It wouldn’t matter that John Kerry goes around saying absolutely idiotic things like “the end of coal” if there were still journalists in the media, or if the AI that actually does write all the media articles wasn’t pre-programmed to be woke.
Can someone please tell John Kerry just how many hundred coal-fired power stations China is building right now, and then sit him down (in case of shock) and quietly tell him that all China’s CO2 goes into the atmosphere, just like ours.
Even Kerry could not be so dumb as to not understand the differences. The only reasonable conclusion is that it benefits him to promote whatever he promotes.
It should be mentioned that the new Chinese coal power plants use modern pollution controls, and many are intended to replace older, polluting coal power plants that helped cause the severe air pollution over many large Chinese cities.That air pollution peaked about 10 years ago, but has not declined by very much so far. India has the same urban air pollution problem — even worse than China now:
The fact that over 7/8th of the world’s population lives in nations such as china and India that could not care less about Nut Zero tell us a lot.
If Nut Zero was about reduced CO2 emissions, the 7/8 would be targets of continuous, severe criticism from the 1/8. That is not happening.
The obvious conclusion is that Nut Zero is a strategy for more government power and control, NOT for halting the rise of atmospheric CO2 (more CO2 is good news for our planet, in my opinion).
If 7/8 of the world’s population could not care less about CO2 emissions, then atmospheric CO2 will keep rising. The 7/8 nations also include the highest birth rate nations.
Leftists may seem stupid, but they must know Nut Zero can’t succeed, because so few nations take Nut Zero seriously, and even those nations are not meeting their VOLUNTARY CO2 “ambitions”.
The leftists KNOW Nut Zero will fail as a global engineering project, but they do not appear to care. Because implementing Nut Zero gives a government great power over the private sector, which is something leftists have wanted for over a century.
It seems that even with pollution controls, Chinese plant operators throttle back whenever possible to reduce costs. The worst air I ever experienced was in Wuhan when it was drizzling and the pollution from a steel plant and nearby coal power plant just clung to the ground. It was like breathing from an open bottle of nitric acid.
China does not need to take action on climate change.
They already have communism.
December 10, 2023 1:13 am
It is not illegal for US politicians to accept shares in Chinese corporations via trusts. It cost the Chinese companies nothing to issue these shares. With a free license to pollute these Chinese companies drive EPA regulated US companies out of business and Chinese share prices skyrocket.
“It cost the Chinese companies nothing to issue these shares.”
Assuming the shares are gifts and not paid for by the trusts, this statement is a “free lunch” fallacy.
Increasing the number of shares reduces the earnings per share, assuming a company is profitable.
Lower earnings per share will reduce the stock price by some amount, if all other variable remain the same. Earnings per share are a key statistic for investors to decide the value of a stock.
Technically you are quite correct. Practically speaking, US politicians are for sale at incredibly low prices. To the Chinese, US politicians are a steal.
African politicians and policy makers are even more of a steal.
December 10, 2023 1:19 am
There are more proven coal reserves than oil. By a lot. The US has something like 300 years of proven coal available.
The idea that this coal will remain locked in the ground ignores reality. Cold hungry people care nothing about the environment
and by the same token… warm and well fed persons have the luxury of caring for the environment
Peta of Newark
December 10, 2023 1:54 am
This is the problem with Playground Bullies.
On their own turf (at home in the US) and when assembled into their ‘consensus gang‘ all sorts of hideous things are imposed and inflicted upon the citizenry.
But when alone and off their own turf, they are perfect complete gutless wimps.
That perfectly describes the radical Democrats in the United States.
They are fierce against their domestic opponents, look at the way they are going after Trump, but they are gutless wimps when it comes to standing up to international dictators.
Although, in the case of China, I think the $30 million the Chicoms have paid to the Biden family is why Joe Biden is so cooperative with the Chicoms. He gives them everything they want. That $30 million was well spent from the Chicom perspective.
Radical Democrats are tough on their political opponents, but weak on the nations’s foreign enemies.
If only they were as fierce with out enemies as they are with their political opponents. The dictators of the world would be shaking in their boots. But, as it is, with appeaser Democrats in power, the Bad Guys are rejoicing, and shooting at American troops every day now.
