useless/harmful as a result.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Stephen Wilde
December 12, 2023 11:35 am

Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Rud Istvan
December 12, 2023 11:59 am

and those that can’t teach- regulate

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 11:59 pm

And those who can’t regulate(politicians) become civil servants

December 12, 2023 10:57 am

Once we voted for and elected our representatives.

Now, they’re “”Electorally Legitimated””

It’s a rather jaundiced view of democracy

December 12, 2023 11:00 am

How come I starting thinking about Biden’s student loan forgiveness while I was wasting my time reading some of this?

Rud Istvan
Reply to  rah
December 12, 2023 12:35 pm

Biden is buying votes from people who borrowed for degrees in gender studies who then discovered they couldn’t get a decent job.

I had to borrow to finish undergrad after lost my full military scholarship thanks to faculty objection to Viet Nam (summa in economics), and then borrow a lot more to get through the business/law joint program in 4 years. Very hard but worthwhile. Had everything paid back within 5 years after making partner at BCG in 4. Of course, my wife and I were not living fancy like my colleagues then.

John Hultquist
December 12, 2023 11:01 am

The purpose of this papers is to introduce new 3 and 4-letter acronyms that no rational person will ever understand or use.

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  John Hultquist
December 13, 2023 12:01 am

I read some of it and we’ve finally run out of TLAs!

Jim Masterson
Reply to  Ben Vorlich
December 13, 2023 9:02 pm

I doubt it. But TLA is itself a TLA.

December 12, 2023 11:19 am

> …contemporary democracies are under severe strain from right-wing majoritarian political projects, and these are headed by electorally legitimated…

So majorities legitimately elected are a threat to the democratic process.

Richard Page
Reply to  Giving_Cat
December 12, 2023 11:44 am

That’s what I got as well. They simply can’t understand why other people refuse to think the same as them when they and their friends, obviously, have the only correct views possible. sarc

Reply to  Richard Page
December 12, 2023 11:56 am

The bigger sin is using $3 words when 25¢ words are better. Don’t get me wrong. A good $3 word can speak volumes when wielded appropriately. It is just that in this case the fancy words are to obfuscate weak/incorrect assertions.

Mike McMillan
Reply to  Giving_Cat
December 12, 2023 3:36 pm


Rich Davis
Reply to  Mike McMillan
December 13, 2023 3:25 am

Oh I don’t know about that. Sounds more neosemiantisesquipedalianistic to me Mike.

(GC said “A good $3 word can speak volumes when wielded appropriately.” Thus “semi”. And “neo” just because it adds length.)

Reply to  Giving_Cat
December 13, 2023 8:47 am

Great catch! The authors of this utter dreck unintentionally reveal their true colours as vicious totalitarians.

December 12, 2023 11:29 am

Are we sure this wasn’t written by Sokal?

Although, his paper was a lot more coherent than this.

December 12, 2023 11:30 am

That’s a lot of £10 words to express a 2p concept.

Reply to  PariahDog
December 12, 2023 1:20 pm

The concept isn’t worth that much. We should be compensated for having to endure it.

December 12, 2023 11:34 am

They cannot tell they that they do not have a misogynist view as long as they refer to “mother earth” instead of they earth.

Tom Halla
December 12, 2023 11:35 am

Projecting a bit, aren’t you?

December 12, 2023 11:37 am

Seems to be AI generated woke BS, isn’t it ?

Richard Page
Reply to  Petit-Barde
December 12, 2023 11:48 am

Sadly not. This is the concept and practice of allowed free speech taken to a ridiculous extreme. She can say what she likes with these so-called ELMA’s in power, doubt she could say the same if her and her fellow-travellers ever managed to seize control.

Dave Fair
December 12, 2023 11:40 am

When I’m accused of Toxic Masculinity I just explain I have Testy Cals.

Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 11:46 am

“Climate change is a man-made problem and must have a feminist solution.”

