I am continuing to work through the surprisingly difficult details inside what should be a straightforward calculation of “how much heat energy is exchanged (lost and gained) from the open Arctic ocean due to evaporation, convection, conduction and long wave radiation over a day” …
Thus far, I’ve got very good calculations for how much shortwave IR is received each day of the year, at each solar elevation angle each hour of the day …
But I am surprised at how little basic research and fundamental constants the papers and textbooks actually have on these fundamentals: The constants, the assumptions, the equations, the studies disagree widely an what should be basic heat and mass transfer even on something as “easy” as calculating the relative humidity from a dewpoint temperature and the hourly air temperatures. Even getting the hourly air temperatures for the Arctic has been a chore.
Anyone interested in checking my findings, in crowd-sourcing the heat transfer equations and approximations, or in critiquing what we discover is invited below to comment or contact information.
I am continuing to work through the surprisingly difficult details inside what should be a straightforward calculation of “how much heat energy is exchanged (lost and gained) from the open Arctic ocean due to evaporation, convection, conduction and long wave radiation over a day” …
Thus far, I’ve got very good calculations for how much shortwave IR is received each day of the year, at each solar elevation angle each hour of the day …
But I am surprised at how little basic research and fundamental constants the papers and textbooks actually have on these fundamentals: The constants, the assumptions, the equations, the studies disagree widely an what should be basic heat and mass transfer even on something as “easy” as calculating the relative humidity from a dewpoint temperature and the hourly air temperatures. Even getting the hourly air temperatures for the Arctic has been a chore.
Anyone interested in checking my findings, in crowd-sourcing the heat transfer equations and approximations, or in critiquing what we discover is invited below to comment or contact information.