When will our Commander-in-Chief take action to protect American troops from the attacks of the Mad Mullahs of Iran? What will it take to make Joe Biden move?
Joe Biden is what an Appeaser looks like. The Bad Guys recognize this and are expanding their envelopes as a consequence. What’s to stop them? Joe Biden? Don’t make me laugh.
The war in the middle east is limited to the Gaza strip and Israel so far.
This American is wholeheartedly in favor or eliminating the troglodytes that think it is okay to indiscriminately murder, mutilate, rape and capture innocent citizens of any country.
The rumor is that the Israel Defense Forces intend to make Gaza into a rolling dune natural area and turn it over to the U.N. to administer as a World Heritage Site.
Americans should go to war to prevent the Mad Mullahs of Iran from building nuclear weapons.
If you think the Middle East is on fire now, just wait until the Mad Mullahs have nuclear weapons.
If the United States has any collective sense, it will prevent this from happening no matter what it takes. Time is running short.
Our current “leadership” in the United States does not have any sense.
I read yesterday that Israel has said they will attack the Mad Mullahs of Iran and their nuclear facilities if the United States does not do so. And of course, Israel has no choice but to do this. They cannot afford to let the religious fanatics in Tehran get nuclear weapons.
So war is coming with the Mad Mullahs whether people like it or not. The Mad Mullahs are already at war with us.
I see where radical leftists billioniare George Soros pays well to people who support the Mad Mullahs of Iran in the Biden (and formerly, Obama) administrations. Tens of millions of dollars is what I read yesterday.
But, Joe Biden is an appeaser at heart, so this situation with kowtowing to the Mad Mullahs would happen whether he was getting paid to do it or not.
Joe Biden has put the Western World in great danger with his totally destructive, delusional policies. The Existential threat to the United States is not CO2, it is radical Democrats like Biden. When they are in power, we are in great jeopardy. As now.
The ‘Mad Mullahs of Iran’ is the kind of blowback that ‘we’ (the people) get when ‘we’ (our governments) intervene in the political affairs of others. There have been no exceptions to this that I’m aware of.
It also looks like Biden may be serving the interests of the enemies of the United States.
The Biden family took millions of dollars from the Russians and the Chicoms. Why would the Russians and the Chicoms pay the Biden’s anything? That is the question the Biden’s need to answer, along with where all the money went.
The United States has a bought-and-paid-for president. The Russians and the Chicoms were not paying the Bidens for anything other than for influencing Joe Biden to do their bidding. The other members of the Biden family had nothing of value to offer, they were just conduits for the money payments.
Please join me in these pledges to save the planet:
“I will never buy a superyacht, private jet or Rolls Royce, because these great personal sacrifices will help save the planet.”
If you want to do even more:
“I pledge to never fly to an annual COP (Climate Outrage Party) meeting, but will attend from home via Zoom.”
And for the ultimate sacrifice:
“I will buy four cases of beer and store them in my basement, permanently unopened, unless there is an emergency, as a personal carbon capture project.”
I doubt the existence of zero emission beer even if left unopened, but perhaps some emissions can cancel out others.
December 10, 2023 6:21 am
The Fool….Wrong Way Kerry….has only about one more year before the USA is de-Bidenised. I would like to meet Fool Kerry face to face and watch his face as I told him what I think about him and his communist party.
He’s not always going the wrong way (for himself). He knows how to marry well and knows who to kowtow to to enrich himself. I understand he was also adept at filling out the paperwork for getting purple heart medals.
Mike Maguire
December 10, 2023 10:08 am
They absolutely know about China’s CO2 emissions.
Who really thinks that China could get away with this if their junk science was valid?
That it’s China’s choice regarding whether they want to kill the planet for all 200 countries and 8 billion people.
We know that China is ramping up coal burning power plants and the alarmists know it too. We know that this will not kill the planet but their words intentionally mislead us to think that they think this WILL kill the planet.
However, actions speak louder than words.
Constantly giving China a free pass tells us they must know this.
That’s because they know there is no climate crisis.
Instead, This is all about government/political agenda, corrupted science, crony capitalism, misinformed but often sincere environmentalists and dishonest, ratings seeking, sensationalizing media/journalism.
Who could have imagined that tricking people into thinking that CO2 is a pollutant and hijacking climate science (rewriting climate history)could be used for all of that??
