…the older cars are more polluting than its modern equivalent.
Category: Net-Zero
The Green Energy Future Is Arriving Faster Than You Think — Or Not
It’s the usual touching faith that central planning really is going to work this time, because it will be done more intelligently.
Costs Beginning to Change the Net Zero Debate in the UK
But in Europe, and particularly in the UK, there are serious signs of shifting political winds.
Cobalt Carnage, Child Labor and Ecological Destruction
They labor ten to twelve hours a day in sweltering heat and toxic mud, water and dust, in enormous pits hundreds of feet deep – hacking at rocky walls and…
Intrusive ‘smart meters’ threaten to turn UK homes into Net Zero Panopticon
Smart meters are a 21st century panopticon: a way to ensure that you are constantly under surveillance, and always under control.”
FES 2023–The Emperor Still Has No Clothes!
This year’s National Grid’s Future Energy Scenarios has been released, and as before fails to address the real problems facing the pursuit of Net Zero.
World Now Wasting $1 Trillion Or More Per Year Investing in Useless “Renewables”
Even in the electricity sector, fossil fuels continued to grow. And the electricity sector is only about a quarter of primary energy consumption.
The IEA’s ‘Net Zero’ Roadmap Analyzed
…the IEA has allowed itself to be used as a tool for climate extremism, has misled policymakers, and has endangered the world’s economy and Western security, all while forsaking the…
India’s Record Aircraft Orders Ignore Climate Goals
Developing countries will continue to defy international climate goals as they become more intentional about addressing economic concerns.
Private Jets Keep Green Light as WEF Pushes to Remove 75% Of All Cars in Just 27 Years
A dictatorial climate policy will keeps the broad masses in their own little ghettos while the chosen elites will continue to jet around the globe “to save the climate”.
Sweden Deals Body Blow to EU Climate Change Agenda
..an important step in the right direction, implicitly acknowledging the low quality of unstable wind and solar, and is part of a general collapse of confidence in the renewable energy…
Alex Epstein LIVE at the Fall College Retreat
“If we follow net-zero policies, nobody likes to say this but it’s true, climate danger will drastically increase from today because today we’re artificially protected from climate by fossil fuels.”
A Comprehensive Critique of Net Zero Fantasies
Today, IEA is fairly described as a center of advocacy for elimination of fossil fuels from the world’s energy supply.
Germany’s Costly Energy Conundrum: Poor Planning and Bad Choices, 1 Trillion Dollars Needed.
Germany’s $1 trillion energy challenge serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that poor planning can have on a nation’s energy future.
The Potential Pitfalls of an Overly Ambitious Energy Transition: Lessons from Britain’s Green Energy Endeavors
A balanced and pragmatic approach that embraces a mix of energy sources may prove to be a more reliable and cost-effective solution in the pursuit of a sustainable future.
Column: Looming European Energy Crisis: A Lesson in Averages that Won’t Soon be Forgotten
A whole world of trouble will come your way if your plans are built on averages but you cannot live with the extremes.
“Green” Energy Threatens South Korea’s Economy
Businesses see these plans as “threatening to industries” as well as “far-fetched and ambiguous.”
Shakedown! Climate Governance Initiative (UK)
Rather than debate climate alarm and forced energy transformation, CGI wants to assume it and race down Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, the Utopia being Climate Stability (or some such thing).
Climate Lockdowns Begin: France bans short-haul flights in favor of train travel ‘to cut carbon emissions’
They’re going after your freedom of movement; they’re going after private car ownership, they’re going after everything it means to be a free person and turning it over to the…
ExxonMobil is Right, Net-Zero Efforts Will Cause a Lower Quality of Life
If voters were aware of the true costs of net-zero, the alarmist media and politicians may have a harder time forcing it on the public.
Lord Frost warns: Hurtling towards net zero at any cost will be a mistake
“I think people have got captured by this ideology. They believe the messaging without thinking about it rigorously.”
DAVID BLACKMON: The EU Chief Just Let Slip the Dirty Secret Behind The ‘Green’ Transition
That economic de-growth enforced by authoritarian governments is a fundamental element of its agenda.
King Charles backed these care homes for 40 years – now Net Zero is forcing them to close
It’s hard to think of anything more damning about the King’s obsession with climate change:
“No Bricks, No Glass, No Cement” – What Net Zero 2050 Demands According to Government-Funded Report
…phrases such as “economic and societal breakdown”, and “mediaeval mud huts within 30 years”, would appear to be increasingly justified.
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