In Wokeachusetts, the charge is being led mostly by women who now dominate the state’s Energy and Environment agency. Of course they also dominate all state agencies, and most of the media, and most of academia. And that’s why I say the state is a feminocracy.

Richard Page
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 12:38 pm

In most countries around the world there are currently more women than men. The countries that have more men than women tend to be near the equator, spread from a few countries in the Carribean, across north Africa, the Middle East and into near Asia.
Might have to get used to being a minority?

Rich Davis
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
December 13, 2023 3:32 am

Lesbanny – lesbian tyranny

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Rich Davis
December 13, 2023 3:40 am

Lots of that in Wokeachusetts. As a field forester, I had to have 100% of my work approved by the state “service foresters”- who do nothing but drive around in a car they don’t pay for and look at and approve all the forestry work in the state and for that they earn about 4 times what those of us in the private sector earn. So, one was a lesbian. I have nothing against gay people unless they get preferentially hired because they’re gay. This particular one was incredibly difficult to get along with- she’d nitpick all of us. Some loggers threatened her. She eventually got a different job in the burro-ocracy- out of site and out of mind.

Joseph Zorzin
December 12, 2023 11:50 am

Wow, I haven’t puked so hard since I had food poisoning a decade ago.

Andy Pattullo
December 12, 2023 11:53 am

The abstract was all I could stomach. Which AI platform wrote this drivel? How did they decide Trump was the poster boy for misogyny? Isn’t it the current president who promotes women and minorities to positions only as window dressing for diversity and not out of respect for abilities (VP Harris a great example who would not have a job in the post office if ability was taken into account). Isn’t it the current president who likes to fondle young girls and women, sniff their hair and say the most inappropriate and suggestive things to them? Isn’t it the current president who created record inflation and taxed essentials so that the poorest (often single moms) suffer a significant decline in quality of life and economic sustainability? Isn’t it the current president who sells his name and influence to foreign enemies, destroys integrity of the nation’s borders and supports movements that enable crime, drug use and fraud so that the most vulnerable in society (often single moms and their kids) are at much higher risk?

Reply to  Andy Pattullo
December 12, 2023 1:51 pm

Because Trump was the one who waxed Killary. She was supposed to have inherited the crown from Obama.What she didn’t understand was that even typical Democrat voters despised her, and as a result she was in a drunken fury on election night and incapable of making a concession speech. The feminazis have never got over the embarrassment of Killary being such a drunken, stupid, incoherent incompetent. And they will never forgive Trump for defeating them and their delusions so thoroughly.

Reply to  Andy Pattullo
December 12, 2023 6:04 pm

Trump is a big talker, but the world knows he was an inheritor from the get-go; 2x popular vote loser; 5 military deferments; 5 bankruptcies; ACA is still here; there is no border wall; he never found time for “Infrastructure Week;” wrong on the Central Park 5; had Biden do all the heavy lifting and take all the political heat on Afghanistan withdrawal; record worst 1.54% GDP rate for his term; left office w/ entire country collecting govmt stim checks and 6.7% unemployment; 3 million jobs lost; Jan 6th.

Andy Pattullo
Reply to  scvblwxq
December 13, 2023 9:16 am

So you are saying Trump created CoVID, not the Chinese.You seem to have lots of anecdotal evidence he was a presidential failure. That must explain why is is so far ahead in the Republican race and favoured by the majority to best Biden in poles. I guess the American voters are just as confused as I am.

Reply to  scvblwxq
December 13, 2023 11:53 am

It really is amazing how delusional those who have always hated Trump have become.

Jim Masterson
Reply to  MarkW
December 13, 2023 9:06 pm

TDS is a real psychological ailment. I think those that suffer from it cannot be saved.

Leo Smith
Reply to  MarkW
December 14, 2023 3:29 am

I rather like Trump. But seriously, he is pretty crap. Marginally less crap than having the democrats in tho.

Why anyone would want to lend their emotional support to a politician, is beyond me.