The ones doing it, that’s who!!
Starting with the United Nations over 3 decades ago when they created the IPCC for this very purpose.
Here we are, in 2023. Still using the IPCC reports like they are the climate Bible for this religion.
“Who could have imagined that tricking people into thinking that CO2 is a pollutant and hijacking climate science (rewriting climate history)could be used for all of that??”
That just goes to show that while this is supposed to be the age of enlightenment, where science rules over superstition and in most cases is divorced from religious beliefs, human nature has changed very little from those dark times.
In other words, the human tendency to gravitate to religious beliefs – and to swallow hook, line and sinker the orthodoxy of said beliefs without question – is still there. I’m not at all saying that having beliefs and participating in organized religion is bad. In fact, it is often beneficial as it strengthens bonds between people and fosters a sense of community. Plus, certain religions and churches do a considerable sum of charitable work.
However, when a religion turns into a cult, and its focus becomes dark and destructive, that is when that old human tendency to seek fulfillment in religion backfires. And in this case we have a worldwide (except China and India and some others) Jim Jones style doom cult in full swing. Problem is – they want us to drink the Koolaid while they abstain.
December 10, 2023 2:24 pm
Get the US out of the UN, get the UN out of the US and where ever the UN goes they need to take Kerry with them.
It wouldn’t matter that John Kerry goes around saying absolutely idiotic things like “the end of coal” if there were still journalists in the media, or if the AI that actually does write all the media articles wasn’t pre-programmed to be woke.
Can someone please tell John Kerry just how many hundred coal-fired power stations China is building right now, and then sit him down (in case of shock) and quietly tell him that all China’s CO2 goes into the atmosphere, just like ours.
It is not if someone could tell Kerry but if there is somebody who could make it understandable to Kerry.
Even Kerry could not be so dumb as to not understand the differences. The only reasonable conclusion is that it benefits him to promote whatever he promotes.
John Kerry walks into a bar
Bartender says:
“Why the long face?”
John Kerry walks into a bar and says:
He knows it but knows he can’t do anything about it unlike the US that is full of political idiots
It should be mentioned that the new Chinese coal power plants use modern pollution controls, and many are intended to replace older, polluting coal power plants that helped cause the severe air pollution over many large Chinese cities.That air pollution peaked about 10 years ago, but has not declined by very much so far. India has the same urban air pollution problem — even worse than China now:
“Filthy Air”: India Overtakes China As Country With Most Polluting Cities | ZeroHedge
The fact that over 7/8th of the world’s population lives in nations such as china and India that could not care less about Nut Zero tell us a lot.
If Nut Zero was about reduced CO2 emissions, the 7/8 would be targets of continuous, severe criticism from the 1/8. That is not happening.
The obvious conclusion is that Nut Zero is a strategy for more government power and control, NOT for halting the rise of atmospheric CO2 (more CO2 is good news for our planet, in my opinion).
If 7/8 of the world’s population could not care less about CO2 emissions, then atmospheric CO2 will keep rising. The 7/8 nations also include the highest birth rate nations.
Leftists may seem stupid, but they must know Nut Zero can’t succeed, because so few nations take Nut Zero seriously, and even those nations are not meeting their VOLUNTARY CO2 “ambitions”.
The leftists KNOW Nut Zero will fail as a global engineering project, but they do not appear to care. Because implementing Nut Zero gives a government great power over the private sector, which is something leftists have wanted for over a century.
“The fact that over 7/8th of the world’s population lives in nations such as china and India that could not care less about Nut Zero tell us a lot.”
Especially given that India is a hot country. They don’t see the climate as a problem.
Some people like it warm some like it cool.
It seems that even with pollution controls, Chinese plant operators throttle back whenever possible to reduce costs. The worst air I ever experienced was in Wuhan when it was drizzling and the pollution from a steel plant and nearby coal power plant just clung to the ground. It was like breathing from an open bottle of nitric acid.
China does not need to take action on climate change.
They already have communism.
It is not illegal for US politicians to accept shares in Chinese corporations via trusts. It cost the Chinese companies nothing to issue these shares. With a free license to pollute these Chinese companies drive EPA regulated US companies out of business and Chinese share prices skyrocket.
