This move is, to all intents and purposes, rationing. And the reason is quite clear – the closure of nearly all of our coal power capacity.
Tag: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Did Anyone Notice Today’s Climate Change School Strike?
Real problems, like Putin again threatening to use nuclear weapons to bolster his faltering attack on the Ukraine, are kindof sucking the oxygen from slow news day sensations like student…
CLINTEL to IPCC/COP26: AR6 Summary for Policymakers Flawed
“We conclude that the AR6 WG1 SPM regrettably does not offer an objective scientific basis on which to base policy discussions at COP26. It also fails to highlight the positive…
Scientists Go After The Media For Highlighting A Study Showing IPCC Climate Models Were Wrong
From The Daily Caller Michael Bastasch 9:16 AM 09/20/2017 A climate model expert told The Washington Post there would be “extra eyes really scrutinizing” a new study claiming climate models…
A Statistical Definition of the 'Hiatus in Global Warming' using NASA GISS and MLO data
Guest essay by Danley Wolfe WUWT posted a piece I submitted last September titled ‘A look at carbon dioxide vs. global temperature’. The main point I was trying to convey…
The Lewis and Crok exposition – Climate less sensitive to Carbon Dioxide than most models suggest
Full papers plus additional comments from co-author Nic Lewis follow. I have added some relevant diagrams and tables from the report, plus reproduced the foreword by Dr. Judith Curry as…
IPCC silently slashes its global warming predictions in the AR5 final draft
Guest essay by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Unnoticed, the IPCC has slashed its global-warming predictions, implicitly rejecting the models on which it once so heavily and imprudently relied. In the…
Many Climate Reconstructions Incorrectly Attributed to Temperature Change.
Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) set climate research back thirty years, mostly by focusing world attention on CO2 and higher temperature. It…
Oh say can you see modern sea level rise from a geological perspective?
Guest post by David Middleton Experts say the IPCC underestimated future sea level rise A new study surveys 90 sea level rise experts, who say sea level rise this century…
On the Futility of Long-Range Numerical Climate Prediction
Note: two events at AGU13 this morning dovetail in with this essay. The first, a slide from Dr. Judith Lean which says: “There are no operational forecasts of global climate…
Intelligence and the hockey stick
Guest essay by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley In 1990, the IPCC’s First Assessment Report showed a schematic demonstrating the then understanding that the medieval warm period had been appreciably warmer…
IPCC's Report on Climate Change: Myths & Realities
A World Meteorological Organization insider’s view of the IPCC report. Guest essay by Dr. S. Jeevananda Reddy Formerly Chief Technical Advisor – WMO/UN [A note to readers: English is not…
A Theory Ready for Extinction
Don’t worry too much over those warmist predictions that millions of species will soon be lost to climate change. Judging by their methods it is the doomsayers who are the…
HARRIS and KHANDEKAR: Blaming the developed world for the forces of nature
By Tom Harris and Madhav Khandekar Originally published in The Washington Times Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Bad science puts rich nations on the hook for trillions in climate liabilities Delegates…
WG1 co-chair Thomas Stocker abandons IPCC principles
Thomas Stocker, the co-chair of IPCC WG1, has been discussed previously on this blog. On 26th November he gave a talk at Imperial College on the messages from the AR5…
The Important Difference between Climatology and Climate Science
Why did the Royal Society need secret meetings? Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball Recent events underscore problems with understanding climate and how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…
New paper: climate models short on 'physics required for realistic simulation of the Earth system'
I’m pleased to have had a chance to to review this new paper just published in the Journal of Climate: An Evaluation of Decadal Probability Forecasts from State-of-the-Art Climate Models…
World agricultural output continues to rise, despite dire predictions of decline
Guest essay by Steve Goreham Originally published in The Washington Times The year 2013 has been a great year for global agriculture. Record world production of rice and healthy production…
The 'worse than we thought' model
From ETH Zurich: Underestimated future climate change? 25.11.2013 | Fabio Bergamin New model calculations by ETH researcher Thomas Frölicher show that global warming may continue after a stoppage of CO…
Stefan Rahmstorf and the consensus of experts on sea level -vs- reality, reality wins
From Stefan Rahmstorf and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Expert assessment: Sea-level rise could exceed 1 meter in this century In contrast, for a scenario with strong…
On CO2 residence times: The chicken or the egg?
While some model based claims say that CO2 residence times may be thousands of years, a global experiment in measurable CO2 residence time seems to have already been done for…
From 90% to 95% confidence level: How IPCC claims can be at the same time consistent and absurd.
We have been expecting too much from the IPCC about its confidence level increase: the explanation may actually be simple… and surprising. Guest essay by Stephane Rogeau Image: From IPCC…
Cowtan & Way off course
By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley This time last year, as the honorary delegate from Burma, I had the honor of speaking truth to power at the Doha climate conference by…
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