Leo Smith
Reply to  scvblwxq
December 14, 2023 3:27 am

Agreed,. The only thing worse than Trump was Biden.Or clinton

Gary Pearse
December 12, 2023 11:55 am

Sociology has been totally corrupted for the past 5 generations. When I studied geology and engineering in the 1950s, all the rage in social sciences was Herbert Marcuse, still known as “The Father of the New Left” from the Frankfurt School.

Even before then, social workers were taught that all social ills are caused by capitalism, poverty, crime, ill health, mental and physical … They were known as ‘The Take a Rapist to Lunch Crowd’.

At least Marcuse could write. This paper’s ‘science’, with N=319 is almost a random rant in the midst of of a Trump Derangement episode. When she mentioned that the study was likely applicable to the EU political scene, an image of Geert Wilders automatically jumps to mind. This self-tortured woman author may be mistaking the deserved ridicule and dismissal she’s obviously endured as misogyny.

michael hart
December 12, 2023 11:56 am

Remember when they tried feminist snow-plowing in Sweden?
I don’t think the experiment lasted very long.

Gregory Woods
December 12, 2023 11:59 am

Huh? AI generated? Another word salad.

general custer
December 12, 2023 12:04 pm

more misogynist, more authoritarian, and less concerned with the environment.

What’s the connection, if any, between misogyny, authoritarianism and less concern for the environment? Other than they are qualities that she abhors. In fact, aren’t truly concerned “environmentalists” a form of authoritarian? Who says a misogynist can’t be a birdwatcher? Isn’t there a large variety of feminist thinkers, many of whom have a different view of the situation than popular media figures?

December 12, 2023 12:05 pm

Typical rot from a tenured college prof or someone working at a Soros funded think tank.

I got through the first couple of sentences and moved on to better things to be concerned with.

Reply to  Duane
December 12, 2023 12:40 pm

No such thing as ‘tenure’ in British University’s. Those who arent permanent staff have fixed term employment, mostly at lower levels

December 12, 2023 12:11 pm

Sokal and Jean Bricmont, “Intellectual Impostures”.

And Sokal’s wonderful paper: “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity”

Rud Istvan
Reply to  michel
December 12, 2023 12:41 pm

I highly recommend the paper ‘A quantum gravity treatment of the Angels/pin problem’ in the Annals of Improbable Science.

Stephen Bazlinton
December 12, 2023 12:31 pm

Probably aided by AI, garbage in garbage out!

Reply to  Stephen Bazlinton
December 12, 2023 2:00 pm

Welcome to WUWT, Stephen. Sorry it took so long to retrieve your first comment from the awaiting-moderation file.


December 12, 2023 12:48 pm

The sickness of leftist ideology in full display, because they lack awareness of their foolishness, they are unable to feel shame for their stupid mind farts they put on “paper” for the rational world to see.

December 12, 2023 12:53 pm

clicked on the open source link to the paper and then read the references…..

spend some time reading those references , gawd, we’re screwed if these kids end up running the joint.

December 12, 2023 12:56 pm

I can’t comment on this without getting into trouble.

December 12, 2023 1:06 pm

How can there be Misogyny, when they can’t even define what a woman is !!

December 12, 2023 1:10 pm

It is really sad when a (supposedly) female person, hates being a female.

But you can see the total lack of any self-worth in basically every word.

December 12, 2023 1:16 pm

What an idiot.

Many contemporary democracies are under severe strain from right-wing majoritarian political projects,

If this was actually true, honey-bunch, the secret police would already be breaking your door down. Your problem, sugar-lips, is that secret police are invariably a function of you socialists trying to impose your values on everyone.

Reply to  cgh
December 12, 2023 2:43 pm

I see what you did there…babe!

Reply to  cgh
December 12, 2023 2:52 pm

Yes. Also, you notice that in a democracy, the majority is supposed to govern (is “majoritarian” a real word?).

Reply to  Hivemind
December 13, 2023 11:56 am

The left has always felt that it’s only democracy, when they win.