“It cost the Chinese companies nothing to issue these shares.”
Assuming the shares are gifts and not paid for by the trusts, this statement is a “free lunch” fallacy.
Increasing the number of shares reduces the earnings per share, assuming a company is profitable.
Lower earnings per share will reduce the stock price by some amount, if all other variable remain the same. Earnings per share are a key statistic for investors to decide the value of a stock.
Technically you are quite correct. Practically speaking, US politicians are for sale at incredibly low prices. To the Chinese, US politicians are a steal.
“US politicians are for sale at incredibly low prices.”
Not if their surname is Biden
The Bidens require The Big Bucks
With 10% to The Big Guy
African politicians and policy makers are even more of a steal.
There are more proven coal reserves than oil. By a lot. The US has something like 300 years of proven coal available.
The idea that this coal will remain locked in the ground ignores reality. Cold hungry people care nothing about the environment
Cold and hungry
Coal will help with the cold problem.
The CO2 emitted when burning coal will help plant growth, reducing hunger for people and animals.
Two benefits of coal.
and by the same token… warm and well fed persons have the luxury of caring for the environment
This is the problem with Playground Bullies.
On their own turf (at home in the US) and when assembled into their ‘consensus gang‘ all sorts of hideous things are imposed and inflicted upon the citizenry.
But when alone and off their own turf, they are perfect complete gutless wimps.
Translate: Yellow Bellied Cowards
What is see ‘at home’ is all show and bravado – he is a complete fake person
That perfectly describes the radical Democrats in the United States.
They are fierce against their domestic opponents, look at the way they are going after Trump, but they are gutless wimps when it comes to standing up to international dictators.
Although, in the case of China, I think the $30 million the Chicoms have paid to the Biden family is why Joe Biden is so cooperative with the Chicoms. He gives them everything they want. That $30 million was well spent from the Chicom perspective.
Radical Democrats are tough on their political opponents, but weak on the nations’s foreign enemies.
If only they were as fierce with out enemies as they are with their political opponents. The dictators of the world would be shaking in their boots. But, as it is, with appeaser Democrats in power, the Bad Guys are rejoicing, and shooting at American troops every day now.
When will our Commander-in-Chief take action to protect American troops from the attacks of the Mad Mullahs of Iran? What will it take to make Joe Biden move?
Joe Biden is what an Appeaser looks like. The Bad Guys recognize this and are expanding their envelopes as a consequence. What’s to stop them? Joe Biden? Don’t make me laugh.
It is very easy to start a war, it is a whole lot harder to end one.
Americans don’t want to go to war in the Middle East for Israel’s sake.
The war in the middle east is limited to the Gaza strip and Israel so far.
This American is wholeheartedly in favor or eliminating the troglodytes that think it is okay to indiscriminately murder, mutilate, rape and capture innocent citizens of any country.
The rumor is that the Israel Defense Forces intend to make Gaza into a rolling dune natural area and turn it over to the U.N. to administer as a World Heritage Site.
Did you forget the /sarc or do you think it is too obvious?
Now what would an industrious country do with miles of oceanfront property with a substantial oil field offshore? Give it to the UN? I think not.
Americans should go to war to prevent the Mad Mullahs of Iran from building nuclear weapons.
If you think the Middle East is on fire now, just wait until the Mad Mullahs have nuclear weapons.
If the United States has any collective sense, it will prevent this from happening no matter what it takes. Time is running short.
Our current “leadership” in the United States does not have any sense.
I read yesterday that Israel has said they will attack the Mad Mullahs of Iran and their nuclear facilities if the United States does not do so. And of course, Israel has no choice but to do this. They cannot afford to let the religious fanatics in Tehran get nuclear weapons.
So war is coming with the Mad Mullahs whether people like it or not. The Mad Mullahs are already at war with us.
I see where radical leftists billioniare George Soros pays well to people who support the Mad Mullahs of Iran in the Biden (and formerly, Obama) administrations. Tens of millions of dollars is what I read yesterday.
But, Joe Biden is an appeaser at heart, so this situation with kowtowing to the Mad Mullahs would happen whether he was getting paid to do it or not.
Joe Biden has put the Western World in great danger with his totally destructive, delusional policies. The Existential threat to the United States is not CO2, it is radical Democrats like Biden. When they are in power, we are in great jeopardy. As now.
