An Open Letter to “Nuclear for Climate”

by Mike Jonas Today I received an email from the “Nuclear for Climate” organisation in Australia. The email is headed “We can give Australia a massive Economic and Environmental Boost…

Narwhals freeze? Really?

Guest essay by Mike Jonas The UK’s public broadcaster, the BBC, reported on 7 December 2017 that: Narwhal escape: Whales freeze and flee when frightened Scientists who fitted heart rate-monitoring…

Sun-Cloud-Ocean Update

Guest essay by Mike Jonas “so much to say…so little time.” – Roy Spencer I have at last found the time for the next step in my Sun-Cloud-Ocean calculations. But…

A Cloudy Question: was 'the pause' caused by a change in global cloud cover?

Guest essay by Mike Jonas I have been looking at some cloud data (from ISCCP: all available monthly “EQ” data (equal-area grid)) and an interesting question arises. I haven’t…

Inside the Climate Computer Models

Guest essay by Mike Jonas In this article, I take a look inside the workings of the climate computer models (“the models”), and explain how they are structured and how…

Circular Logic not worth a Millikelvin

Guest post by Mike Jonas A few days ago, on Judith Curry’s excellent ClimateEtc blog, Vaughan Pratt wrote a post “Multidecadal climate to within a millikelvin” which provided the content…

Peak Oil – the R/P Ratio re-visited

Guest post by Mike Jonas On Dec 13, Willis Eschenbach posted a convincing (and eloquent as always) argument “The R/P Ratio” against Peak Oil being imminent. I would like to…

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