J Boles
December 12, 2023 1:16 pm

On her web page she describes herself as a traveler, using fossil fuels I bet! THE HYPOCRITE!!
Home Page (

Michael in Dublin
December 12, 2023 2:05 pm

Climate change is a man-made problem and must have a feminist solution.
[Mary Robinson]

She sees everything through her ideological/political lens but evidently does not understand how science works, the importance of empirical measurements and the flaws in the of modeling of climate with truncated graphs.

Phil R
Reply to  Michael in Dublin
December 12, 2023 6:43 pm

No, you don’t understand how radical feminism works. If you understood how radical feminism works you would understand that they don’t care about science at all.

More Soylent Green!
December 12, 2023 2:11 pm

I remember when SCTV tried to do a commercial parody of Laverne and Shirley. They couldn’t pull it off. The fake commercial was two women resembling Laverne and Shirley wrestling on the kitchen floor. It flopped because it looked like a real episode of L&S.

So how can you parody climate change cultists? Can anybody tell the difference?

December 12, 2023 2:23 pm

This was a leftist Ph.D. style character attck.
Bigger words than usual
No anti-Trump tirades

I am going to add ELMA to my resume

Richard Greene

You can’t have too many degrees these days.

If a prospective employer asks what an ELMA degree is, I will claim it is an advanced physics degree that involves quantums, photons and electromagnetic fluxes.

December 12, 2023 2:36 pm

The picture’s caption is wrong. It should read “Spot the man”. Somebody should take away the author’s thesaurus – “imbricated” instead of “layered”? But why use a three syllable word when you can find a four syllable one in your thesaurus.

Steve Oregon
December 12, 2023 2:52 pm

I’m certain the presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn agree with this of grievances and share a deep disdain for everyone who may disagree.

Peta of Newark
December 12, 2023 3:53 pm

Have a binge session listening to some ABBA hun – you’re not the first girl in the world who’s ever been dumped

December 12, 2023 5:36 pm

Two words: “Conceptual Penis.”

John the Econ
December 12, 2023 6:21 pm

So everyone and everything I don’t like versus what I who and what I do like. Right?

December 12, 2023 7:21 pm

Surely this is a comedic parody, right? Or is is left?

Geoffrey Williams
December 12, 2023 11:57 pm

‘asap’ or whatever they call themselves, full of female bile and venom.
Definitely a group of manhaters, no doubt dominated by lesbians and such . .

Rod Evans
December 13, 2023 12:10 am

Well I read enough to get the gist but have to ask, has this article been written as a joke?
If not, I have a new group to pour out hate onto. They might like to adopt this one to help them define their target more precisely.
Mostly Authoritarian Leaders Empowering Society. or MALES as an acronym, so we all know where the villains are……

Tim Spence
December 13, 2023 1:33 am

This paper useful for advanced Psychiatry students

George Daddis
December 13, 2023 6:46 am

“..the attack on figures such as Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg.”
It couldn’t be that neither person has the slightest qualifications to lecture the world on a scientific issue.
Nah, the reason HAS to be that sceptics hate women (like Dr, Judith Curry, Jennifer Marohasy or Joanne Nova).

[BTW, to remind myself of Jo Nova’s website I went through 5 pages of Google search for “Climate Blog Australia” – NOT ONE reference! Type in “Climate Change Denier Australia” you get several pages of articles from Guardian, Conversation, ABC etc – complaining that Australia has twice as many “deniers” as any other country – a “terrible situation”.]

December 13, 2023 3:23 pm

Some penis-absent people in the artwork have but three fingers and a thumb showing on the hand. What is the deep meaning? Possibilities:
1. Author Kaul has given a finger to Society.
2. Makes fisting easier.
3. New slant on “give a hand”.
4. Inbreeding causes deformities.
5. Too much KFC finger lickin’ good.
6. AI art programs can’t count to 4.
7. Makes it easier to lose your grip.

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