The ‘Mad Mullahs of Iran’ is the kind of blowback that ‘we’ (the people) get when ‘we’ (our governments) intervene in the political affairs of others. There have been no exceptions to this that I’m aware of.
Actually Brandon is bought and paid for.
He is, as every liberal, serving his own self interest, not the interests of the US.
It also looks like Biden may be serving the interests of the enemies of the United States.
The Biden family took millions of dollars from the Russians and the Chicoms. Why would the Russians and the Chicoms pay the Biden’s anything? That is the question the Biden’s need to answer, along with where all the money went.
The United States has a bought-and-paid-for president. The Russians and the Chicoms were not paying the Bidens for anything other than for influencing Joe Biden to do their bidding. The other members of the Biden family had nothing of value to offer, they were just conduits for the money payments.
What did you do for our enemies, Joe?
Please join me in these pledges to save the planet:
“I will never buy a superyacht, private jet or Rolls Royce, because these great personal sacrifices will help save the planet.”
If you want to do even more:
“I pledge to never fly to an annual COP (Climate Outrage Party) meeting, but will attend from home via Zoom.”
And for the ultimate sacrifice:
“I will buy four cases of beer and store them in my basement, permanently unopened, unless there is an emergency, as a personal carbon capture project.”
1,2… I can go along with… (except the attendance by Zoom.. no thanks).
3… “permanently unopened” … you gotta be joking !!
Zoom for COP speeches
Don’t you want to know that latest climate alarmist claptrap? Just for laughs if nothing else.
If the oceans are going to be boiling. I’m not going to plan a vacation at a seaside resort
If climate change will kill your dog, I’m not h going to get a dog. I’ll get a cat.
Yeah, seriously!
I doubt the existence of zero emission beer even if left unopened, but perhaps some emissions can cancel out others.
The Fool….Wrong Way Kerry….has only about one more year before the USA is de-Bidenised. I would like to meet Fool Kerry face to face and watch his face as I told him what I think about him and his communist party.
He’s not always going the wrong way (for himself). He knows how to marry well and knows who to kowtow to to enrich himself. I understand he was also adept at filling out the paperwork for getting purple heart medals.
They absolutely know about China’s CO2 emissions.
Who really thinks that China could get away with this if their junk science was valid?
That it’s China’s choice regarding whether they want to kill the planet for all 200 countries and 8 billion people.
We know that China is ramping up coal burning power plants and the alarmists know it too. We know that this will not kill the planet but their words intentionally mislead us to think that they think this WILL kill the planet.
However, actions speak louder than words.
Constantly giving China a free pass tells us they must know this.
That’s because they know there is no climate crisis.
Instead, This is all about government/political agenda, corrupted science, crony capitalism, misinformed but often sincere environmentalists and dishonest, ratings seeking, sensationalizing media/journalism.
Who could have imagined that tricking people into thinking that CO2 is a pollutant and hijacking climate science (rewriting climate history)could be used for all of that??
The ones doing it, that’s who!!
Starting with the United Nations over 3 decades ago when they created the IPCC for this very purpose.
Here we are, in 2023. Still using the IPCC reports like they are the climate Bible for this religion.
“Who could have imagined that tricking people into thinking that CO2 is a pollutant and hijacking climate science (rewriting climate history)could be used for all of that??”
That just goes to show that while this is supposed to be the age of enlightenment, where science rules over superstition and in most cases is divorced from religious beliefs, human nature has changed very little from those dark times.
In other words, the human tendency to gravitate to religious beliefs – and to swallow hook, line and sinker the orthodoxy of said beliefs without question – is still there. I’m not at all saying that having beliefs and participating in organized religion is bad. In fact, it is often beneficial as it strengthens bonds between people and fosters a sense of community. Plus, certain religions and churches do a considerable sum of charitable work.
However, when a religion turns into a cult, and its focus becomes dark and destructive, that is when that old human tendency to seek fulfillment in religion backfires. And in this case we have a worldwide (except China and India and some others) Jim Jones style doom cult in full swing. Problem is – they want us to drink the Koolaid while they abstain.
Get the US out of the UN, get the UN out of the US and where ever the UN goes they need to take Kerry with them.